Save Your Life—Have a Plan—A Navy SEAL's Timely Advice

Published: Fri, 08/03/12

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New July Client Letter Now Available: Retirement Compounders
In the spring of 2003, we launched a managed portfolio called the Retirement Compounders (RCs). The RCs is a globally diversified portfolio of 32 dividend-paying securities. Securities in the portfolio still include bellwether stocks from the Dow but also include other names we believe to be solid, blue-chip-type companies. With a yield today of 4.7%, the RCs pumps out a lot more cash than the Dow, the S&P 500 and, of course, the NASDAQ. Investing in the RCs still allows for the potential of capital appreciation. But during down or flat markets the RCs generate a predictable stream of cash that is especially important for retired and soon-to-be-retired investors.— Read more at
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Save Your Life—Have a Plan—A Navy SEAL’s Timely Advice

Read former Navy SEAL Head Instructor Brandon Webb’s article, Navy SEAL Lessons Learned From Aurora Colorado.

Concealed Carry in the States and Territories of America:

Source: USA Carry

Shall Issue to Residents Only:
Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Vermont, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming

Shall Issue to Residents and Non-Residents:
Arizona, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington

May Issue to Residents Only:
Alabama, California, Delaware, Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, District of Columbia

May Issue to Residents and Non-Residents:
Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York

Right Denied:
Illinois, American Samoa, N. Mariana Islands

Castle Doctrine States

Source:’s Liberty & Freedom Map:

Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming

Source: NRA

“Castle Doctrine” law does the following:

1. It establishes, in law, the presumption that a criminal who forcibly enters or intrudes into your home or occupied vehicle is there to cause death or great bodily harm, so the occupant may use force, including deadly force, against that person.

2. It removes the “duty to retreat” if you are attacked in any place you have a right to be. You no longer have to turn your back on a criminal and try to run when attacked. Instead, you may stand your ground and fight back, meeting force with force, including deadly force, if you reasonably believe it is necessary to prevent death or great bodily harm to yourself or others.

3. It provides that persons using force authorized by law shall not be prosecuted for using such force. It also prohibits criminals and their families from suing victims for injuring or killing the criminals who have attacked them. In short, it gives rights back to law-abiding people and forces judges and prosecutors to focus on protecting victims.

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The 10 Best and 10 Worst States for Business: #1

Best States for Business: #1


Open for Business Index Score: 87.45

The number one state for business is Tennessee, driven by best in the nation cost of living scores, impeccable infrastructure, low union representation, a low tax burden, a low cost of employing labor and strong scores in education. The volunteer state scored slightly better than average in tort law. Tennessee could use improvement in health and government as a percent of the economy. Tennessee protects its citizens from forced unionization with a Right to Work law.

Worst States for Business: #1

Rhode Island

Open for Business Index Score: 57.35

Rhode Island came in dead last on our Open for Business Index. The Ocean State scored well for the health of its citizens, but posted lousy scores for every other component. Rhode Island scored second-to-last for infrastructure, and third-to-last in tax burden. The state scored well below average on the percent of employees represented by unions, cost of living, the cost of employing labor, size of government, education, and tort law. Rhode Islanders are not protected from forced unionization.

See #2 in each category by clicking here.

See #3 in each category by clicking here.

See #4 in each category by clicking here.

See #5 in each category by clicking here.

See #6 in each category by clicking here.

See #7 in each category by clicking here.

See #8 in each category by clicking here.

See #9 in each category by clicking here.

See #10 in each category by clicking here.

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The Open for Business Index

Yesterday, we released the names of the 10 Best and Worst States for Business in our Open for Business Index. Today, for the first time, we are releasing the entire list of the Open for Business Index rankings. On the chart below, you can find your state.

If you’re a business owner, consider how well your state is serving you. Are taxes low? Does your state produce educated citizens who are healthy enough to show up to work each day? Is your state’s infrastructure capable of transporting your goods to market efficiently? Is your state’s cost of living so high you have to pay your employees top dollar just so they can afford to survive? Do the laws in your state put you at risk for massive damages should something go wrong with one of your products?

