Two Potential Killers I Want You To Know About

Published: Fri, 10/12/12

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In This Issue:

Two Potential Killers I Want You To Know About By Richard C. Young
Top 10 Survival States: #6 The Editors
A Survival Oasis You May Have Missed By E.J. Smith
Top 10 Survival States: #5 The Editors
Top 10 Survival States: #4 The Editors
Essential Survival Items, Part II The Editors
Remington XM2010- Enhanced Sniper Rifle The Editors
Obama’s Mojo By Steve Schneider
Top 10 Survival States: #3 The Editors
Top 10 Survival States: #2 The Editors

Young Investments Client Letter:
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September Client Letter: Will Fed Exit from Unconventional Policy Tank the Economy?
The potential for a disorderly exit from the Fed’s inflated balance sheet is especially worrying. Never in its history has the Fed injected so much high-powered money into the financial system. Bernanke & Co. have zero experience exiting unconventional monetary policy. Will the Fed be able to successfully wind down its balance sheet without first letting the inflation genie out of the bottle or causing another recession?–

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Two Potential Killers I Want You To Know About

potassium-bromate If you are like me, you are not likely scanning the research literature searching out information on 2C-1 or potassium bromate. I came across both recently while researching wide afield topics. My linked article gives what you need to know about the kids new street drug, “Smiles” or 2C-1. And my link to Dr. Andrew Weil brings you the nasty truth of what may be in the luncheon bread your kids or grandkids may be given daily.

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Top 10 Survival States: #6

6th-Best Survival State: Utah

Survival Score: 13.8

Utah scores well in nearly every category we measured, with special recognition given to the state’s protection of the Second Amendment, and low incidence of natural disaster. Farmland is available at low cost in Utah, though it’s not very productive. Violent crime is low in the Beehive State, though property crime rates are higher than average. Utah has a low population density and high rates of homeownership.

6th-Worst Survival State: Florida

Survival Score: 33.9

Although Florida has freer gun laws than most states, its attraction as a survival state is limited by having some of the worst natural disasters of any state in the country. Buffeted by hurricanes and tornadoes, Florida makes life hard on the unprepared. Crime is also high in Florida, and in a state with such a dense population and high unemployment, an eruption of popular discontent could paralyze authorities. Farmland is productive in the Sunshine State, but not cheap.

Follow our countdown of the best survival states every day until we get to #1!

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A Survival Oasis You May Have Missed

Has your state made our ranks yet? Stay tuned this week for the best and worst survival states plus the full ranking of all 50 states—because it’s not pretty out there.

Last week, The Wall Street Journal reported that “A flagship Department of Homeland Security initiative produced shoddy intelligence reports that did little to protect the country and generated false leads that may have made it harder to catch terrorists, a congressional investigation found.” Survival isn’t getting easier.

You may be disappointed or surprised, depending on how your state ranks. Don’t be. Survival prep is a local thing, just like politics. Take my home in Newport, Rhode Island, for example. Regardless of how Rhode Island ranks, I happen to like the survivability of Newport.

For one, it’s on an island. It shares Aquidneck Island with Portsmouth and Middletown. When you live on an island accessed by bridges, you have control over who comes and goes. I’d imagine the gangs wouldn’t have much luck trying to get onto Aquidneck Island for a night of looting and mayhem after a disaster. On the flip side, if there’s a convoy of supply trucks needing passage, then by all means let them roll on in. If the roads are compromised, then supplies can be received by sea. And if you have no food, then put up the “gone fishin’” sign.

Newport is a busy place in the summer with the folk and jazz festivals and in the fall with visiting cruise ships—not to mention the summer vacationers, day-trippers, and increasing number of summer residents. The police force is staffed to handle the crowds. But since policing is a full-time job, the staffing levels don’t drop off a cliff in the off-season. That, plus the fact that the U.S. Naval War College and Newport Naval Station are in town, provides some peace of mind. I can’t imagine both the police and Navy allowing civilians to get too out of hand.

Take some inventory of where you live and how your town stacks up. You might be pleasantly surprised that you’re in better shape than you hoped. And if not, then push through the inertia ogre and do something. Believe me, having a tight network of friends who are in the know about survival prep can do wonders for your own. Oftentimes the best ideas come from talking out your plans.

