How to Get Your Obama Money

Published: Fri, 11/02/12

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In This Issue:

10 Reason to Vote Obama Out of Office  By Richard C. Young
How to Get Your Obama Money By E.J. Smith
The Unforeseen Dangers of the Zombie Apocalypse By Steve Schneider
CHAMP – Counter-electronics High-powered Advanced Missile Project The Editors
Benghazi—Cover Up or Incompetence? By Richard C. Young
Secret Voter Tide in Ohio The Editors
Iowa Votes No on Job Killing Obama! By Richard C. Young

Young Investments Client Letter:
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New October Client Letter New Stocks in the Retirement Compounders Program
To improve diversification and better cover the global equity landscape, we are expanding the number of stocks in RCs portfolios. Since the correlation among stocks continues to fluctuate, we have decided to move away from a fixed number of positions and instead buy no fewer than 40 stocks. To find out the names of some of the new stocks in the program, click here for the October 2012 client letter.

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10 Reason to Vote Obama Out of Office

Killing employment, creating a full scale national security cover up on Benghazi, berating America’s small business owners, losing America’s AAA bond rating, and foisting Obamacare on American’s, many of whom will now lose their doctors should be a recipe for re-election disaster. How in heck can any American concerned about the future for children and grandchildren even think of voting for perhaps the least prepared and most over his head president in a lifetime?

My link below outlines 10 specific reasons to vote Obama out of office. Consider this for starters: “Ten times as many people have dropped out of the workforce during Obama’s term than have found a job.”

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How to Get Your Obama Money

Are you scared of another four years of the Obama administration? Forget another four years—let’s look at the first four years. We’ve constructed an index to show you how scary it has been. The Young Research Survival Index includes companies like Campbell’s Soup; Sturm, Ruger & Co.; Hormel, Smith & Wesson; Generac; Goldcorp; Barrick Gold; Lancaster Colony; and Energizer. These are companies selling canned goods, gold, guns and ammo, batteries, generators, and all manner of survival material. As Americans become more worried about their failed government, they’re stocking up on these survival goods en masse. As you can see by the performance of the stocks, demand has been through the roof.

The index is rebased to 0 on January 19, 2009, President Obama’s inauguration. The value of the index today indicates the percentage growth or decline in the market value of the stocks in our index (market-cap-weighted with a 15% cap). Today, the index stands at 95.5%. That means that since President Obama took office, the value of our Survival Stocks has increased by 95.5%! If he wins again, invest in the Survival Index and maybe you’ll make your Obama money.

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The Unforeseen Dangers of the Zombie Apocalypse

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CHAMP – Counter-electronics High-powered Advanced Missile Project

MSF12-0126-01Cruising fast over the Western Utah Desert, a lone missile makes history at the Utah Test and Training Range. The missile, known as CHAMP, or Counter-electronics High-powered Advanced  Missile Project may one day change modern warfare, by defeating electronic targets with little or no collateral damage.

On Oct. 16th at 10:32 a.m. MST a Boeing Phantom Works team along with members from the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Directed Energy Directorate team, and Raytheon Ktech, suppliers of the High Power Microwave source, huddled in a conference room at Hill Air Force Base and watched the history making test unfold on a television monitor.

CHAMP approached its first target and fired a burst of High Power Microwaves at a two story building built on the test range. Inside rows of personal computers and electrical systems were  turned on to gauge the effects of the powerful radio waves.

Seconds later the PC monitors went dark and cheers erupted in the conference room. CHAMP had successfully knocked out the computer and electrical systems in the target building. Even the television cameras set up to record the test were knocked off line without collateral damage.

Watch the simulation video here.

“This technology marks a new era in modern-day warfare,” said Keith Coleman, CHAMP program manager for Boeing Phantom Works. “In the near future, this technology may be used to render an enemy’s electronic and data systems useless even before the first troops or aircraft arrive,”

In all, seven targets were hit using CHAMP’s high power microwaves in the one-hour test that degraded and defeated the electronics inside the test buildings.

James Dodd, vice president of Advanced Boeing Military Aircraft, part of Phantom Works said there is a real need for a weapon that can defeat a target and not cause harm to people and structures.

“We know this has some capabilities and some impact, we’re really trying to engage the customer to see if there is a way we can actually get this fielded and implemented sooner than later,” Dodd said.

Coleman, who led the Boeing team in the historic test flight, says the team is currently analyzing data and telemetry from the test that many consider a big step in modern non-lethal warfare.

