[TYLN] Mystery Hearts - Seeing and Expanding - v12 - issue2

Published: Thu, 02/11/16

Treasure Your Life Now eZine

February 11, 2016

formerly Picture to Ponder - Vol. 12 - Issue 2

Dear ,

As I was going through my files, the following images published here in 2008 surfaced. Given Valentine's day is coming up this weekend it seemed to be a good fit. Be sure to read through to the end. You'll find a collage of other "hearts" also found in Nature.

Heart image in palm leaf in post on Treasure Your Life Now ezine and blog

Heart image in palm leaf - vertical view in Treasure Your Life Now ezine and blog post

The Photos
a Heart as seen in a Palm Tree Leaf 

The yellow image in this palm tree leaf caught my eye as I was walking. It immediately said, "heart" to me. I took several photos, knowing that Valentine's Day was almost here.

I've included both the horizontal and vertical views of the image to demonstrate the different feelings that can be evoked by the changed perspectives.

To me the top, horizontal photo, seems as if it's more embracing than the lower more focused image. 

Self-Reflecting Queries:
The lighter yellow heart configuration is centered in the leaf with the folds of the leaf spreading out from the center, through the leaf and to the edges.

As I stayed with the photos, the following queries came up for me:

How expansive is your heart?

Does it encompass as many different areas as those we see in the leaf? More? Less?

Although it is the same leaf in each of the photos does it seem changed to you from one photo to the other?

Is there a difference for you in your response to the two different perspectives? 

Relationship Tip:
When observing and/or interacting with others, keep your experience of the above in mind. It is likely that there was a difference for you in your experience of the two images based on their direction shifts.

Someone, or thing, in a horizontal view is generally viewed as more restful; whereas vertical is more dominant and active.

If you find yourself reacting to a person's position, and it's interfering with what you want to express, remember that it may simply be you, with nothing intentional on the part of the other person.  Simply notice your thoughts and let them go. You could also express what is disturbing you and request a shift in position. Make sure you start your request with, "I [feel...]", rather than "You [make me...]" 

I am excited to announce I will be reviving and updating my Through and From the Lens Course. It will be even more interactive than in the past adapting to, and including, some new technology.

We will using Zoom video conferencing and screen sharing so that you can see each other and your photos. as we talk about your experiences with the simple weekly assignments.

Any camera is acceptable, including the one in your phone. The intent is to expand discovery and "see with new eyes." We will also be touching on how we can use what we do, and learn, to enhance our relationships with ourselves and others.

The course is 4 weeks and will be offered on Thursdays, late morning or early afternoon Eastern time, or Wednesday evenings, depending on demand. Although the Information page may not yet be complete with all details when you read this, there is a form at the bottom to indicate interest and preferred times. Click, or tap, on FromTheLens for more information.

Should you think you might be interested, please fill it in and submit, or reply to this email.

More Photos:
When I came across this issue's featured "heart" photos, I remembered some of the others in my collection. I put a few of them in the collage below.  One is also posted as a "Mystery Photo" on my Facebook Through and From the Lens page

Collage of Hearts in Nature on Treasure Your Life Now blog

Click, or tap, on the Hearts Collage to go to the Treasure Your Life Now site to see these heart photos in larger sizes.

May you have widespread love in and throughout all areas of your life.  Happy Valentine's Day to those who celebrate it.

To Wonder, Joy and Love,
Living and Loving with No Regrets.


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DISCLOSURE: From time to time, in Treasure Your Life Now, I include information on products and programs for which I may derive a small commission. This is what helps defray my publishing costs. I will only promote products and services of people with whom I'm familiar and in whose programs I've participated.

©2010 - 2016 Sheila Finkelstein - All rights reserved worldwide. Photos and written content are the property of Sheila Finkelstein and Treasure Your Life Now, unless otherwise noted. Photos and writings may be printed out for personal use and inspiration only.

All other rights are reserved. Modification, further reproduction, or distribution of any of the content is prohibited without express written permission. For this and other uses contact Sheila