Supreme Court KO's Obamacare!

Published: Fri, 03/30/12

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In This Issue:

Supreme Court KO’s Obamacare! By Richard C. Young
High Identity Theft By E.J. Smith
Second Amendment Under Threat: Americans Hoard Guns The Editors
Patriot Air and Missile Defense System The Editors
Survival Cash By E.J. Smith
Jeff Flake for Senate in Arizona The Editors

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Supreme Court KO’s Obamacare!

The three big lies of the Obamacare fraud.

Most Americans applaud a disemboweling of Obamacare. I am not aware of one of my small business clients who is not in favor of totally scrapping this travesty of American history. Here in my home state of Florida, our terrific governor Rick Scott is leading the anti-Obamacare charge. And given Scott’s lengthy background in the health care industry, few Americans recognize the tragedy of Obamacare any better than does governor Scott.

As Cato Institute’s Michel Tanner writes, Obamacare has been a monumental failure. Tanner lists the three big promises of Obamacare and shows in detail how each of the promises has failed.

Michael notes that of the 23 million Americans who will be covered under Obamacare, 17 million will not be covered by real insurance. Rather, they will be dumped into the Medicaid system. Here in my island city, most doctors will not take a Medicaid patient, so you tell me how the Obamacare dump works. Do you know that you may lose your current insurance even though you may be happy with your current plan? President Obama, along with the backing of the Pelosi-led Congress, knowingly lied to you and to me. Mr. Tanner puts the punctuation on this package of lies: ‘The CBO suggests that as many 20 million workers could lose their employer-provided health insurance as a result of Obamacare.”

And we now have a situation where nine unelected justices in their infinite wisdom will decide what is best on the health care front for 330 million Americans! Sound like good math to you? I’ll tell you what here. When our Constitution was drafted, our Founders had no such power in mind for the Supreme Court, not for a second. Give a read to Article.1. Section.8. of the Constitution, and show me where the words health care are mentioned. Which specific enumerated power has a lick to do with a national health care plan? How in the world is it that the Supreme Court is at the stage of deciding any constitutional issue when the entire package from A to Z is one fat lie? The only good answer will be that Americans wake up very shortly to read Supreme Court KO’s Obamacare!

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High Identity Theft

Bank-Vault-DoorHave you ever “lost” your keys in the front door, overnight? Talk about being vulnerable and not knowing it. Identity theft can be like that. It could happen to you—but you can avoid it. Disasters are an identity thief, and criminal thefts are higher during disasters too. So be vigilant about protecting your identity and being able to prove who you are.

I’ve made photocopies of my license, front and back, and keep them in my wallet, home, office, and car. If you lose or forget your license, copies are cheap and quick insurance for personal identification.

Take pictures of your home, inside and out, for insurance claims. Keep up-to-date pictures of your children in case you’re separated. But don’t do it with an iPhone. It will be useless, along with all your other electronic devices, in the event of an EMP attack or even a prolonged power outage. Lithium batteries are getting better, but they still don’t last forever. Print your pictures out or—imagine this—get them developed.

Keep your serious money—your investable assets—with Fidelity Investments or the Vanguard Group. Both have industry-leading disaster preparation plans. It’s hard to believe any firm has a better network of back-office support than Fidelity or Vanguard.

I have a checking account with my local bank, BankNewport. I called them up this week and asked about their disaster preparation plans. A bank supervisor assured me that the bank does have a plan, and that it is reviewed regularly. I also spoke to the person in charge of DR planning, who told me everything I needed to know to remain a customer for life. One of the many questions I asked was about customer access to safety deposit boxes if, by chance, the power goes out. He ran through the procedure, and I opened a safety deposit box account this morning. I also upgraded my checking to “Generations Gold” with identity theft protection.

Do you know how your bank is prepared for a disaster situation? You should give them a call and ask.

In any event, I figure it can’t hurt to have copies of my important documents both in a safety deposit box and at home. Servers and cloud computing are great, but having physical documents makes me feel more in control. As an aside, the standard deposit insurance amount is $250,000 per depositor, per insured bank, for each account ownership category. The FDIC has you covered up to that amount per depositor, per insured bank, for each account ownership category—then there’s a lot of gray area.

Your spouse may raise his or her eyebrows at these efforts to get your ducks in a row. But it’s a relatively low-cost way to protect your family’s identity both personally and financially. It’s actually fun too.

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Second Amendment Under Threat: Americans Hoard Guns

Last Thursday, Michael Fifer, CEO of Sturm Ruger & Co., announced, “Despite the company’s continuing successful efforts to increase production rates, the incoming order rate exceeds our capacity to rapidly fulfill these orders. Consequently, the company has temporarily suspended the acceptance of new orders.” Sturm Ruger is selling guns faster than it can keep up with new orders. The question is why.