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Top 10 Survival States: #5

5th-Best Survival State: Maine

Survival Score: 13.7

Maine is the only state on the Atlantic that made it to our top 10. Ocean access has its benefits and drawbacks when it comes to disaster situations. Access to the ocean could be a boon for survivalists looking for fish as a food source, or for easy transport via the water. But easy transport is also an invitation to intruders. The Pine Tree State has the lowest rate of violent crime in the nation and a very low incidence of natural disaster. Gun laws are free, unemployment is about average, farmland is inexpensive though not very productive. And the population is peaceful.

5th-Worst Survival State: New York

Survival Score: 34.3

New York has the lowest rate of homeownership in the country and spends more than any other state on law enforcement to keep its population under control. These statistics represent the massive effect of New York City on the state. That’s a warning to residents in New Jersey and Connecticut who live adjacent to NYC. They must also deal with the aftermath of any catastrophe that hits it. The Empire State also scores poorly for high unemployment, a dense population, restrictive gun laws, and a high rate of violent crime. The one bright spot among our components is New York’s very low rate of property crime.

Follow our countdown of the best survival states every day until we get to #1!

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Top 10 Survival States: #4

4th-Best Survival State: Iowa

Survival Score: 13.4

Iowa’s crop yields are legendary, but that good soil comes at a price. The only factor holding back Iowa is its very costly farmland. If you have the money, the Hawkeye State is a superb survival destination. Free gun laws, low unemployment, low crime, low population density. You name it, Iowa performs well in all our categories, except farmland prices.

4th-Worst Survival State: New Jersey

Survival Score: 35.4

New Jersey has the nation’s densest population. If a disaster strikes, you’ll be pitted against hordes of other people looking for the same resources as you. Farmland is very expensive, and not all that productive. The Garden State boasts high unemployment and terrible gun laws. Violent crime is average, and property crime is actually quite low. New Jersey spends a fortune on keeping the peace. Without a well-funded justice system, this state could be a nightmare.

Follow our countdown of the best survival states every day until we get to #1!

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Essential Survival Items, Part II

Last week, we told you about the power of coal as a survival fuel. We promised you a second survival essential, and today we’ll share it with you.

During a disaster, a prepared stockpile of coal can provide your family with heat through the cold of winter. But cold in the summer is equally important. We’re not talking about your air conditioning. We’re talking about the refrigeration and preservation of food. Electrical refrigerators are essential to that process—not just at your home, but in the grocery store, and on trucks and trains that carry food across the country. In the scenario we laid out last week, your electricity is gone, and generator fuel stores are consumed. What happens to this refrigerated food chain then?

In the days before the electric refrigerator, there were iceboxes. Many Americans still remember them fondly. But unless you’re prepared to harvest ice floes from lakes and rivers, and have a place to store them, an icebox is not an option.

You need a resource that you can call on at any time to preserve vital nutrition for your family. It can’t use electricity, and it should be able to last as long as your survival food storage. That’s 25 years or longer for most freeze-dried canned foods.

The essential survival item you need to protect your family through the summer is salt. Lots of it. Before refrigerators and even before iceboxes, salt was the king of food preservation. Salting meat is a superb way to preserve essential protein value for your family without using scarce fuel or electricity.

Salt, like coal, is a rock. It will last a long time in storage. In a dry place, it will last longer than you. You can buy bulk salt in many forms. If you live by the ocean, you can even boil seawater to extract it yourself. Sam’s Club sells 25 lb. bags of Morton’s table salt, but pure rock salt is pretty much the same thing. Another type of salt, sodium nitrate, is a particularly good ingredient for food preservation. The Food and Agricultural Organization of the UN provides a decent primer on salting and drying meats on its website. We suggest you print it out and keep it with your salt.

The other post-disaster use for salt is one it has served before—as currency. In this function, salt rivals gold, with a history of use as a currency going back at least as far as ancient Egypt. In a post-disaster environment, with food scarce, salt could become more valuable than gold once again. Small amounts of it could be used as barter for other resources.

