[TYLN] Are you focused on the clouds or the moon in your life? Photos and Videos Inside

Published: Mon, 09/19/16

Treasure Your Life Now eZine

September 19, 2016

Vol. 12 -Issue 16 - formerly Picture to Ponder 

Hi .

Last week, as you likely know, was this year's Harvest Moon, the moon that's closest every year to the Autumn equinox. As I've written in the past, I am blessed to live about 20 minutes from the ocean. In addition to going there a few times a year for sunrise, I particularly enjoy driving to the beach for full moonrise... hopefully catching it as it appears to emerge from the horizon.

Often there are clouds along the horizon, so it's a short time before the full moon appears. This year as my friend and I were approaching an area above the beach, the moon had just started to appear on the horizon. I immediately began photographing and videoing with my iPhone.  

Harvest moon begins to move into clouds

As the moon started moving into the clouds, I grabbed my Canon point and shoot camera and switched to video mode.

Harvest moon halfway through clouds
The photo shown above was snapped after I videoed the clouds as the moon went through them.

Harvest moon 2016 moving through clouds.
(Tap or click on the image to watch the video)
You can also see the first iPhone video with the moon, as it was emerging on the horizon, by tapping or clicking on the moonrise video playlist. It's a little jerky because I was attempting to unlock my camera bag with my right hand to get Canon out. With my left hand I was supporting the iPhone in video mode on a mini-tripod on a railing.

Note the quote in the screenshot of the video:

"When clouds seem to cover up your life, know that it's temporary. It won't be long before you can shine again."  

This was the immediate response my friend and mentor Ellen Finkelstein had when viewing the video. She is encouraging me to add quotes to my photos and get them out in the world in that way, so she sent it to me.

Related Self-Reflecting Queries -

Are there areas in your life now that feel as if they are clouded?  

Can you see past them?

What if you were to simply visualize the steady movement of the clouds passing over the moon, as they are in this video, any time you might get into that state?

What might be possible?

As I related my story above, I also described the jerkiness of my iPhone as I was doing two things at once. My ultimate solution - I brazenly asked a passerby to open the latch on my camera bag for me.  

Are you one who easily asks for help, or are you a "I'll-do-it-myself"er?

If the latter, what could be possible for you if you created some freedom for yourself in asking for support?

More on and from Ellen Finkelstein -

Ellen is an expert in two areas - Change the World Marketing for Small Business owners and a Power Point Presentation expert and writer of several books. This week on Wednesday she is offering two exciting programs that I think will be of interest to some of you.

For those who would like to hear about strongly finishing out the year, Ellen is interviewing Gary Ryan Blair, known as The Goals Guy and #1 Best Selling Author of "Everything Counts."  

"GARY has cracked the code on what it takes to get 10 years worth of results in just 100 days. 

He uses a no-nonsense, highly focused, and disciplined approach to transform results for people all over the world. His clientele is a who’s who in the areas of Sports, Business, Entertainment and Politics. In fact, over 60% of the Fortune 500 use his products and services to build and sustain superior performance."

To hear/see the FREE interview on Wednesday at 11 am PT / 2 pm ET, and/or get the replay, tap or click on Star Power Half Hour.

For those of you who are Trainers or in Marketing which I think fits for some of you: 

Ellen is interviewing Diane Currie Sam who specializes in teaching how storytelling can transform online training. Click or tap on the title link to register for this free 3 Surprising Ways Storytelling Will Revolutionize Your Online Training to be on it live Wednesday 1 am PT/ 4 pm ET and/or get the replay.

Update on Writing for Self-Discovery: Creating Breakthroughs

From a Review on Amazon

wfsd"I do not historically use writing for self-discovery. I use it to share my research, write and record CDs on meditation, and prepare papers for delivery at conventions and conferences...

Now I found Sheila has once again taught me a part of the world I could not see -
 that self-discovery available to each and every one of us through writing.

... by reading this book, you and I get a glimpse into the art of self-discovery through writing and how it is possible for the you and me people in the world to use this to have fuller lives."
Ina R. Ames

To get the book or see more, tap or click Writing for Self-Discovery: Creating Breakthroughs.

A Bonus for everyone - If you are on a tablet or computer, check the Look Inside section for Invitation from the Author portion with links to Free Tools. Unfortunately this part does not show up on a SmartPhone.  

Email me if you can't find it and I will send you the links that you'll see below. Note - What I'm showing you is a screen shot from that section in the Kindle book for you to see what's available. The seeming individual links showing here

Gift tools in Invitation from the Author


are NOT clickable.They ARE clickable online in the Look Inside section of the BOOK and in the book itself if you have it. 

And as I said above you can also email me requesting them.
Comments -
Please share on the blog any of your experiences as you read today's issue.

Thank you for being in my life.

To Discovery - Wonder, Joy and Love in 
A world Full of Many Wondrous Perspectives,
Living and Loving with No Regrets.



©2010 - 2016 Sheila Finkelstein - All rights reserved worldwide. Photos and written content are the property of Sheila Finkelstein and Treasure Your Life Now, unless otherwise noted. Photos and writings may be printed out for personal use and inspiration only.

All other rights are reserved. Modification, further reproduction, or distribution of any of the content is prohibited without express written permission. For this and other uses contact Sheila

DISCLOSURE: From time to time, in Treasure Your Life Now, I include information on products and programs for which I may derive a small commission. This is what helps defray my publishing costs. I will only promote products and services of people with whom I'm familiar and in whose programs I've participated.