“Today we turned science fiction into science fact,” Coleman said.

Source: Boeing

Recent News: Boeing Non-kinetic Missile Records 1st Operational Test Flight

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Benghazi—Cover Up or Incompetence?

These are the only choices. Either way, America cannot afford four more years of Barack Obama. Here is the true story. And you will not like what you will read from Bing West.

I first met Bing a number of years ago in Newport and caught up with him again in Paris not long back as he and the NRO gang were heading out on a river cruise to Normandy. Bing’s books and regular NRO columns are must reads. Now Mr. West lays bare the sad truth of either a Benghazi cover up or gross incompetence. No matter the final word on the death of our ambassador and the other brave Americans, Barack Obama is not fit to be president. It is just that simple.

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Secret Voter Tide in Ohio

Among the flurry of polls being released this week, none are more scrutinized than those focusing on Ohio, the most important swing state. Without winning Ohio, a Republican has never won the presidency. A pair of articles in today’s Wall Street Journal from Daniel Henninger and Karl Rove setup the case for a Romney win in the Buckeye State.

Henninger highlights the differences between 2012 and 2008.

Four years ago, evangelicals mainly supported former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee. When John McCain became the nominee, he and the evangelical community never connected, and many evangelicals stayed home. This time they are in motion.

According to Henninger’s report, Evangelical voters have been motivated by the religious restrictions in Obamacare.

The president of Ohio Christian University, Mark A. Smith, says, “The intensity of voters in the faith community is as high as I’ve seen it in the last 12 years.” The driver of that intensity is religious liberty. “We took a direct hit with the Affordable Care Act,” he says. Evangelicals watched the Obama administration’s big public fight with Catholic hospitals and charities. What they concluded is that the health-care law was a direct threat to their own private outreach programs.

A wave of Evangelical voters could easily put Romney over-the-top on Election Day in Ohio.

Mr. [Ralph] Reed [president of the Faith and Freedom Coalition] notes that in several opinion polls—NBC, Pew and ABC—the percentage of evangelicals claiming to support Mr. Romney has been in the mid-70s. “We estimate that in 2008 there were 350,000 evangelicals who didn’t vote in Ohio,” Mr. Reed says. “Obama carried the state by 260,000.” If that support of 70% or more holds for Mr. Romney in Ohio, and if the share of the evangelical vote increases by a point or two, then the challenger could carry the Buckeye State.

Mr. Rove notes in a separate column that Democrats are having trouble getting out their voters in Ohio, and that they are relying on estimates of likely voters that are unlikely to be accurate.

Are Democrats bringing out episodic voters who might not otherwise turn out? Not according to Ms. Nallen. She says that about 90% of each party’s early voters so far had also voted in three of the past four Ohio elections. Democrats also suggest they are bringing Obama-leaning independents to polls. But since Mr. Romney has led among independents in nine of the 13 Ohio polls conducted since the first debate, the likelihood is that the GOP is doing as good a job in turning out their independent supporters as Democrats are in turning out theirs.

Desperate Democrats are now hanging their hopes on a new Quinnipiac University/New York Times/CBS News poll showing the president with a five-point Ohio lead. But that survey gives Democrats a +8 advantage in turnout, the same advantage Democrats had in 2008. That assumption is, to put it gently, absurd.

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Iowa Votes No on Job Killing Obama!

The largest newspaper in Iowa, The Des Moines Register, has turned thumbs down on Barack Obama and endorsed Mitt Romney for president. In order to spur job growth and revive the economy The Register reverses decades of history endorsing democrats for president.

A quote from the endorsement:

Which candidate could forge the compromises in Congress to achieve these goals? When the question is framed in those terms, Mitt Romney emerges the stronger candidate.

The former governor and business executive has a strong record of achievement in both the private and the public sectors. He was an accomplished governor in a liberal state. He founded and ran a successful business that turned around failing companies. He successfully managed the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City.

Romney has made rebuilding the economy his No. 1 campaign priority — and rightly so.

The nation has struggled to recover from recession for the past 40 months. Still, the economy is growing at an unacceptably anemic rate of around 2 percent a year and could slip back into recession depending on what happens in the European Union and China.

The workforce is still 4.5 million jobs short of the nearly 9 million that were lost in the recession. Longer term, looming deficits driven by Social Security and Medicare pose the single greatest threats to the nation’s economic security.

The president’s best efforts to resuscitate the stumbling economy have fallen short. Nothing indicates it would change with a second term in the White House.


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