The 12 Days of Prepping Gift List

Published: Fri, 12/14/12

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In This Issue:

Barack Obama Embraces Karl Marx  By Richard C. Young
12 Days of Prepping: Day 1 The Editors
What a Bunch of Idiots, Indeed By E.J. Smith
12 Days of Prepping: Day 2 The Editors
Lindsey Graham Must Face a Primary The Editors
A Must Read from Senator Rand Paul The Editors
12 Days of Prepping: Day 3 The Editors
A Fiscal Story By Steve Schneider
12 Days of Prepping: Day 4 The Editors
False Reform: Why Republicans are on their Heels The Editors

Young Investments Client Letter: Sign up to get the letter mailed directly to you by clicking here.
November Client Letter: The Fed is Number 1 in Wealth Destruction This month I had lunch with retired BB&T Chairman and CEO, John Allison. Speaking with John was a special privilege given his unique background in the financial industry. John was the longest-serving CEO of a top-25 financial institution, serving BB&T from 1989 through 2008. John said he used to believe the Federal Reserve was second only to Congress in destroying wealth and well-being. Now he believes the Fed has moved into first place. Read more by clicking here.

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Barack Obama Embraces Karl Marx

“We have a tax machine that, in direct contravention of the Constitution, is not designed to solely raise revenue but is used, openly and admittedly, to control the economy and to equalize the earnings of our people.” From Ronald Reagan’s 28 July 1961 speech to the Orange County Press Club.

Do you suppose House Speaker John Boehner has read President Reagan’s compelling speech? It would certainly appear not. President Reagan continued, “The socialists’ ultimate tool was the progressive tax.” Are you reading this Speaker Boehner and fellow House members? Americans did not send you people to Washington to support the Marxist-oriented Obama administration in socializing America. Karl Marx, in The Communist Manifesto, outlined 10 points for allowing the proletariat to use its political supremacy to wrest, by degrees, all capital from the bourgeoisie. Marx’s express goal was to centralize all instruments of production in the hands of the state. For Marx, a heavy progressive or graduated income tax was a top 10 cornerstone.

Still with me here, Mr. Boehner? President Reagan warned, “Traditionally, one of the easiest first steps in imposing socialism on a people has been government paid medicine. It is the easiest to present as a humanitarian project. No one wants to oppose care for the sick.” Obamacare fits in quite nicely here, does it not? But as I have been posting from Cato’s Michael F. Cannon, the Obamacare battle is far from lost.

Are you Republicans in Congress aware of Mr. Cannon’s drive to thwart Obamacare? In a speech to Business Roundtable top business leaders, President Obama stated that he wouldn’t negotiate with Republicans on the issue of a borrowing limit without limitations. President Obama said, “I want to send a very clear message to people here: We are not going to play that game next year.” A game indeed, Mr. President. You are attempting to rob Peter to pay Paul. You have spent America into a ditch and now want America’s small business leaders to bail you out with higher taxes rates, a la Marx, and more debt. Speaker Boehner’s answer had better be no. America has a spending problem not a revenue problem. The only correct answer is to cut spending. Where can we start first, President Obama?

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12 Days of Prepping: Day 1

Today we begin twelve days of Christmas gift ideas for the survivalist or prepper in your family. Each gift aims to stay under $500, and we’ll advise on accessories where possible.

On the first day of Prepping, my true love gave to me, a Powertraveller Solarmonkey!

Powertraveller Solarmonkey: $24.95

solarmonkey The Powertraveller Solarmonkey is a small set of flip open solar panels that charges handheld devices. It’s light and durable and comes with a strap to hook to any rucksack. If you want to charge devices that demand more power like smartphones and iPads, you’ll want to upgrade to the Powertraveller eXplorer. Solar power is the only reliable alternative for long distance foot travel, and comes in very handy while camping and boating as well. Preppers should consider placing one in a Faraday cage system along with a cell phone.


Powertraveller Powermonkey Discovery: $71.99

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What a Bunch of Idiots, Indeed

Anti-Union-Leaders“Right to Work for Less you mean! Right to Work in Crappy Conditions you mean! Just be happy you have a job, shut up and punch in! I cannot believe sane people would support ‘right to work’ legislation. What a bunch of idiots!

I read the above diatribe in the comments section of an article on Michigan becoming the 24th right-to-work state. It’s like it was cut and pasted from talking points emailed to members from union leaders. Better yet, it’s probably written by a union leader sitting at a desk over at headquarters. After all, union leaderships’ game is to brainwash members into believing they’re nothing without the union. Well, that’s simply false.

In Wisconsin, union membership has fallen off a cliff. Ever since Governor Walker eliminated automatic deduction of dues from members’ paychecks, they have found better use for the money, like putting food on their tables, not those of union leaders.

Union leaders never tell you that right-to-work legislation gives workers a choice whether or not they choose to join a union. They never tell you unions are still allowed to be formed. Right-to-work does not make unions illegal. It makes them compete, like the private sector, and prove their merit to members.

