[TYLN/PTP] How did they communicate to move forward?

Published: Mon, 02/22/21

Treasure Your Life Now eZine
February 21, 2021
Vol. 17 - Issue 3 - formerly Picture to Ponder 

Hi ,

In the mailing this past Tuesday/Wednesday of Treasure Your Life Now/Picture to Ponder I shared how I finally got beyond my own "stuckness" of remaining in the past regarding my business. It freed me up to announce the reframing of the business.

As I wrote, I am now focusing on putting all of the pieces together serving as your Communication and Connection Coach. As I was looking into my past (with Picture to Ponder) and simply out of curiosity doing a search for "stuck" on my blog, the Lorikeets photo, and the relationship tips with it, was the first one that came up. The synchronicity of it gave me my answers! 

Since the two birds appeared to be communicating, it seemed to be an effective image representation for making an announcement.

2 Lorikeets talking in Butterfly World, Pompano Beach, FL

Today, I invite you to view the two Lorikeets below as symbolic of the closeness that can result from effective communication, the intent of this issue.

Lorikeets close up

Self-Reflecting Queries - Bringing this conversation into your life.
I invite you to look at times you might have been stuck or are stuck now.

Can you identify such times? If so, is there any kind of pattern?

What actions did you take, or not, to move you forward? Even a decision for no action is, in effect, movement.

Are there reminders here that you can note to empower you in the future?

Relationship Tips - 
Going back to the first Lorikeets' photograph. The two birds seem to be quite engaged and very attentive to one another.

One is talking, the other listening.

Visualizing these two birds, I invite you be equally attentive in the next conversations you have with someone.

Remember to sit or stand erect and maintain eye contact as you both talk and LISTEN.

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Important Note: In today's world where so much of our communication is done electronically, especially because of Pandemic restrictions resulting in physical distancing, eye contact and body position remain important.

On Zoom, FaceTime, or any video program you may use, eye contact is maintained by keeping your eyes on your device's camera.

If you're in a serious conversation while online, it remains important to be aware of your body posture here also.

In addition, all of the above tips apply to phone conversations. Even if neither of you see each other, attentiveness via body posture and eye contact remain important. While you are talking and listening imagine/visualize that you are looking at the person.

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Lastly, if you are physically together and engaged, particularly in a challenging conversation and it is appropriate:

Be in close proximity to the other, at the same time honoring the space that both you and the other person might need between you.

Some people like physical closeness. Others are not always comfortable with that. Be sensitive to the others’ needs.

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Repeating  my request in the last issue and thank you to those of you who have responded.

I am asking for your help so that I can speak and write about what I do as a Communication and Connection coach in the language used by those by those whom I serve.

My Request: I would very much appreciate your responding to your experience of this email.

Also it will be most helpful, if you would share with me what problems/challenges you think you and your peers might be having in communication and/or connecting with self and others important to you/them.

It is NOT my intent to contact you personally in relation to what you share. I simply want the information to aid me in planning, focusing, and marketing

Perhaps there are:

  • Feelings of isolation?
  • Disconnection?
  • Not being listened to?
  • Been told that you are the one not listening?
  • Seemingly dead-end disagreements?
  • Not sure what to do next?
  • Other....?

What questions might you be asking me? What are you asking yourself?

In summation:

Receive a gift (see below). Please enter your response(s) by clicking or tapping on the following send me the gift form.

The space for your response may seem extremely limited, but keep typing and I will see everything you entered.

You might include any of the above statements, or any other feedback you care to give. Perhaps, simply list of one or more problems/challenges in communication and connection of which you are aware.

This offer and gift is for Subscribers Only - Each of you who responds will automatically receive an email back with

Flowers and Thoughts...12 individual photos of different flowers, each with a "thought" related to what I imagined the flower could be saying.

Some of you might like to use it as a writing prompt. Others might simply appreciate the photo, even come up with totally different perceptions. There is no right or wrong!

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If you would like to talk about any of this, or you have particular question, something in your life you would like to explore in the area of "stuckness", I invite you to a FREE 30-minute Discovery Session.

Simply Tap/Click on CALENDAR to book a time on my calendar that's convenient for you.

Most appreciatively,

[email protected]

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©2004 - 2021 Sheila Finkelstein - All rights reserved worldwide. Photos and written content are the property of Sheila Finkelstein and Treasure Your Life Now, unless otherwise noted. Photos and writings may be printed out for personal use and inspiration only.

All other rights are reserved. Modification, further reproduction, or distribution of any of the content is prohibited without express written permission. For this and other uses contact Sheila

DISCLOSURE: From time to time, in Treasure Your Life Now, I include information on products and programs for which I may derive a small commission. This is what helps defray my publishing costs. I will only promote products and services of people with whom I'm familiar and in whose programs I've participated.