[TYLN] Flowers and Focus - Do you see the big picture or parts?

Published: Fri, 12/16/16

Treasure Your Life Now eZine

December 16, 2016

Vol. 12 -Issue 21 - formerly Picture to Ponder 

Hi .

Over the years, we've talked about Focus in Picture to Ponder/Treasure Your Life now. In preparing for this issue, several ideas had been running around in my head and I hadn't taken action yet. Then I got a delivery of flowers for my birthday from my beloved son, daughter-in-law and grandsons in another state.

http://Treasureyourlifenow.com - Candy stripe lily bud straight on

The "focus" idea came to me.  "Where would I/we find the most richness... in the overview of the whole bouquet, or in the individual flowers?"

What adds to the interest for me is that these flowers, "Candy Stripe Lilies," are new to me AND most of the flowers in the bouquet are still in bud stage. Being more lengthy buds than the flowers I've usually photographed, I'm interested to see what develops.

http://Treasureyourlifenow.com - Candy stripe lily bud long

It will also be interesting to see this seemingly pink flower turn into something different. So certainly looking at the parts intrigues me.

What happens when I/we look at the full picture?

http://Treasureyourlifenow.com - Candy stripe lilies bouquet mostly buds

When I look at the full picture my eye gravitates to the parts. In the above photo I notice the "zebra" striping in the vase. I wonder if anyone else will notice and be disturbed by it. It seems I'm most often thinking of the other person first or is it about my "looking good."  I, of course, immediately went to investigate and discovered it was reflections of venetian blinds in the red vase... an easy fix, if I want it for future photographs.

Self-Reflecting Queries -
So now we come to you. I invite you to take on the "Where is My Focus" query in your life... in your visual world and in your internal world.

Is it the big picture or individual parts?  Does it differ when you look at what's around you in your physical space from what happens in your internal spaces... your mental thoughts, planning, etc.? Or is it analogous?

Might becoming more aware of this help you move you forward in your life?  Or perhaps the simple acceptance of who you are and your style as OK is all that is required.

Relationship Tip -
Keep in mind as you are noticing more how you view your worlds... in parts or as a whole...  that those people with whom you are communicating might be seeing things totally differently. It always pays to check with them on what their perspectives are.
Comments -
Please share any of your experiences, as you read today's issue, in the "Leave a Reply" section at the bottom of this post on the blog


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Birthdays Celebration Special - Last week, as I mentioned, was Picture to Ponder's Birthday. Mine is tomorrow, the 17th. - In Celebration I'm offering a special on Banana Sky DVD, my photography and healing music by Jeannie Fitzsimmons. 

A description, testimonials and a one-minute video preview can be seen by clicking or tapping on Banana Sky DVD. Normally $9.99... Special $5.00 through December 31st. Simply use the link on that page.

For Those in Business
David Perdew, Founder of NAMS - Novice to Advanced Marketing Systems - has once again put together December Specials with some exciting tried and proven products for Internet Marketers. If that's you, I invite you to tap or click on DECEMBER DEALS to see if there's anything there in the upcoming days that might be a fit for you.

With Gratitude,
Thank you for being in my life and Celebrating Picture to Ponder / Treasure Your Life Now with me.

To Discovery - Wonder, Joy and Love in 
A world Full of Many Wondrous Perspectives,
Living and Loving with No Regrets.



©2010 - 2016 Sheila Finkelstein - All rights reserved worldwide. Photos and written content are the property of Sheila Finkelstein and Treasure Your Life Now, unless otherwise noted. Photos and writings may be printed out for personal use and inspiration only.

All other rights are reserved. Modification, further reproduction, or distribution of any of the content is prohibited without express written permission. For this and other uses contact Sheila

DISCLOSURE: From time to time, in Treasure Your Life Now, I include information on products and programs for which I may derive a small commission. This is what helps defray my publishing costs. I will only promote products and services of people with whom I'm familiar and in whose programs I've participated.