To whom are you listening? Yourself or...?

Published: Thu, 03/11/21

Treasure Your Life Now eZine
March 10, 2021
Vol. 17 - Issue 6 - formerly Picture to Ponder 

Hi ,

In the last issue of this ezine, I mentioned Andrea Stephens' video interview with me on the topic of "Easy, Fun and Effective Communication."  One of the 9 tips about which I spoke was: 

Give your full attention to whomever is talking. 
No multi-tasking.

Today as I was checking in on some earlier issues, I was reminded of another critical component to that tip and that is:

No mind wandering onto your o wn story of what you think you might want to say next.

A Relevant Story -

Boy studies a wood knot in Green Cay Wetlands

A few years ago, as I was walking in Green Cay Wetlands and taking photographs of wood knots, I got into conversation with a young boy, Grady, and his mother. I stopped and showed them the Green Cay Wood Knot Lion, still in my camera.

We then discovered another possible lion, or other 
critter, right under our feet. Grady did not agree with his mother and me on what it was. So the next time I made a discovery, he went down close to inspect it.

Note: You'll find a link to see a page the Wood Knot images discussed here at the end of this email.***

Grady's Story-
We continued our walk, made some other "finds", and then stopped. My new, young friend climbed onto the railing to look down and watch the blue-winged teals swimming.

As I videoed, Grady continued talking about a story that was evidently on his mind from an earlier conversation. His chattering along with the movement of the bird, is in the 32-second, fun video below. 

Blue -winged teal swims as boy talks  about something else

If you can't see the video, click on Blue-Winged Teal

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Paying attention - listening/not listening  -
If/when you've watched, and listened to, the video with the boy chattering, you'll have heard me break in with the suggestion to look at the water coming out of the duck's beak. I also was waiting for the bird to open it wings so I could point out the blue to Grad

I cringed when I heard this in playback. It reminded me of how often, I pay attention to my own thoughts and agenda and am not FULLY with the other person. And, I know, this is NOT unique to me.

Relationship queries -
I invite you, for the next day, or more, to pay attention to your own listening. Are you always full present to what the other person is saying or are your thoughts going elsewhere?  

When you notice you're not, are you planning on what you are going to say next, concentrating on something else, or is your mind simply wandering? 

Suggested actions
If/when you catch yourself, I invite you to stop, apologize to the person who is speaking, if appropriate, and ask for a recap.

Then fully enjoy being in the moment with that person 

As always, have fun with this.

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The above story relates to one of the 9 Tips to Easy, Fun, Effective Communication: Guidelines and “Rules” for Speaking/Writing to Make a Difference. To receive the free PDF of the tips, simply tap/click on 9 Communication Tips

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Evolving News Story - Mark your calendars.
Monday night, April 4th, at 8:00 PM Eastern time will be the first of 4 classes in the "Magic of Shifting Perspectives" program.
 Each week will be a different theme covering various creative aspects in communicating and connecting.

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An Invitation -
Is there something in your life you feel is missing or off? ... a communication or connection challenge? If so, I invite you to a FREE 30-minute Discovery Session. Simply Tap/Click on CALENDAR to book a time on my calendar.

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***To see the Wood Knot Images Grady, his mother and I were looking at tap/click on "Eye Catcher Wood Knots - Are You Listening?".  

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I greatly appreciate your being in my life. As always, I appreciate your replying to this email with any comments you care to make, or leave a comment in the Leave a Reply section at the bottom of this post on BLOG.

To Wonder, Joy and Love,
Living and Loving with No Regrets

Sheila Finkelstein, Communication and Connection Coach
[email protected]

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©2004 - 2021 Sheila Finkelstein - All rights reserved worldwide. Photos and written content are the property of Sheila Finkelstein and Treasure Your Life Now, unless otherwise noted. Photos and writings may be printed out for personal use and inspiration only.

All other rights are reserved. Modification, further reproduction, or distribution of any of the content is prohibited without express written permission. For this and other uses contact Sheila

DISCLOSURE: From time to time, in Treasure Your Life Now, I include information on products and programs for which I may derive a small commission. This is what helps defray my publishing costs. I will only promote products and services of people with whom I'm familiar and in whose programs I've participated.