The index gives employees something to consider as well. Of the top 10 states, all protect citizens from forced unionization with a right-to-work law, and none of the 10 worst do. Right-to-work laws eliminate the union middlemen who want to take a cut of your paycheck in order for you to get a job. And a low cost of living is of as much or more importance to the employee as to the employer. Education and health are also brought to a company via its employees. Does your state adequately prepare your children for jobs in school?

If you’re an out-of-work employee or an entrepreneur looking for a place to start a successful business, vote with your feet, your dollars, and your spirit. Give yourself the best chances of being successful by locating your business in one of our 10 Best States for Business.

On the other hand, if you’re a politician in one of the states on the wrong end of our Open for Business Index, consider what you could do better to serve your citizens. Lower taxes, better education and health outcomes, better infrastructure, and protection of citizens from forced unionization via a right-to-work law are all steps you can take today to make your state more competitive.

Click to enlarge.


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Special Operations for America

Retired Navy SEAL Commander and Montana State Senator Ryan Zinke says Obama is jeopardizing the security of the troops and the nation for political gain.

Zinke and his PAC, Special Operations for America, have skewered the president and former president Bill Clinton for their use of the Osama bin Laden raid for campaign purposes. Zinke’s concern is that the leaks coming out of the White House will endanger American military personnel around the world.

Watch President Obama take credit for killing Bin Laden here.


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Congratulations Ted Cruz

cruzTed Cruz our favorite candidate running in 2012 won the runoff primary for the GOP nomination to the U.S. Senate in Texas last night. Cruz is vying to fill the seat vacated by retiring Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison. Cruz is highly favored against his Democrat opponent, ex-state representative Paul Sadler. We continue to endorse Cruz in his run for United States Senator from Texas. Congratulations Ted, and good luck!

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The world’s first solid state receiver to demonstrate gain at 0.85 terahertz (THz)

THz_originalREDONDO BEACH, Calif., July 31, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE:NOC) has demonstrated an 850 gigahertz (GHz) integrated receiver that brings the company much closer to being the first to reach a Department of Defense goal for developing transistor-based electronics that can operate at center frequencies past 1 terahertz (THz).

Company engineers reported they scaled the frequency rate to 850 GHz, or 0.85 trillion cycles per second under Phase 2 of the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency’s (DARPA’s) Terahertz Electronics program, setting a new performance record. Under Phase 1, they developed a Terahertz Monolithic Integrated Circuit that operated at 670 GHz, or 0.67 trillion cycles per second, in 2010.

“Integrated circuits operating at frequencies past 1 THz will enable submillimeter wave technology for covert, small aperture communications, high-resolution imaging and leap-ahead advancements in explosive detection spectroscopy,” said Dr. William Deal, Terahertz Electronics program manager for Northrop Grumman’s Aerospace Systems sector. “This unprecedented increase in integrated circuit operating speed is especially important for emerging applications in military communications and radar. The amplifiers and receivers we’re demonstrating will enable more sensitive radar and produce sensors with highly improved resolution.”

In addition to demonstrating low-noise integrated receivers under the DARPA program, the company developed and tested low-noise amplifiers and power amplifiers. “Success in the initial phase led to a $12.5 million contract, bringing the total value of the program to $28 million,” Deal said.

The goal of DARPA’s Terahertz Electronics program is to develop the critical device and integration technologies necessary to realize compact, high-performance electronic circuits that operate at center frequencies exceeding 1.0 THz. The program focuses on two areas: THz high-power amplifier modules and THz transistor electronics.

“Realizing circuits at 0.85 THz is a remarkable achievement for the program and is the latest success from a long-term investment in frequency-scaled RF transistors,” explained John Albrecht, DARPA program manager. “The ability to coherently process signals at 0.85 THz provides a means to generate and radiate the high frequency signals needed for applications such as DARPA’s Video Synthetic Aperture Radar (ViSAR) program. VISAR seeks to develop and demonstrate a targeting sensor which operates through clouds as effectively as today’s infrared (IR) sensors operate in clear weather. This revolutionary advance would give U.S. warfighters an advantage in an especially challenging portion of the RF spectrum.”

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The #1 State for Business

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Obama Administration Hiding Job Losses

After Democrats and Republicans on the “Super Committee” failed to create a plan to pay for increasing the debt ceiling last year, a fallback option was adopted to cut more than $500 billion from defense spending over the next 10 years, along with similar cuts to non-defense discretionary spending. The prospect of $50 billion in cuts a year for a decade will have a major effect on the defense industry.

