[TYLN] Chat live with me today, Saturday 8-8?

Published: Sat, 08/08/20

Treasure Your Life Now eZine
August 8, 2020
Vol.16 - Issue 1/formerly Picture to Ponder

You are receiving this email because at some point in the past 15 1/2 years you have subscribed to Picture to Ponder and/or Treasure Your Life Now ezine.

Dear ,

If you've been a subscriber for some time, or a new subscriber, did you ever wish we could meet and chat face-to-face? If you open this email before or between Noon and 8 PM Eastern time today 8-8-20, and have some time available, I invite you to visit with me in my room (on Zoom) at the Free Virtual Health and Wellness Psychic Fair. See  https://bit.ly/88virtualfair 

My focus is Get Unstuck - Use Easy, Fun Creativity to Shift Your Perspective and Solve Problems.  After coming into the room you can ask the Zoom Engineer in Chat to put you in my Room 35 - Sheila Finkelstein

Now Update with Photos and Queries 

Unfortunately, as you know, we all have been going through challenging times.  I have been helping Seniors adapt to the world of technology, needed so much more now than in the past, with a focus on how to use Zoom.  

During this time my passion keeps resurfacing for sharing and opening up people to using their innate creativity, often unrecognized or unacknowledged by them, to see things in new and different ways. Thus I am back to focusing on fun and easy ways of shifting perspectives, transforming relationships with self and others when it will further our well-being. My mission is for all of us to fully believe in and honor ourselves and others. 

orange and lemons in water for drink

Relevant to this mission, so many of issues of Picture to Ponder and Treasure Your Life Now had Shifting Perspectives as the underlying theme. As I get inspired reviewing many of them, I will be bringing many back to you. The following Photos, story and query are from an issue in 2011!

Given so much of our time is now inside with many of you likely doing a lot of food preparation, today's featured photos and queries popped out for me. Although the fruit was in a water pitcher at a hotel, the thought can be applied to today's kitchens. You can likely see interesting imagery in a blender, if you use one in your kitchen, or even when looking through a drinking glass.

Today's Picture to Ponder Photos -

orange, lime and lemons in water for flavoring in a dispensing container

From time-to-time, I've seen fruited water in various hotel lobbies. I was at a conference and became particularly captivated with this set-up in the lobby. I  pulled out my iPhone and took some photographs. [Now my iPhone is almost always in my pocket ready to photograph "eye-catchers."]

The top photo is a section cropped from the image we see just above. Instead of waiting until I got home and downloaded the photo to my computer, I cropped and enhanced it slightly, while still on the phone, using an iPhone edit application.

I love the shapes, colors and textures in the top photo, plus the reflections, in the second photo. Should we wish to focus on reflections, the full-view picture below offers plenty of opportunities for that.

fruited water in an urn in a hotel lobby

In my Through and From The Lens classes, we start our first session using a "view finder" (a 1/4 to 1/2 inch opening cut out of a piece of paper) to wander through a picture, "seeing"/comparing all the many variables of a particular photograph.

I invite you to do the same with any of these photographs. Did you discover anything different from what you first saw? 

Self-Reflecting Queries -
The subject of "Filters" came up for me when I originally captured these photos. There is the tendency to go through our days, or portions thereof, on "automatic pilot." We assume that we truly know what we are seeing or that we fully understand what is being said. When looking from a new Perspective much of that is apt to change. 

We can see the water being offered, think, "That's nice," stop to drink, or continue on, and/or have all kinds of other assumptions and judgments about it. In the meantime we totally ignore the beauty and possibilities of what's in front of us.

Yes, I was still looking through the glass when I stopped to photograph it. On the other hand, by focusing and looking at the segments in today's images, we have the opportunity of seeing much more than we initially thought.

As always, I invite you to look around in your world, both internal and external. Find one or more everyday, taken-for-granted "scenes or situations." What are the "Filters" through which you've been viewing them? Can you make a shift, refocus? If so, what do you see now? Have the textures changed? Anything else?

Back to the Possibilities of Meeting Face-to-Face to Chat -
Again Saturday, 8/8 from Noon to 8 PM Eastern is an opportunity at the Free Virtual Health and Wellness Psychic Fair. See for details and to register https://bit.ly/88virtualfair 
Any time 
after coming into the room, you can ask the Zoom Engineer in Chat to put you in my room Sheila Finkelstein, Door 35.

If you do you wish to chat with me at any point and you opened this too late for Saturday, or the time is not convenient, reply to this email or write to me at [email protected]. Put CHAT in the subject line. If 5 or more people request it, I'll set up a group chat on Zoom and get back to you with details.

As always, your response to the photos, queries and other comments are welcome. Please send them in  reply to this email, using the address [email protected]

Thank you for being in my life.


[email protected]
https://sheila-finkelstein.pixels.com - Sheila's online print gallery

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©2004 - 2020 Sheila Finkelstein - All rights reserved worldwide. Photos and written content are the property of Sheila Finkelstein and Treasure Your Life Now, unless otherwise noted. Photos and writings may be printed out for personal use and inspiration only.

All other rights are reserved. Modification, further reproduction, or distribution of any of the content is prohibited without express written permission. For this and other uses contact Sheila

DISCLOSURE: From time to time, in Treasure Your Life Now, I include information on products and programs for which I may derive a small commission. This is what helps defray my publishing costs. I will only promote products and services of people with whom I'm familiar and in whose programs I've participated.