One Easy Way to Start Making Big Change

Published: Thu, 10/05/17

It will only take you two and a half minutes to enjoy this classic post.
Start making change before you get overwhelmed just thinking about it. - Mary Schaefer
You want to apply new things you learn. You want to change something about yourself or influence those around you. You can do this no matter what your role. Click here to learn a new way to look at making change, without getting overwhelmed.
​​​​​​​My Best,
P.S. If you want to learn more about how to jumpstart making lasting change, just reply to this message. We can talk about how I can help.

Image: Adapted from Matej Michelizza/ iStockphoto
About Mary Schaefer: Speaker, coach, trainer, consultant and Chief Encouragement Officer for everyone interested in their own professional development and advancement. My belief about the key to great performance at work is empowerment. I say: "Your success and the success of those around you depends on you empowering yourself first." Click here to find out more about what this can mean for you.

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