Will they like it?

Published: Wed, 03/31/21


Hi, .

Do you recall times that you’ve held back, refrained from speaking or sharing, because you think “they” may not like something you like or see value in? I was concerned that you might not “like” the relevant photo in this mailing, so I’ve stalled on taking action. Since the message is an important one, I’m letting that go.

The aim of sharing the story below was/is to invite you to consider times when you may not be/nor have been open to acknowledgment and its potential contribution to both you, the recipient, and the giver.

It also relates to the possibilities of what will be available for participants in the upcoming, 4-week Magic of Shifting Perspectives program starting on Monday -  giving and receiving acknowledgment as you share seeing and hearing things and experiences in new, creative, and fun ways...resulting in feeling great about yourself and the new openings in communication with those important to you.

The Story and Photo

A shortened version of the long story of my having rejected acknowledgment and the intended contribution follows. [The link for the post with the long story is at the end.]

Root around a sprinklerhead

 On a day I happened to stop into the office in the   community in which I live Gini, the Administrative Assistant, jumped up to show me the piece of a live oak tree root (on the left) which had grown around the head of a sprinkler. 

Isaac the maintenance man who had painstakingly removed it, preventing potential damage to a home, had 
proudly brought it to the office.  Gini immediately put it in a cup, on display to show me and others when we happened to come in the office. 

She had thought of me, the way I saw and wrote about images and that I might want to write about it in my “Beyond Seeing” column in our community newsletter.

I was not attracted to the image and mentally and verbally dismissed it until we got engaged in seeing faces and other images. Even Isaac, who shook his head initially, got involved, declaring that he saw a lion.

The Message and My Observations -
Ultimately as I drove home, I started reflecting on my NOT having accepted Gini’s acknowledgment and a few times in other professional situations I had been dismissive.

In the process, I realized not only had I “ripped myself off” from seeing and owning my power, I had unintentionally diminished the giver.

How about you?
My lessons from this experience, and their messages, lead to the invitation for you to look into your life for past situations and to create an awareness for ones yet to occur.

Check in with yourself. Are there times when people acknowledge you that you minimize what they’ve said?  What we forget is, that in the process of so doing, we are unintentionally diminishing the other person.

If nothing shows up immediately for you, think back. I’m sure at times you’ve brushed off a compliment on how you look – hairdo, piece of clothing, jewelry….and beyond. What about praises for a job well done?

Next time, someone commends you, I invite you to take it in.  Pause before saying anything. Then a simple “Thank you” may suffice. Appreciate both yourself and the giver.

I also invite you to do more acknowledging of others. Notice what happens for you when it’s accepted, or rejected, both what occurs with the other person, as well as your own feelings.

Invitation to the Upcoming  Program 

Again, starting this Monday, April 5th at 8 PM Eastern time

The Magic of Shifting Perspectives: Creative Ways to Open & Deepen Communication. 

Designed for you to Relax and Have Fun, the Week 1 Focus is on Seeing. Tap/click on the Power of Perspective Shifts for description and details.
The program is FREE for all those who register by Friday, April 2nd.

I look forward to seeing many of you joining this like-minded community in my interactive Zoom room.


Sheila Finkelstein, Communication and Connection Coach
[email protected]

PS - The link for the post with the long story of the Tree Root, with more photos, can be seen by tapping/clicking on Are You Rejecting Acknowledgment and Contribution?

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©2004 - 2021 Sheila Finkelstein - All rights reserved worldwide. Photos and written content are the property of Sheila Finkelstein and Treasure Your Life Now, unless otherwise noted. Photos and writings may be printed out for personal use and inspiration only.

All other rights are reserved. Modification, further reproduction, or distribution of any of the content is prohibited without express written permission. For this and other uses contact Sheila

DISCLOSURE: From time to time, in Treasure Your Life Now, I include information on products and programs for which I may derive a small commission. This is what helps defray my publishing costs. I will only promote products and services of people with whom I'm familiar and in whose programs I've participated.