After stocking your coal and salt, check out our Top 10 Disaster Currencies post for other items you may not have thought of yet.

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Remington XM2010- Enhanced Sniper Rifle

The XM2010 was designed and developed specifically for the sustained harsh environment of the modern battlefield using state-of-the-art technology, manufacturing processes, and corrosion resistant materials. As an upgrade to the combat proven M24 Sniper Weapon System, the XM2010 is chambered in 300 Win Mag for extended effective range  using the M24 700 action, and has proven out-of-the-box 1 MOA accuracy. The XM2010 features the new Remington Arms Chassis System (RACS) with a folding stock that allows for adjustment of the length of pull and cheek height and captures the bolt handle when folded. This allows  the operator to configure his weapon to his personal physical requirements and transport the system more easily. Additional chassis features include a monolithic rail with removable rail pieces and cable routing guides that maximize rail insert space, co-align electroptics, and manage electric cables. Finally, the XM2010 features such end user driven enhancements as a 5-round detachable box magazine  that allows the operator to quickly reload the weapon, a Leupold long range variable powered optic, and the Advanced Armament Corp TiTan quick detach sound suppressor.  The XM2010 – an evolutionary leap in precision engagement capability and survivability.

VIDEO: SHOT Show 2011 Exclusive - Remington XM2010 Enhanced Sniper Rifle

Source: Remington Defense

Recent News: US Army Awards XM2010 Sniper Rifle Parts Contract to Remington® Arms – October 02, 2012
Army’s XM2010 sniper rifle gets full fielding – April 25th, 2011

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Obama’s Mojo

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Top 10 Survival States: #3

3th Best Survival State: North Dakota

Survival Score: 11.1

North Dakota has the lowest property crime rate in the nation, and one of the lowest violent crime rates. Gun laws are limited, and North Dakota’s unemployment rate is America’s lowest. The people are peaceable, and sparse. Tornados are a threat, especially in the east, but you are relatively safe from other natural disasters in the Peace Garden State. Farmland is inexpensive in North Dakota, and boasts better than average productivity.

3th Worst Survival State: Massachusetts

Survival Score: 36.1

On a positive note for Massachusetts, it didn’t come in last in any single category we measured. Unfortunately the state came in close to last in most of them. Massachusetts is home to a very dense population with expensive, yet unproductive, farmland. Property crime is relatively low, but violent crime is quite high. Gun laws are oppressive. The Bay State is forced to spend a fortune on keeping the peace and is buffeted by the occasional hurricane from the south, and Nor’easters and cold winters from the north. Even the hardy Mayflower pilgrims couldn’t survive in Massachusetts without help from the Native Americans.

Follow our countdown of the best survival states every day until we get to #1!

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Top 10 Survival States: #2

2nd Best Survival State: Idaho

Survival Score: 10.3

Continuing what has become a “West is best” theme for our Top 10 Survival States, Idaho comes in at #2 on our list. Idaho is largely immune to destructive disasters, though watch out for the cold. The Gem State was the first state in our ranking to place better than average in every category. Rates for both violent and property crime are very low, and law enforcement budgets are small. The population of Idaho is spread out, and most own their own homes. Gun rights are protected. Farmland prices are reasonable and productivity slightly better than average. Unemployment is right around average. In all, Idaho gives the survivalist little to complain about.

2nd Worst Survival State: California

Survival Score: 36.8

Our second-worst survival state is California. Without scoring last in any category, California maintained an overall level of mediocrity that pushed it down near the bottom of the list. Starting with the positive, California has the nation’s most productive farmland. But that productivity comes with a big caveat. Nearly 40% of California’s cropland is irrigated. The irrigation systems are powered by electric pumps, which in disaster situations such as an EMP attack will not be able to keep your corner of the Mojave watered. Gun laws in California are the worst in the country. Arming yourself before any civil unrest would be nearly impossible in The Golden State. Natural disasters are another threat in California. Earthquakes, wildfires, mudslides, and more threaten citizens of California, making it an unattractive place to live. Dense populations, expensive land, low homeownership, and high crime rates round out California’s poor survival state résumé.

Follow our countdown of the best survival states every day until we get to #1!

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