[TYLN/PTP] Sun shining on the New Year - a Gift - Photos and Reflections download

Published: Mon, 01/04/21

Treasure Your Life Now eZine
January 3, 2021
Vol. 16 - Issue 1 - formerly Picture to Ponder 

Hi ,

Wishing you a Bright, Health, Happy, Peaceful Prosperous New Year.  

Radiating sunrise over Delray Beach ocean
An golden sunrise over the ocean in Delray Beach, FL.

Although I’ve had some unexpected things happen, I’m blessed that all of my family, immediate and extended, and I have been healthy and well. I sincerely hope the same holds true for each of you. 

I suspect that, as we left the year 2020, one that has been different from any other than most of us have experienced in our lifetimes and moved into 2021, you have been doing a lot of reflecting.

To add another dimension to your reflecting, I'm pleased to gift you my "Reflections: Photos and Queries - Using Photography for Breakthrough Shifts in Seeing, Communicating and Being."

Part of a series, there are 11 water reflections photos in this collection. To read from the web and/or download to your computer or mobile device simply click/tap on 

The following two photos featured in this issue called out to me to be the ones shared with you now. Note the related query for each of the images:

Radiating sunrise over Delray Beach ocean 

The Self-Reflecting Query: Reflecting on the warmth of the sun, I invite you to ask,

"Where, outside of me, do I find the light and energy that warms and sustains me?"

rising sun reflected surfside in Delray Beach, Floria

From a different perspective, the same October golden sun as in the previous photo and query, reflected in the surf on the beach at Delray Beach, FL.

The Self-Reflecting Query:
"Where is the light and the power within me, that which stays steady during the ebb and flow of the waves in my life?"

The PDF overview:
The 11 photos in it were selected from past issues of Picture to Ponder. I find them each uplifting as I view them now. I suspect you will also.

Included in the gift PDF download that many of you may already have are my "7 Tips for Getting Out of a Funk." Most of the tips in the latter section talk about using your camera on walks outside.

At the time I wrote it that was a possibility. Now in the midst of our often stay-at-home, often inside, restrictions because of the COVID-19 pandemic this may not be possible.

Getting out of a funk when you can't get out of the house:

Despite what's so with current limitations, I invite you to be creative, even if you can't get outside... For the most part all of my Tips and Queries, as you likely know, revolve around using your camera/your eyes to help you see things in new and different ways...skills that can be transferred to ways we think and see in any situation.

Now, when you need a break from work or from troublesome thoughts you may be having, look around you wherever you are... walking around the house, sitting, cooking...notice whatever catches your eye...not for beauty, per se, or great pictures. Simple be open to a shift in your state.

An example: As I typed the above, I found myself looking at the cord of my headset rhythmically making a pattern. A crumpled candy wrapper on the table waiting to be discarded caught my eye... the rule is "If it catches your eye, take a picture," so I pulled out my phone and took a picture, then start noticing other things. Almost instantly I became re-energized. Observing shapes and patterns when cutting fruits and vegetables is often also quite interesting.

LASTLY - a couple more options/suggestions when you're yearning to "get out" of the house and can't...

1 - Go through your own photos, find something(s) that "catch your eye now" within the pictures. Ask yourself what it is that might have had you pause there.

2 - Visit my Inspirational Sheila YouTube Channel and check out the various Playlists - http://sheilasuggests.com/inspirational-video-playlists -

You'll find Ocean Sunrises, Various Sunsets -Wetlands Birds videos and many more. Some videos have music, others Nature sounds. Within each playlist one video automatically starts playing after the one preceding it finishes.

3 - Come back to the Photos and Queries in this PDF - tap/click on


You can read this on the web and/or download it to your computer or save it on a mobile device by clicking on the SHARE icon. 

As always, your response to the photos, queries and other comments are welcome. Please reply to this email, using the address [email protected]


[email protected]

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©2004 - 2021 Sheila Finkelstein - All rights reserved worldwide. Photos and written content are the property of Sheila Finkelstein and Treasure Your Life Now, unless otherwise noted. Photos and writings may be printed out for personal use and inspiration only.

All other rights are reserved. Modification, further reproduction, or distribution of any of the content is prohibited without express written permission. For this and other uses contact Sheila

DISCLOSURE: From time to time, in Treasure Your Life Now, I include information on products and programs for which I may derive a small commission. This is what helps defray my publishing costs. I will only promote products and services of people with whom I'm familiar and in whose programs I've participated.