[TYLN] A short, fun video plus an Unexpected Sunset - Are assumptions holding you back?

Published: Wed, 11/23/16

Treasure Your Life Now eZine

November 23, 2016

Vol. 12 -Issue 19 - formerly Picture to Ponder 

Sun Rising over the Atlantci

Hi .

My message today is to simply wish you a Happy, Peaceful Thanksgiving (or day/evening wherever you are whenever you read this). May it have the soft light and glow that these sunset photos are putting forth.

Story and Thoughts  -  Plus a Video for Fun -

Recently we've had some beautiful sunsets here in South Florida, with lots of beautiful clouds reflecting a wide range and pastel and deep pinks with some orange colors and reds. On the afternoon that I took the pictures above, the sky was cloudless as you see. I made the assumption that it would not be an interesting sunset, but I'd go over to Green Wetlands anyway, planning for a faster walk than usual.

After about five or ten minutes I glanced over at the setting sun and experienced the warmth and richness of it and its glow. I started appreciating the "no clouds" to "distract" from the experience.

I then began to think, "I could have missed this. I wonder how many times I don't take action because I make the assumption that it won't produce the results that I want.  'So why bother?'"  Of course, no action produces no results.

Fun Video -

As contrasted with the above, in the following situation I was told by someone else (the software company) that what I wanted and expected would not work.  I acted anyway and ended up having a lot of fun. I'm sharing it with you so you can have smile along with me.

Tap or click on the screen shot to see the video. It will take you to YouTube. I was "playing" with a Virtual Background, a feature that can now be used Zoom.us with computers that have strong enough processors.The full explanation and how-to is in the video. You can read about it underneath the video on YouTube and grab the Zoom tutorial links from the more information section.


Zoom is the program that I've mentioned many times here. One of my favorites, it's the perfect way to meet with family and friends no matter where they live.

Self-Reflecting Queries -

Are there times that you don't take action because you anticipate that you expectations will be unfulfilled?

I invite you to be in the query and when you catch yourself, take some action anyway. Be open to unexpected delights.

And, though you may be reading this after Thanksgiving here in the States, wherever you are, I extend the following invitation.

When something happens that you don't want, especially in a relationship, look for some small piece for which you can express gratitude. Take an positive action that might be unexpected by either of you. You may be surprised at how much better you'll feel.

Comments -
Please share on the blog any of your experiences as you read today's issue. 

With Gratitude. Thank you for being in my life.

To Discovery - Wonder, Joy and Love in 
A world Full of Many Wondrous Perspectives,
Living and Loving with No Regrets.



©2010 - 2016 Sheila Finkelstein - All rights reserved worldwide. Photos and written content are the property of Sheila Finkelstein and Treasure Your Life Now, unless otherwise noted. Photos and writings may be printed out for personal use and inspiration only.

All other rights are reserved. Modification, further reproduction, or distribution of any of the content is prohibited without express written permission. For this and other uses contact Sheila

DISCLOSURE: From time to time, in Treasure Your Life Now, I include information on products and programs for which I may derive a small commission. This is what helps defray my publishing costs. I will only promote products and services of people with whom I'm familiar and in whose programs I've participated.