[TYLN/PTP] Is it real or an interpretation?

Published: Fri, 02/26/21

Treasure Your Life Now eZine
February 26, 2021
Vol. 17 - Issue 4 - formerly Picture to Ponder 

Hi ,

In the last two issues of Treasure Your Life Now, I used Lorikeets to personify being in active communication with another. 

Today I'm using the Purple Gallinule to inspire you to break through

blocks you might have or to simply enjoy the bird.

Radiating sunrise over Delray Beach ocean

Purple Gallinule on the stem of a Fire Flag plant

What is your experience as you look at the photo?  

If you were to personify the bird, what do you think he/she is feeling?

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When I shared this image several years ago, I wrote:

“We could get heavy and significant about the bird, make a determination that he is struggling and “holding on tight,”
we could say he’s simply relaxing with his wings spread out, enjoying his scenery.

Then the Gallinule went further out on the stem.

purple gallinule in Wakodahatchee Wetlands - dancing or stuck?

What is your first reaction when you see this photo?

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We could state that he is warily taking his next step, or we could say he’s dancing (my initial response when I first viewed the photo.)

Bottom line, we can make all kinds of interpretations as to what’s happening with the gallinule.

Who is to determine which is the “correct” one?

On the other hand, we can simply be with the beauty of his colors, the lines of his legs and amazing feet, or however you see it...possibly opening up new ways of looking at our challenges.

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Self-Reflecting Queries: 

Reflect on your responses to my above queries and/or my "stories". I’ve brought my interpretations into the picture.

Now I invite you to check further in with yourself:

Are there places in your life where you are so busy making interpretations, “figuring” something out, that you are missing the opportunity of having fun?

If so, what thoughts and/or emotions would you need to release right now to have that pleasure

  • Might it be perfectionism?
  • judgment?
  • the need to be right?
  • anger?
  • something else?
If you see the block to having fun, please take the action of letting go so you can have pleasure in this moment.

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At this point you might once again be wondering, "What does the photo of another bird, a  Purple Gallinule, have to do with me and communication?"

I've found that many times it's easier to find/see answers to the nagging internal thoughts, when we look outside of ourselves and interpret things we see... external stories that are safe.

Bottom Line:  

There are creative ways, unique to each individual, that will be discovered and used to find answers to my clients' perceived challenges as we work together.

communication in relationships is key.

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A Request: 
In the last Lorikeet issues of TYLN/PTP, last week and earlier this week, I announced that I am now focussing my business on my role as a Communication and Connection coach.

Also it will be most helpful, if you would share with me what problems/challenges you think you and your peers might be having in communication and/or connecting with self and others important to you/them.

It is NOT my intent to contact you personally in relation to what you share. I simply want the information to aid me in planning, focusing, and marketing

Perhaps they are:

  • Not being listened to?
  • Been told that you are the one not listening?
  • Seemingly dead-end disagreements?
  • Not sure what to do next?
  • Feelings of isolation?
  • Disconnection?
  • Other....?

In summation:

There is a gift for Subscribers who respond and fill in this form. Each of you who do so will automatically receive an email back with:

Flowers and Thoughts12 individual photos of different flowers, each with a "thought" related to what I imagined the flower could be saying. You may use them as writing prompts, or simply appreciate the flowers.

It's also an opportunity to compare your response with mine and come up with totally different perceptions. An opportunity for fun communication if you share with another in the space of "There is no right or wrong!"

To receive Flowers and Thoughts enter your response(s) by clicking or tapping on the following send me the gift form

The space for your response may seem extremely limited, but keep typing and I will see everything you entered.

You might include any of the above statements, or any other feedback you care to give. Perhaps, simply list of one or more problems/challenges in communication and connection of which you are aware.

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Lastly, an Invitation:

If you would like to talk about about any communication/connection issues, or you have particular question, something in your life you feel is missing, or off, I invite you to a FREE 30-minute Discovery Session.

Simply Tap/Click on CALENDAR to book a time on my calendar that's convenient for you.

I greatly appreciate your being in my life,

[email protected]

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©2004 - 2021 Sheila Finkelstein - All rights reserved worldwide. Photos and written content are the property of Sheila Finkelstein and Treasure Your Life Now, unless otherwise noted. Photos and writings may be printed out for personal use and inspiration only.

All other rights are reserved. Modification, further reproduction, or distribution of any of the content is prohibited without express written permission. For this and other uses contact Sheila

DISCLOSURE: From time to time, in Treasure Your Life Now, I include information on products and programs for which I may derive a small commission. This is what helps defray my publishing costs. I will only promote products and services of people with whom I'm familiar and in whose programs I've participated.