They're Called Human Resources for a Reason

Published: Thu, 09/08/16

The Pro-Human Workplace movement is moving right along.
Recently I had the honor of being interviewed by Maia Aziz, the host of Morning Moments on Blog Talk Radio.

We talked about what it means to be human at work and create a pro-human workplace

  • What do employees need, to feel as though they are seen as whole humans in the workplace?
  • What are some of the most common mistakes managers make that lead to undermining employee engagement?
  • What is meaningful work and what is its link to employee engagement?
  • What are some concrete ways to humanize the workplace?
  • How do the expectations of Millennials affect the workplace?

and much more.

NEWSFLASH: One final question Maia asked is, "What’s coming up next for you...?" It's sort of difficult to hear my answer in the audio. So....

My answer is: A book! It's time to put some of this passion and experience into book form.

As I was interviewed and am now preparing my book proposal, I realize one thing this book can provide you, as a manager or employee, is hope. Yes, hope! There are ways to make your workplace more human, no matter what your role. (Maia and I discuss this in the interview.)

Thank you again, Maia.
Photo credit: Aweber library

My Best,

P.S. Look for more as I progress through this book writing and publishing process. You may not see me check in as often, but that doesn't have to hold you back from checking in.

Whether you want to make your workplace more human or want to raise any other work-related issue, let me know.

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About Mary Schaefer: Speaker, coach, trainer, consultant and Chief Encouragement Officer for everyone interested in their own professional development and advancement. My belief about the key to great performance at work is empowerment. I say: "Your success and the success of those around you depends on you empowering yourself first." Click here to find out more about what this can mean for you.

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