[TYLN] What might resistance be costing you?

Published: Thu, 10/17/19

Treasure Your Life Now eZine
October 17, 2019
Vol. 15 - Issue 8 - formerly Picture to Ponder 

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Hi ,

TODAY'S PHOTO - Blended White and Purple Alstroemeria -
The lower two photos, taken at different times, were combined into the single image shown on the top using the Photoshop Elements editing program.

White and Purple Alstroemeria Blended using Photoshop Elements

Several years ago, long before my iPhone camera and all its Apps, I took an online course on using Photoshop Elements for editing photos on my computer. For six years I had been resisting using the Photoshop program for anything beyond basic resizing, sometimes cropping, occasional minor color adjustment and sometimes touch-up, eliminating small, distracting spots.

In various issues of Picture to Ponder, I'd even written about wanting to remain "pure" to the photography, actually being somewhat defensive. As I reflected on it when I wrote this article, I realized how "positional" I had been. I had even totally forgotten that observation.

In fulfilling the assignment for the course to create a blended photo, I became delighted with the achievement that produced the end result.

When I recently came across the featured photo, as I was looking through past issues, I once again found myself appreciating the light, airy, as well as almost mystical, feeling that the image exudes. I even printed it out and have it on the wall next to my desk.

It is also a reminder of what can become possible when letting go resistance and taking on something one step-at-a-time.

And to update into my world today... When I take the time, I love editing some of my iPhone photos with one or more of the many photo editing apps. It's one of the many ways I can be creative.

What do you do to satisfy the creative juices wanting to flow out from you?

Who or where in your life are the people or projects holding together the significant parts? [In this case the top photo with its beauty is holding together the two bottom photos.]

Although the components might be at different stages of opening, as the flowers above, can you see the importance of each to the whole?

Also, are there things or people in your life that you really appreciate and may, simply, be taking for granted?

I also invite you to stop, look closely at those people or situations from many angles and see what new you might find, something you may never have seen before.

I then invite you to communicate with those whom you've been taking for granted. Express your appreciation and whatever else you noticed.

I love creating and then I often stop at the sharing what I've created.

In the last issue, and maybe in one or two a while ago, I mentioned my online gallery that has a sampling of all the different variations of art I've produced: Fantasy Landscapes and Photographs and Photo/Drawings in many different categories.

If you haven't yet visited it, I invite you to do so now (tap/click on) Sheila's Gallery. The link also is, and will now continue to be, in my signature below.

I THANK YOU for being in my world.


As always, your response to the photos, queries and other comments are welcome. Please write them in the Leave a Reply box under the post on the blog or reply to this email, using the address [email protected]


[email protected]
https://sheila-finkelstein.pixels.com - Sheila's online print gallery

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©2004 - 2019 Sheila Finkelstein - All rights reserved worldwide. Photos and written content are the property of Sheila Finkelstein and Treasure Your Life Now, unless otherwise noted. Photos and writings may be printed out for personal use and inspiration only.

All other rights are reserved. Modification, further reproduction, or distribution of any of the content is prohibited without express written permission. For this and other uses contact Sheila

DISCLOSURE: From time to time, in Treasure Your Life Now, I include information on products and programs for which I may derive a small commission. This is what helps defray my publishing costs. I will only promote products and services of people with whom I'm familiar and in whose programs I've participated.