Recently, eight of the nation’s largest defense contractors sent a bill to the Senate Armed Services Committee informing the committee that massive layoffs would take place under the requirements of the legislation to cut funding for defense. By law, under the WARN Act implemented in 1989, employers must “provide notice 60 days in advance of covered plant closings and covered mass layoffs.” The defense cuts will be implemented on January 2, 2013. Sixty days earlier is 3 November 2012, only three days before Election Day.

The major defense contractors must inform employees that they may be laid off by November 3. A study conducted by George Mason University found that over 1 million jobs could be affected by the cuts. According to a study produced by Deloitte, the swing states of Florida, Virginia and Pennsylvania all rank in the top 10 for defense industry employment, with between 30 thousand and 50 thousand direct defense jobs each.  Florida’s defense industry directly and indirectly employs 167 thousand, while Virginia’s employs 113 thousand. New Hampshire is another swing state with a large defense industry. The Live Free or Die state is the country’s largest producer of small arms measured by number of people employed.

If the WARN Act is implemented, defense industry employees could find out three days before the election that they are being laid off because of a law signed by President Obama. To prevent that from happening, the President, through Assistant Labor Secretary Jane Oates, has told the defense contractors to ignore the WARN Act’s mandate to inform employees that their jobs may be at risk.

The administration attempts to justify this recommendation using one of the possible exemptions to the law’s requirement of notice that states that if a reasonable possibility exists that the layoffs will not occur, no notice need be given. In a feat of language jiu-jitsu, Assistant Secretary Oates explains that because members of Congress and the Administration don’t want the cuts (which they both already agreed to), defense contractors should assume they will not happen and therefore do not need to send out layoff notices three days before the election. (See section three linked here). Only in the Obama administration could a flip-flop on a law the president signed become part of his campaign strategy.

This is the same type of abuse of executive trust that the Obama administration has mastered in instances such as the withholding of Fast and Furious documents via executive privilege, the partial implementation of the DREAM Act after it was soundly defeated by Congress, and his gutting of the work requirement for welfare recipients. The pattern of executive overreach is disconcerting and one more reason Americans must jettison the Obama administration in November.

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McConnell to Reid: Allow Vote on Obamacare Repeal

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has asked Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid four times now to allow a vote on the Obamacare repeal that passed the House earlier this year. Sen. Reid has refused to allow a vote. McConnell lashed into Reid and his fellow Democrats in the Senate for avoiding open support of the unpopular bill shortly before an election. Below are some excerpts from McConnell’s comments urging Reid to allow a vote on repeal.

“Earlier this week, the majority leader and a number of his colleagues took to the floor to defend the president’s health care law and to tout provisions they believe to be popular with the public. What they didn’t do was allow for a vote on the entirety of the bill, which proves to be even more of a disaster with each passing day, and which a majority of Americans continue to oppose. Put another way, Senate Democrats spent nearly an entire day talking about parts of Obamacare that poll well, but refused to spend 15 minutes being caught on camera voting to uphold the entire law.”

“What are they afraid of? Why won’t they allow a vote? When the healthcare bill was working its way through Congress, you’ll recall that the former speaker of the House, Speaker Pelosi, famously said we’d need to pass the bill to find what was in it. Well, now that we’ve had some time to study its consequences, I can’t think of any reason why Senators wouldn’t want to stand up and be counted with a vote on the floor—either for or against repeal. Does Obamacare get a passing or a failing grade? That’s all I asked for on Tuesday—a vote to either reaffirm or repudiate the votes we all took on Obamacare based on everything we know about it now that we couldn’t know then.”

“A week doesn’t seem to pass that we don’t learn about some problem this law creates or doesn’t solve. There’s this headline in the Wall Street Journal today: ‘Small Firms See Pain in Health Law.’ And just yesterday, we learned that it will increase federal spending and subsidies on health care by $580 billion. Which means that even after you count the more than $700 billion that it takes out of Medicare, it still increases federal health spending and subsidies by more than a half trillion dollars. Let’s have a vote. Is Obamacare making things better or worse? Let’s show the American people where we stand. It’s what the American people want. It’s the vote they deserve.”

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