[TYLN] Are Different Points of Views Presenting a Challenge?

Published: Thu, 03/03/16

Treasure Your Life Now eZine

March 3, 2016

formerly Picture to Ponder - Vol. 12 - Issue 4

Hi ,

It is again the time of year when Wetlands Irises have bloomed in Wakodahatchee and Green Cay Wetlands. I've yet to see any sign of them this year. As I recall the irises, though, I am moved to share one of my favorite photos from two different perspectives.  As you look at them you may very well see them quite differently from me.

The opportunity for seeing and experiencing different points of view, in an easy and fun environment, is one of the benefits of the upcoming Interactive Through and From The Lens course. Revamped and updated to take advantage of new technology, the four-week program is launching in 3 weeks. [Information below.]

The past few days I've experienced seeing some of my previously published photos in totally different ways... sometimes not even seeing the imagery I originally wrote about.

Conversely, what I see in the segment to the left, cropped from the larger photo below, remains consistent... a Pioneer woman sitting in a covered wagon with arms extended, holding her bundled infant. There is a warmth and gentleness, a feeling of deep and loving connection... elements that are possible to capture with your eye and camera.

[The how-to's of connecting are described in an interview I did with Rufina James. Simply hit reply to this email, with your request, and I'll send the recording to you.]

And, back to the photo, what do you see and feel as you look at this image?

Today's Photo -


Above is the full photo, backlit with late afternoon sunlight. What do you see as you step into the photo with your eyes?

Self-Reflecting Queries and Relationship Tips -
SRQs - I've been speaking of your relationship to your camera and yourself, sometimes to another person. I invite you to start observing yourself as you take photos, or consider taking them.  Can you see any patterns on what catches your eye?  Are there particular behaviors that are consistent when you use a camera? In the noticing, is there anything you can transfer to other areas of your life?

Relationship Tip - When you are not clear about an interest or hobby that someone close to you has, welcome it as an opportunity to ask questions and learn more. Be sure you are coming from an open space, not a judgmental one, when you do this.

One of the things you can also do is use your camera as a tool for focusing in on that interest of your loved one, opening up new perspectives for you and new openings for conversation.

As an example, one of my clients could not understand her husband's passion for cars and the hours he spent underneath their hoods. His seeming to prefer his cars to her at times was posing a challenge for them.

I suggested she take her camera and look for interesting shapes, colors, textures under the hood as he worked; then "snap" whatever caught her eye. Sure enough, this resulted in new conversations and understandings between them, including some sharing in other areas of their life that heretofore had never been expressed.

Not everyone is passionate about cars. You might start noticing, and taking pictures, when one or the other is preparing food in the kitchen, doing any kind of other activity, even fingers on a computer keyboard or musical instrument.

As you are doing this, keep in mind, it is NOT about the picture(s) you are taking, it's about the focusing, the noticing, the connections. The camera is simply a tool.

Please add to the Comments section on the BLOG your thoughts and/or experiences in relation to using the camera as a tool for communication. 

A Place to Experience and Practice
these relationship tools, with yourself as well as others...

I actually saw the "Covered Wagon" imagery after I'd downloaded the photo into my computer. That's the time that very often the full experience and impact of the photo comes us, after it's taken and downloaded into the computer. Seeing and appreciating different perspectives is part of what we look at during our four weeks together in Through and From The Lens.

Click here or on the photo to get to page with a 2-minute video.
Watch for photos introduced about halfway through.

The Interactive Through and From The Lens course starts on Wednesday night, March 23rd for those interested in the night session and Thursday, March 24th, for those who prefer afternoons. Details are on the video page linked above or click/tap on Participatory Course/

During the four weeks participants will be using the cameras... digital or phone... to discover how to broaden their SEEing and connections with self and others. In the video recorded sessions photos, experiences and interpretations will be shared with one another.

Experience Awe and Wonder in your life. Join us in the course.

To Wonder, Joy and Love in
A world Full of Many Wondrous Perspectives,
Living and Loving with No Regrets.


© 2004 - 2016 Sheila Finkelstein All rights reserved worldwide.

LoveWithNoRegrets.com - Get "55 Ways to Show Love"
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DISCLOSURE: From time to time, in Treasure Your Life Now, I include information on products and programs for which I may derive a small commission. This is what helps defray my publishing costs. I will only promote products and services of people with whom I'm familiar and in whose programs I've participated.

©2010 - 2016 Sheila Finkelstein - All rights reserved worldwide. Photos and written content are the property of Sheila Finkelstein and Treasure Your Life Now, unless otherwise noted. Photos and writings may be printed out for personal use and inspiration only.

All other rights are reserved. Modification, further reproduction, or distribution of any of the content is prohibited without express written permission. For this and other uses contact Sheila