Following France Over the Cliff

Published: Fri, 11/09/12

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In This Issue:

Following France Over the Cliff  By Richard C. Young
Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV)  The Editors
Here It Comes: Part IBy Richard C. Young
Derail Obamacare-It’s Not Too Late By Richard C. Young
The Way Ahead By Richard C. Young
America’s Defenders of the Constitution
 By Richard C. Young

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New October Client Letter New Stocks in the Retirement Compounders Program
To improve diversification and better cover the global equity landscape, we are expanding the number of stocks in RCs portfolios. Since the correlation among stocks continues to fluctuate, we have decided to move away from a fixed number of positions and instead buy no fewer than 40 stocks. To find out the names of some of the new stocks in the program, click here for the October 2012 client letter.

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Following France Over the Cliff

America’s election night debacle makes it quite simple. We live in two Americas. As French economist Frederic Bastia told us, “Government is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else.” You are now looking at just such a condition. Over the last couple of years, Debbie and I have been spending a considerable amount of time in France. We in fact were in France for the recent French debacle of a presidential election. Like America, the French voted in a socialist. Unlike in America, the candidate actually admitted to being a socialist. The French already realize they have been had and are reacting accordingly.

As you know, I felt the American socialist would lose the election, and I have been proven wrong. It turns out that the America I grew up in is gone and most likely gone for good. A two-party system is no longer the proper form of politics for America’s achievers. In America, the takers now outnumber the givers. The labels liberal and conservative are blurred and meaningless. Debbie and I are benefactors of the Cato Institute, where the word conservative is not used. That’s because conservative to most Americans means a combination of two groups: evangelical Christians and the military/industrial (see neocon) complex. Cato is not a supporter of a foreign policy that butts into another country’s business, like our misguided efforts in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.

I have written thousands of words in opposition to Barack Obama, yet have written virtually nothing regarding Mitt Romney. Why? Because Mr. Romney, while a man I like and admire, is also a front man for “The Complex.” All you need do is examine Mr. Romney’s roster of foreign policy advisors. I voted for Mr. Romney with gritted teeth, choosing a military industrial complex guy over a socialist. I am an independent today largely because of the direction George Bush took the Republican Party. Bush was a big spending front man for “The Complex” and sent the country down a rat hole. Barack Obama is a good measure worse, with all the negative Bush attributes swathed in a Marxist blanket. If you have read Karl Marx, you will recognize the association between these two dangerously misguided fellows.

So now we are in quite a jam. My clients, America’s small business owners, will not buy into an Obama scenario. I have regularly advised my clients to move to states that have both a right to work law and the Castle Doctrine for personal protection. As you know, Debbie and I are Florida residents. Your priority move is to join me in an approved state. In Florida we have a great governor in Rick Scott. Governor Scott will not allow Florida to go down the Obama/Marx rat hole. Debbie and I have twice spent a little time with Governor Scott at Cato conclaves. Rick Scott is the type of positive entrepreneur who understands the concept of two Americas.

Along with moving your business to an approved state and becoming a Cato benefactor, what can you do to safeguard your family’s financial/personal security. I hope this won’t appear tacky, but you will benefit by subscribing to my monthly financial/personal security strategy report.

Republicans blew the 2012 election for many reasons, including the wrong candidate, a weak platform without guts, and no understanding of two Americas or how to deal with it. Now it’s time for hardball. No more Mr. Nice Guy. America’s small business owners provide most of the jobs in the country. Small business leaders now have the daunting task of wresting government from the Marxist/military industrial complex crowd, which includes most of the politicians in Washington. There is much to be done!

P.S Linked are three morning essays of value:

Two Americas, Michael Barone, National Revie
No Good Excuses, Michael Tanner, National Revie
Live Free . . . Or Die, Mark Steyn, National Review

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Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV)

JTVJLTV returns crucial mobility capability to soldiers, Marines and Special Forces with superior protection, payload and performance.

The primary goal of JLTV is to provide an affordable Family of Vehicles (FOV) — and companion trailers — that are capable of performing multiple mission roles designed to provide protected, sustained and networked mobility for personnel and payloads across the full range of military operations. All this capability is delivered in an affordable package, thanks to 60 percent better fuel efficiency compared to legacy vehicles, improved reliability and maximizing common components between vehicles.

Team Lockheed Martin’s mature JLTV FOV was designed, developed and extensively tested using feedback from the customer to improve in areas such as survivability, reliability and ergonomics.

Testing showed:

• Mature design and high reliability — The JLTV FOV accumulated more than 160,000 combined testing miles throughout prototype and Technology Demonstration (TD) phases.

• Lightweight transportability — Successful CH-47 and CH-53 lift tests demonstrated that JLTV meets both Army and Marines transportability requirements.