Companies go where they’re well treated. Indiana, which became the 23rd right-to-work state, has become a magnet for business.

The Indiana Economic Corporation reports:

“With nearly five weeks left in the year, 2012 has already broken the state’s all-time record for number of deals won,” said Dan Hasler, Secretary of Commerce and chief executive officer of the Indiana Economic Development Corporation. “This is especially remarkable considering the ongoing concerns over the ‘fiscal cliff’ that have caused many companies to curtail investment plans.”

The 220 companies anticipate investing $3.6 billion in their Indiana operations and creating 20,866 new jobs in the coming years. These new positions pay an expected average hourly wage of $22.35, above the state’s current hourly wage of $19.66. Meanwhile, the average amount of state conditional tax incentives offered to companies on a per job basis is $8,916, down from around $37,000 in previous administrations.

“Under Governor Daniels’ leadership, this administration has taken pride in tackling challenging but common sense issues to make Indiana the most sought-after business location in the country,” Hasler said. “From its right-to-work status to its falling corporate and property taxes to its AAA credit rating, these results are proof that Indiana works for business.”

Good things come from good legislation. Right-to-work puts the power where it belongs.

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12 Days of Prepping: Day 2

On the second day of Survivalist Christmas my true love gave to me, two Travel Wrenches, and a Powertraveller Solarmonkey!

Travel-WrenchTravel Wrench Key Ring: $9.95

The Travel Wrench is a lot more than just a wrench, in fact, it wasn’t even designed to be a very good wrench. Instead, the Travel Wrench was designed to be an airport-security friendly handheld weapon occupying much the same place in combat as a set of brass knuckles. The travel wrench was designed by martial artist Kelly Worden, founder of the Natural Spirit International school of martial arts. His design for the travel wrench was influenced heavily by the Filipino kerambit knife. The travel wrench would make a great stocking stuffer, or gift for a friend.


Travel Wrench Soft Rubber Trainer: $7.95
Travel Wrench Instructional DVD: $29.95
Travel Wrench Key Ring Training Manual: $10.00

Watch the video here.

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Lindsey Graham Must Face a Primary

Of all the sitting Republican senators up for reelection in 2014, Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina must be the prime target for a Tea Party led primary effort. Graham has been outright hostile to the Tea Party and describes himself to the New York Times as “completely opposite of where the Tea Party movement’s at.”

120618-D-NI589-589It’s hard to find a contentious vote where Graham has aligned himself with conservatives rather than progressives in the Senate. He voted to confirm both Justice Sonia Sotomayor and Justice Elena Kagan. Each is an anti-Second Amendment activist on the bench of the Supreme Court.

South Carolinia’s retiring junior senator, Jim DeMint has a 100% lifetime rating from the free market Club for Growth. DeMint is a leader of the conservative movement in the Senate and should be regarded as a model for a challenger to Sen. Graham, who has only a 75% lifetime rating—one of the lowest among sitting Republicans.

Graham has a history of making bad votes. He’s a serial flip-flopper when it comes to raising the debt ceiling, voting against it in 2009, for it in 2008, for it again in 2008, against it in 2007, for it in 2006, for it in 2004, and for it in 2003. That’s consistency!

And Graham supported the worst pieces of legislation to come out of the Bush-era; TARP, the Patriot Act, and No Child Left Behind. Now Senator Graham is leading Republicans, like a progressive Pied Piper, to break a pledge many of them have made to never raise taxes. Graham is undercutting his fellow Republicans who are keeping their promises by refusing higher tax rates.

But perhaps most damning of all, Senator Graham is, along with Sen. John McCain, the leading neocon in the Senate. This crowd is willing to stomp on the constitution to pursue foreign nation building efforts. In an interview with Bob Schieffer Graham said “Free speech is a great idea, but we’re in a war.” Are those the words of a man sworn to uphold the constitution? He also supports holding U.S. citizens indefinitely without trial, ignoring their rights. His justification is that America is at war, but, in another violation of the constitution, he and his Senate colleagues refuse to declare one.

South Carolinians and the nation need a more conservative alternative to Senator Lindsey Graham. There are a number of qualified candidates in South Carolina, and hopefully one of them will step forward to bring Senator Graham’s tenure to an end.

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A Must Read from Senator Rand Paul

Last week the GOP establishment purged four principled conservatives from their committee assignments.

And at a closed door caucus meeting on Capitol Hill, Speaker Boehner reportedly warned members that leadership is watching their “voting patterns.”

It appears the GOP establishment is going all-out to maintain their iron grip on the Republican Party.

You and I can’t allow establishment Republicans to punish conservatives for voting their values.

That’s why it’s vital you sign the petition to House Speaker John Boehner and House Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan.

The petition urges John Boehner and Paul Ryan to stop purging fiscal conservatives from committee assignments, and to reinstate the four already purged from their positions.

You see, according to news reports, two of the congressmen were purged from the Budget Committee for voting for a five-year balanced budget plan – instead of Paul Ryan’s budget which balanced in twenty-eight years.