As our chart shows, background checks performed before gun sales are hitting all-time highs. In fact, you can make out an upward trend starting in 2006 when liberals took over the House and Senate. Americans are afraid President Obama does not have their best interests at heart. In public, President Obama has said, “I’m not going to take away your guns.’’ But the media has quoted the president as saying in private that he’s working on gun control “under the radar.” Americans smell a rat and are loading up on guns and ammo to get ahead of any 2nd Amendment-curbing legislation coming their way in the event of an Obama second term.

The president made it obvious that he has no qualms about concealing his true intentions for America when he told Russian President Medvedev, “This is my last election. After my election, I have more flexibility.” (VIDEO BELOW) Given statements like this, it’s no wonder Americans are stocking up on firearms. They simply have no faith in President Barack Obama’s public statements.

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Patriot Air and Missile Defense System

GEM-TThe combat-proven Patriot is the world’s most advanced air and missile defense system. With over 200 fire units fielded worldwide, it is a system of choice for 12 nations around the globe, including the U.S. and five NATO nations.

Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems is the prime contractor for Patriot — a long-range, high-altitude, all-weather system — and the systems integrator for the PAC-3 missile.

All Patriot system components provide the warfighter a reliable and lethal capability to defeat advanced threats, including aircraft, tactical ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and UAVs in current and future operational combat environments.

Patriot systems are interoperable and enable the U.S. and its allies to create a comprehensive air and missile defense capability to respond to evolving threats around the world. Affordable and reliable, Patriot can be integrated into existing systems to become part of a larger integrated air and missile defense architecture.

The growing list of partners includes the U.S., Netherlands, Germany, Japan, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Taiwan, Greece, Spain, Korea and the United Arab Emirates.

Recently, Raytheon successfully completed the first test flight of the new ground-up production Patriot Guidance-Enhanced Missile – Tactical (GEM-T). The GEM-T test is part of the Patriot modernization story, where Raytheon is building Patriot from the ground-up for partner countries like UAE and Taiwan.

Today’s Patriot Air and Missile Defense System is the result of continual technology upgrades and ongoing modernization. Contracts for new-build fire units and upgrades to currently fielded systems led to the complete modernization of Patriot; thereby, improving capabilities, eliminating obsolescence and enabling an open, netted and distributed architecture. This created a truly next-generation Patriot. Some of the significant improvements include Patriot software and hardware components, such as the Radar Digital Processor (RDP), Modern Adjunct Processor (MAP), Modern Man Station (MMS) as well as integration of the Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) and Missile Segment Enhancement (MSE) missile integration.

The introduction of the new RDP provides the added benefit of Digital Track Via Missile (TVM) guidance. It eliminates obsolete components within the Patriot radar, provides a twelve-fold improvement in mean time between failure and increases radar processing efficiency over the existing Configuration-3 radar.

The Modern Adjunct Processor (MAP) vastly improves the computing power of the Patriot system and sets the conditions for future technology insertions.

The MMS replaces current Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) technology with 30” color LCD displays with touch screens and introduces Soft Keys to enable future switch configurations and tactical screens via software upgrades. This will lead to more rapid and efficient tactical decisions and decrease the probability of confusion and fratricide.

Source: Raytheon

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Survival Cash

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Jeff Flake for Senate in Arizona does not often endorse politicians who have served for many years in Washington D.C. The majority of those we support are fresh blood—novices who bring new ideas and less allegiance to special interests to the Capitol. But when the rare politician holds true to the principles he campaigns on and avoids the lobbyists, we take note.

flakeCongressman Jeff Flake of Arizona is running for that state’s open Senate seat. He faces challenges in the primary and, if successful, will probably go on to face former U.S. Surgeon General Richard Carmona in the general election.

Constitutionally strong Americans have much to like about Jeff Flake. He’s one of the most fiscally conservative members of Congress. He has been endorsed by some of our past endorsements, Sen. Mike Lee and Sen. Pat Toomey. The Club for Growth has ranked Jeff Flake #1 in Congress in supporting economic growth and freedom. The Club for Growth also called Flake “one of the strongest pro-growth, limited government conservatives in the United States today….In the Senate, Jeff Flake will be an outspoken reforming ally of Jim DeMint, Pat Toomey, Mike Lee, and Rand Paul.”

When Flake was being considered for a position on the Appropriations Committee (which eventually he was given), Cato Institute’s Tad DeHaven wrote, “Flake is one of the few policymakers who actually lives up to the fiscal conservative label. Thus, Flake’s appointment to a committee that many members think only exists to increase spending on special interests would be welcome news.” Since his appointment, Flake has been a breath of fresh air on the committee.

Moving a pro-growth, pro-free market constitutionalist like Jeff Flake from the House of Representatives to the Senate will leverage Flake’s voting power. Adding Flake to the growing bloc of serious economic hardliners in the Senate will make them all stronger. endorses Jeff Flake for Senate from Arizona.


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