• Impressive protection — Despite its light weight, the vehicles will give warfighters needed force protection capabilities. It can achieve this through an improved v-hull design, which is unique to the Lockheed Martin team, and added armor, which increases lethality and superior mobility. The team is committed to warfighter safety, and government blast testing showed JLTV can beat TD blast protection expectations.

JTV-mudJLTV mobility and transportability requirements give commanders the flexibility to traverse diverse terrain across the global operational spectrum, as well as providing the option of rotary wing airlift.

Having mobility and expeditionary capabilities balanced with force protection and performance requirements is key as it returns the operational flexibility to the commander on the ground, offering choices of where to maneuver rather than being channeled into restricted and predictable operating areas. JLTV’s adjustable height suspension provides significant enhancements to ride quality, increasing warfighter combat effectiveness and facilitating crucial ship transportability. To accommodate backward and forward vehicle integration, JLTV is designed with an open (plug-and-play) architecture and employs a modular approach to accommodate future technologies and platform growth.


Meets blast protection standards of much heavier IED-protected vehicles in theater

CH-47 and CH-53 transportable

More than 160,000 combined test miles

Superior off-road performance

Returns payload and transportability

Modular force protection

Integrated C4, weapon systems and net-centric solution

Maximum commonality across Family of Vehicles


Source: Lockheed Martin

Watch the video here.


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Here It Comes: Part I

guntiedLiterally hours after the reelection of Barack Obama, the U.S. backed U.N. arms treaty talks. We’re looking at gun control here, pure and simple. Over coming weeks, you are going to read a lot of jive as to how the intent is not to jockey with your Second Amendment rights. Trust me, there is indeed such a goal. By example, there is wording to require states to make respecting human rights a criterion for allowing arms exports. And just who will be making the decision on human rights? A U.N. arms treaty will include a mountain of legalese that no American will be able to make head nor tail out of. I am against such a treaty, as is the NRA, of which Debbie and I are life members. Do as we will be doing, and call, email or visit your senator about your objection to a U.N. arms treaty. While we are on the subject, I’m all for pulling out of the U.N.

In coming days, you will find here NRA’s Second Amendment rating for all 100 senators. Our list will point you in the direction of the A&B-rated senators who can help us block any proposed U.N. arms treaty. Article.II. Section.2. of the Constitution says that the president has the right to make Treaties provided that two-thirds of the senators PRESENT concur. The word present here is worth a hard look. Participation must be closely monitored. We are running the numbers again to reflect the election changes. My initial thinking is that a two-thirds Senate vote in favor does not exist, but then I didn’t expect Americans to reelect a thoroughly discredited, anti-small business president.

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Derail Obamacare-It’s Not Too Late

Here it is! The definitive outline on how you and your state governor can derail Obamacare. The battle is far from over! The intelligence and astute analysis is provided for you by the gentleman who I believe is America’s firmest voice of reason on the subject of the Obamacare travesty. Michael F. Cannon is the Cato Institute’s Director of Health Policy Studies.

Debbie and I, as Cato Club 200 members, recently had the opportunity, at a Cato retreat, to participate in a small breakout group presentation and discussion with Michael, my friend Cato chairman Bob Levy, and Roger Pilon, Cato’s #1 guy on legal affairs. I wish each of you could have joined in.

Now is your chance to get on the inside track with the man who will energize you in understanding why there is still time for you and your state governor to stamp Obamacare dead. Enjoy!

Obamacare Is Still Vulnerable, Michael F. Cannon, National Review

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The Way Ahead

No whimpering, no whining Charles tells Republicans. What great reasoning from Dr. K. You will be back in the game after you read the way ahead, Krauthammer style.

The Way Forward, Charles Krauthammer, National Review

“They lose and immediately the chorus begins. Republicans must change or die. A rump party of white America, it must adapt to evolving demographics or forever be the minority…Additionally, warn the doomsayers, Republicans must change not just ethnically but ideologically. Back to the center. Moderation above all!…More nonsense. Tuesday’s exit polls showed that, by an eight-point margin (51–43), Americans believe that government does too much. And Republicans are the party of smaller government. Moreover, onrushing economic exigencies — crushing debt, unsustainable entitlements — will make the argument for smaller government increasingly unassailable…The answer to Romney’s failure is not retreat, not aping the Democrats’ patchwork pandering. It is to make the case for restrained, rationalized, and reformed government in stark contradistinction to Obama’s increasingly unsustainable big-spending, big-government paternalism…Republicans: No whimpering. No whining. No reinvention when none is needed. Do conservatism, but do it better. There’s a whole generation of leaders ready to do just that.”-Charles Krauthammer

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America’s Defenders of the Constitution

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