Apparently, it seems that not toeing the establishment line is grounds for purging fiscal conservatives from committee assignments.

Our country is $16 trillion in debt, the “official” unemployment rate is just under 8%, and assaults on our liberties continue on a daily basis.

It’s time for Republicans to get serious for a change.

It’s time for my colleagues to stop insulting Americans’ intelligence with tired talking points and phony “solutions.”

Instead of caving on their no tax pledge with phony solutions like the $800 BILLION tax hike put forth by leadership in the house, Republicans should be leading the charge for lower taxes and smaller government.

But I’m afraid, for that to happen, you and I are going to have to force my colleagues to recognize you will not tolerate Republicans being indistinguishable from Democrats.

And I believe one sure way to do that is for you and I to let the GOP establishment know constitutional conservatives won’t tolerate them purging fiscal conservatives from their committee assignments.

So please, sign the petition to House Speaker John Boehner and Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan IMMEDIATELY.

You and I must not sit back and allow the GOP establishment to maintain its iron grip on our party.

Sign the petition to House Speaker John Boehner and Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan TODAY.

In Liberty,

Senator Rand Paul

P.S. Last week the GOP establishment purged four principled conservatives from their committee assignments.

And according to news reports, two of the congressmen were purged from the Budget Committee for voting for a budget that balanced in five years – instead of the establishment’s budget which balanced in twenty-eight years.

That’s why it’s vital you help stop the conservative purge by signing the petition to House Speaker John Boehner and House Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan.

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12 Days of Prepping: Day 3

On the third day of Prepping my true love gave to me, three 350 Magnums, two Travel Wrenches, and a Powertraveller Solarmonkey!

RWS-350The RWS Diana Model 350 Magnum Air Rifle: $299.95

The RWS Diana 350 Magnum fires .177 or .22 caliber ammo at 1250 or 860 feet per second respectively through an elegant Monte-Carlo stock. The advantage of an air rifle is that it is super quiet. The prepper looking for quiet small game kills that won’t draw the attention of others will enjoy the 350 Magnum.

H&N Field Target Trophy .22 Cal: $14.50
Crosman Premier .22 Cal: $8.99
Crosman Pellgunoil® Air Gun Lubricating Oil: $4.46

Watch the video here.

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A Fiscal Story

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12 Days of Prepping: Day 4

On the fourth day of Prepping my true love gave to me, four AR-7s, three 350 Magnums, two Travel Wrenches, and a Powertraveller Solarmonkey!

AR-7Henry U.S. Survival AR-7: $275.00

The Henry U.S. Survival AR-7 is a must have for survivalists and preppers. The .22LR rifle breaks down and fits into its own ABS plastic stock. Once inside, the whole rifle is waterproof, and floats. The AR-7 is the rifle of choice for Air Force pilots’ parachute packs. The AR-7 can be assembled easily by hand, and comes with two eight round magazines that can be preloaded and stowed in the stock. Total weight is only 3.5lbs. That’s light enough to put one in your bug out bag, or a stocking.


CCI Bulk .22 LR Stinger and Segmented Hollow Point Ammo: $64.99

Opened AR-7


See through view of AR-7

Watch the video here.


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False Reform: Why Republicans are on their Heels

With the recent purge of conservatives from Congressional committees and subcommittees it is becoming increasingly clear that there are two Republican Parties. One is those loyal to leadership, and the other is loyal to its principles.

We were amused recently when Romney campaign advisors Dan Senor and Pete Wehner credited Rep. Paul Ryan’s Medicare “reform” plan for ending Mediscare tactics by Democrats. Sure, the plan helped to blunt attacks on Republicans from people who believe in big government, because the plan is simply a different form of big government. Rather than have government negotiating rates and paying doctors with taxpayer dollars, it allows regular Americans to negotiate rates and pay doctors with taxpayer dollars. Either way the taxpayer is footing the bill. Is that real conservatism?

Today the same GOP leadership that brought you the Ryan plan is preparing to negotiate to raise Americans’ taxes to pay for out of control spending. Those disagreeing with the leadership’s Democrat-lite strategy are being purged from influential committees. Speaker John Boehner’s Steering Committee pulled Congressmen Justin Amash, Tim Huelskamp and David Schweikert from committees after the three made principled votes against leadership this year. That’s a major insult in Congress, and makes these conservatives much less effective in pursuing the goals they were sent to Washington to fight for.

But the purge is more than just a way to get rid of a few rabble rousers among the GOP ranks. It’s a way to instill fear in other congressmen. The threat of being booted from committees and subcommittees will be enough to keep many Republicans from voting against the terrible compromise GOP leadership is about to make on the fiscal cliff. Many will break their pledge to not raise taxes rather than risk being ejected from committee assignments.

While Mr. Senor and Mr. Wehner may consider unprincipled voting the route to electoral success, and Speaker Boehner may agree with them, what else does it accomplish? If Republicans vote like Democrats, and seek retribution against dissenters like Democrats, and spend other peoples’ money like Democrats, what makes them different from Democrats?

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