[TYLN] Amaryllis - Perspectives - Close-up and Stepping Back - v12 - issue 3

Published: Wed, 02/17/16

Treasure Your Life Now eZine

February 17, 2016

formerly Picture to Ponder - Vol. 12 - Issue 3


As I was considering past Picture to Ponder issues and what photo or photos to share today, I started thinking of those with the subject "confrontation." Some interesting ones showed up and I decided to go with "exploration" and more traditionally perceived "beauty," rather than fully confrontational, so...  

Today's Photos -
Amaryllis in the American Orchid Society greenhouse when the latter was in Delray Beach, FL

Amaryllis flowers in a group in Treasure Your Life Now ezine and blog post

close up of Amaryllis flower in Treasure Your Life Now ezine and blog post

Close up of Amaryllis flower in Treasure Your Life Now ezine and blog post

macro view close up of Amaryllis flower in Treasure Your Life Now ezine and blog post

Today's Photos' Story 
While enjoying viewing and photographing Phalaenopsis orchids on a visit to the AOS gardens, I glanced ahead and over to my left and was immediately captivated by these flowers. They were larger than any of the surrounding orchids and it was the first time that I had seen Amaryllis there, either in the greenhouse or on the grounds. 

I had been in conflict as to which of the many photographs I took that day to share in Picture to Ponder. I finally decided to go with the sequence above. Many subscribers who had answered a survey I did made note of having become more tuned in to looking at things and images from different perspectives as a result of their experiences with that recurring theme here.

Insofar as my own responses, I love the top photo for the dramatic ("Come look at me," from the front flower) and the joyful ("Let's play together in a circle") feeling I get from the "landscape" view.

By the time I get down to the third flower, not surprisingly, I see a "face" two, almost squinting eyes, anyway. I get lost in the fourth photo, not sure I want to be there. It's almost a relief to get back up to the first photo.


Self-Reflecting Queries -
For today, I invite you to take time with each of the Amaryllis photographs, individually. Make note, perhaps in writing, of what comes up for you, as you VIEW each image. 

I then invite you to compare your responses with my observations. I suggest this as opportunity for you to be directly aware of probable differences of experience and the okay-ness of each. 

Were there differences?

Did you prefer the full view, intermediate or close-up?

And, there might not be a preference at all since each response might have been unique for you.

Note: As I was doing my final edit, the word "confront" popped into my mind. I wonder if that was the experience for me with the last photo. 

What about you? Did you find it all confrontational?

If so, how do you respond when confronted? Obviously, I withdraw, since I went back to the "happy" photo.

Relationship Tips:
For fun, I invite you to share these photos and queries with someone else and compare responses, yours, theirs and mine.

This is, of course, one more way of tuning into and ACCEPTING that all perceptions and perspectives have value.

Make note of how the person(s) with whom you share respond. Do they favor the closer view or the overall picture?  Which is their ultimate preference?

Then keep this in mind the next time you are communicating, particularly on an issue where you might want some resolution.

Always remember that another's perspective may be different from yours. Communication can be facilitated if you check out their points of view also.

As always, have fun with this and please post your comments on the blog

The page for the Through and From The Lens Course is almost set. Through your own photographs... what catches your eye and then your camera's... we will be sharing and experiencing many points of view... plus much more.

There will be a night session and a day session, your choice for participation. Classes will be starting on Wednesday night, March 16th, and Thursday morning or afternoon, March 17th.  

If you think you might be interested it would be most helpful to me, you and other potential participants, if I got your feedback on time preferences.

Please respond here and  email me with what time(s) would work for you, should you wish to participate.

To Wonder, Joy and Love in
A world Full of Many Wondrous Perspectives,
Living and Loving with No Regrets.


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DISCLOSURE: From time to time, in Treasure Your Life Now, I include information on products and programs for which I may derive a small commission. This is what helps defray my publishing costs. I will only promote products and services of people with whom I'm familiar and in whose programs I've participated.

©2010 - 2016 Sheila Finkelstein - All rights reserved worldwide. Photos and written content are the property of Sheila Finkelstein and Treasure Your Life Now, unless otherwise noted. Photos and writings may be printed out for personal use and inspiration only.

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