[TYLN] I've been hiding out like the face in the flower (see photo inside)

Published: Mon, 09/17/18

Treasure Your Life Now eZine
September 16, 2018
Vol. 14 -Issue 1 - formerly Picture to Ponder 

Hi .

You are receiving this because at some point in the past 14 years you have subscribed to Picture to Ponder or  the Treasure Your Life Now ezine.

"Is it Over?" asked the Lysianthus bud who had wanted to open up and be full and beautiful.

Lisianthus flower - bud at end of broken stem

This bud and flower, with the query, have been sitting on my desktop for several weeks waiting for me to take action and send them to you...simply, sadly waiting.

Pink Lisianthus flower

Then I came across the photos below from one of the very early issues of Picture to Ponder in February 2005.

Tropical Bromeliad with Hidden Face

Do you see the almost “hidden” face? When I recently looked at the photo I did not see it initially, even after I read that it was there.  It was in “hiding”.

Hidden Face in Tropical Bromeliad

Then it hit me that I, too, have been “hiding out”… from you, my community whom I’ve so appreciated over the years… some who have been, here from the beginning... 14 years ago coming up in December!  And, I’ve been hiding out from myself.

Going back over the past years, I found comments many of you had made, often about  the differences my photos, stories and queries had sparked in you.

Some of the story behind this is that I was operating under the assumption that you expected me to follow the format originally set up - a photo, or photos…description and/or story of it/them….then one, or more, Self-Reflecting Queries.  Added to that was one or more relevant Relationship Tips when I added/converted to Treasure Your Life Now as the title.

Although I've continued to take “eye-catcher” photos, they weren’t sparking “Queries” for me, as such, so rather than continue to “struggle” with not living into “your (presumed) expectations”, I stopped writing and publishing “Photos and Queries”.

I forgot that I was the one who had set the “rules”, not you. And  I NEVER checked them out with you or gave you a chance to experience satisfaction with my work however you wished to receive it.

I’ve not followed one of my own persistent themes throughout the Picture to Ponder history, "Always check with those with whom you are communicating exactly what it is they ARE thinking or saying before interacting with the from what you assume it is."

I invite you to look into your life… Are there any places where you’ve been stopping/hiding out based on your assumptions of what another person, or other people, are expecting from you?  If so, I invite you to check this out with them.

With that, I’d also like to hear what it is you would like to see from me… how I can be supporting you in fulfilling your life’s desires. See YOUR UPDATES below.

RE, my first question, "Is it over?"

No, Treasure Your Life Now Ezine is not over.  With this issue I simply want to say, I am back. I will share my “noticings”… sometimes including links to videos I’ve been creating in a variety of ways. I've especially been loving the iMovie app on my iPhone.

In the over a year since I've communicated with you, despite feeling somewhat bored with it, I've continued taking photos of wood knots and other images as they caught my eye on my walks.

And then I finally started taking photos again in my home of flowers, cut fruits and vegetables. I began to really feel myself becoming more alive!  Once again I was having fun noticing all kinds of different images in the shapes and textures as I played with pieces and particles.

To get a sense of what I've been experiencing, I invite you to "meet me" in "
Beauty and Play - Red Onion and Some Hair". Tap/click on the link or on the image below:

Beauty and Play - Red Onion and Some Hair - Video

As I explored I continued more noticing and discovering that shriveled up pieces of vegetables became resilient again when I hydrated them. Then I, too, became more resilient, excited and alive.

It's the wanting to share that with others that had me start doing more videos, experimenting with different ways of creating them.

I will send a video with the hydration story in the next issue. 

I will also be announcing my upcoming expanded course known, in the past, to increase creativity, left brain and right brain activity, as we explore different elements in our worlds using our cameras... shift perspectives, resulting in fun, play and ease in life in general and even more quickly find alternative solutions to everyday challenges that crop up.

I would love to read what’s happening with you and your responses to what I’ve shared here.  You are welcome to reply directly to Sheila[a]TreasureYourLifeNow.com or comment in the REPLY space below this post on the TreasureYourLifeNow.com/blog.

I was hit with the knowing that I have done a disservice to you. For that I apologize and, again, ask to be forgiven.

To Discovery - Wonder, Joy and Love in 
A world Full of Many Wondrous Perspectives,
Living and Loving with No Regrets.




©2004 - 2018 Sheila Finkelstein - All rights reserved worldwide. Photos and written content are the property of Sheila Finkelstein and Treasure Your Life Now, unless otherwise noted. Photos and writings may be printed out for personal use and inspiration only.

All other rights are reserved. Modification, further reproduction, or distribution of any of the content is prohibited without express written permission. For this and other uses contact Sheila

DISCLOSURE: From time to time, in Treasure Your Life Now, I include information on products and programs for which I may derive a small commission. This is what helps defray my publishing costs. I will only promote products and services of people with whom I'm familiar and in whose programs I've participated.