[TYLN] [Time Sensitive] Play and Creativity - Can cloves of garlic be expressive?

Published: Sun, 09/15/19

Treasure Your Life Now eZine
September 15, 2019
Vol. 15 - Issue 5 - formerly Picture to Ponder 

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Hi ,

Clove of garlic waiting for answers

Hand on hip, facing us, or turned away? [Story and more photos below.] Perhaps our featured "lady" is waiting for an answer from you to the following: 

Will you be able to attend the live interview I will be doing with Jerry Downs, well-known photographer, tomorrow night... Monday, September 16th at 5:30 PM Pacific time/ 8:30 PM Eastern time on Zoom Video Conferencing. To join, follow https://zoom.us/j/311294925. For more how-to join details see the end of this email.

The interview promises to be rich with ideas as Jerry describes how he looks at his world with wonder and love, as he connects with what captures his attention.

In a planning conversation Jerry said that when he is out walking he no longer looks for pictures. "I simply enjoy the act of looking. Not everything makes a good picture, but everything is worthy of appreciation. If you can find yourself in a state of appreciation, pictures, synchronicities and magic are everywhere!"

What would it be like to be experiencing some of that, especially if you are not already doing so?

Now, back to the Garlic cloves... Perhaps you saw the featured image in a totally different way than I expressed.

Several years ago, as I was separating garlic cloves from the bulb for mincing and using in a stir-fry meal,
I saw two interestingly shaped cloves of garlic. I was particularly impressed with how comfortably they fit together.
I put them aside to photograph and sporadically did so from different perspectives over a period of several weeks.  

I love the textures and the silkiness feeling in the photo above. It is an enlargement of a segment of one of the cloves. 

Below you see the original two "eye-catcher" cloves that started my discovery series. They are resting on a print of the enlarged segment.

To see additional photos from the series, follow the More Garlic Clove photos link to the blog post where I've posted a few more photos. All have, for me, many different interpretations.  I'd love for you to add your experiences of them in the comments.

Self-Reflecting Queries: 
For the next few days I invite you to find imagery that suddenly excites you and has you discover something, perhaps in the never-before-really-looked-at "mundane" things around you.

What does this experience open up for you?

Again, the Video Interview which offer the possibility, perhaps, of some new openings for you with yourself and/or your camera:

I invite you to join me and photographer Jerry Downs on Monday night, September 16th at 5:30 PM Pacific/ 8:30 PM Eastern. Simply go five minutes before to https://zoom.us/j/311294925 to join

For more details and explanations on accessing and setting up the one-time easy Zoom download, Tap/Click REGISTER to get more explicit details, reminder of the time, and a link to the replay.

What ideas have come up for you as you saw these pictures and read the descriptions?
as you looked around in one of your environments and saw things you never noticed before?

Please comment in the Leave a Reply box under the post on the blog or reply to this email, using the address [email protected]

Your comments and feedback are always welcome.


[email protected]

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©2004 - 2019 Sheila Finkelstein - All rights reserved worldwide. Photos and written content are the property of Sheila Finkelstein and Treasure Your Life Now, unless otherwise noted. Photos and writings may be printed out for personal use and inspiration only.

All other rights are reserved. Modification, further reproduction, or distribution of any of the content is prohibited without express written permission. For this and other uses contact Sheila

DISCLOSURE: From time to time, in Treasure Your Life Now, I include information on products and programs for which I may derive a small commission. This is what helps defray my publishing costs. I will only promote products and services of people with whom I'm familiar and in whose programs I've participated.