You're Family Will Be Hit at Night!

Published: Fri, 11/23/12

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In This Issue:

You're Family Will Be Hit at Night! By Richard C. Young
You Can Help Stop Obamacare!
By Richard C. Young
Stealing Your Birthday
By E.J. Smith
A Marxist in New York Times Garb! By Richard C. Young
Iron Dome The Editors

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New October Client Letter New Stocks in the Retirement Compounders Program
To improve diversification and better cover the global equity landscape, we are expanding the number of stocks in RCs portfolios. Since the correlation among stocks continues to fluctuate, we have decided to move away from a fixed number of positions and instead buy no fewer than 40 stocks. To find out the names of some of the new stocks in the program, click here for the October 2012 client letter.

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Your Family Will Be Hit at Night!

Sandy lootingWhy is it that crises mostly strike at night when you are most vulnerable and least prepared to act? Due to the recent super-storm Sandy, millions lost power in a flash. It has now been weeks rather than days, and I am hearing that it may be December or even January before power is returned to many. Stories of looting and roving gangs are both rampant and under-reported. Pressure is always put on the media to keep the lid on and not breed panic. Terrified homeowners actually do not have to concern themselves about poor media coverage because in a disaster situation public power systems will be out, rendering signal delivery impossible.

Consider how you would protect your family in that setting. My guess is that for most citizens the cold sweats would break out literally in minutes as recognition sinks in that no disaster planning has been done, no personal safety audit has been conducted, and no firearms have been purchased to deal with home invaders and looters. There is always tomorrow, right? Disaster planning is an unpleasant task and inertia is a powerful foe. Both time and money are part of the equation.

I have spent over a decade researching personal security and conducting risk audits for my own family, relatives and friends, most of whom are now in pretty good shape, with my farm-based family and friends in the catbird’s seat. This is not the case, however, with over 95% of people I speak with away from my family and friends. I am barraged with questions when it becomes clear that I am deeply involved with personal security. The most-often-asked question is which gun should I get first. I have a variety of firearms to meet many contingencies. No single firearm is perfect in every setting. Given this caveat, my first choice is a flexible, multi-purpose, inexpensive, Henry Survival .22 semi-automatic. ( What a great little gun. Debbie and I own four Henrys and will soon be adding to our arsenal (MSRP $275 in black). The stock is ABS plastic. The receiver and the steel barrel are Teflon coated. Since 1959, the Henry Survival .22 has been the choice of U.S. Air Force pilots who need a small caliber rifle they can count on if downed.

If you find your family in the sort of first class disaster situation I write about, you will be looking at round-the-clock security over the full perimeter of your property. This means a team approach and multiple weapons for each team member. You’re looking at the full gamut of planning, preparation, and execution (PPE). At the top of my list for owing the Henry is its ease of use for every member of your family. A well-taught fifth-grader can deal with this light-weight, light-kick .22.

The Henry breaks down into three pieces and quickly packs up into its waterproof stock. The compact Henry is perfect for taking on camping trips or using at home as a personal protection firearm. The gun weighs 3.5 lbs. and is 16-½ inches long and is sold with two eight-round magazines (stock up on extra magazines) that also pack into the stock. My choice of ammunition is the Stinger .22LR from CCI. ( You’re looking at copper-plated, hollow-point rounds (you will not want to have hollow points in your car traveling through storm-ravaged New Jersey). I buy the ammo in 50-round plastic boxes. Among the many advantages of a .22 round are its light kick and low cost. There is no such thing as too much ammo. In a disaster setting, ammo is a defensive must in quantity as well as a currency. Your gold will not get you far in such an environment, but ammo is always in strong demand.

OK, you’re off and running with a terrific family firearm. Remember, each member of your family needs to take the NRA’s handgun safety course as a place to start in educating your family on personal defense.

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You Can Help Stop Obamacare!

Stop-ObamacareFreedomworks has set up online a way for you to tell your state governor you do not want a state health insurance exchange. Debbie and I have responded to Rick Scott, our Florida state governor. You can get on board too. Cato Institute’s Michael Cannon, America’s number one expert on the job-killing effect of Obamacare, is referenced by Freedomworks. Obamacare is a killer for America’s small business owners. Derail Obamacare!

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Stealing Your Birthday

Target PracticeA friend and I recently completed a handgun course at Sig Sauer Academy in Exeter, New Hampshire. One drill showed how quickly someone can steal your birthday. The speed was literally breathtaking.

First off, I highly recommend a handgun course for anyone concerned about self-defense. I’m not recommending gun ownership for you. That’s a very personal decision and best made between you and your spouse.

You will learn a lot about self-defense at a handgun course. And don’t be intimidated. You will not be the only one there who is a beginner, if that’s your concern. There are all levels of classes available. Your comfort level is not lost on the instructors, but you do need to show up with your game face on and be ready to participate. This particular class wasn’t for beginners, but all handgun classes build upon a strong foundation of fundamentals, just like any skill or sport. It’s worth noting how we parents spend hours teaching our kids about sports like soccer, which is embraced by society. But why not talk about self-defense with the same enthusiasm?

The eight-hour course I took went well into the night. During this session, we worked at the inside range. Here’s how one of the more memorable drills worked. First, all pistols were holstered with chambers emptied. The instructor selected two volunteers. One took off his firearm while the other kept his. They stood back-to-back. The idea was to see how fast a threat could be upon you. One was to run away while the other was to draw his sidearm and pretend to shoot in the opposite direction.

On the first run-through, the runner was at least 50 yards away by the time the shooter had fired his pistol. In other words, if a threat approached the shooter from less than 50 yards away, it would have been upon him before he could have fired. The second time around, the runner didn’t get as far, but the distance travelled was still discomforting. That’s what real time looks like.

The exercise illustrated exactly what proximity means in a life-or-death gunfight. The instructor explained how police officers are trained to delineate a circle of awareness around themselves for that exact reason. He said the police use a short 30-yard radius because of the speed with which a threat can move. One has literally only seconds to react. That’s good situational advice for all of us who tend to mind our own business, because a few do not. Walk with your head up so they know you’re not an easy target.

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A Marxist in New York Times Garb!

paul-krugman-umbrellaAny American who wants to take a gander at a guy who really has no concept of a federal republic but has a really firm grasp of economics a la Marx need focus only on one Paul Krugman. Here we have an ivory tower pontificator who is the absolute model of Marxism. Click here for Krugman’s latest disturbing distortions anti-small business insanity.

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Iron Dome

gaza-iron-domeThe Iron Dome is the only dual mission system in the world that provides an effective defense solution for countering rockets, artillery & mortars (C-RAM) as well as aircraft, helicopters, UAVs, PGMs. The system is an effective system for countering C-RAM threats with ranges of up to 70 km and for VSHORAD protection (up to 10 km). The system operates in all weather conditions, including low clouds, rain, dust storms or fog.

Iron Dome can handle multiple threats simultaneously and efficiently. The system enables effective and selective handling of critical threats aimed at the defended zone to reduce unnecessary launches. The system uses a unique interceptor with a special warhead that detonates any target in the air within seconds.

If the estimated rocket trajectory poses a critical threat, a command is given within seconds and an interceptor is launched against the threat.

The interceptor receives trajectory updates from the BMC via uplink communication. The interceptor approaches the target and uses its radar seeker to acquire the target and guides the interceptor within passing distance. The target warhead is detonated over a neutral area, therefore reducing collateral damage to the protected area.


• Cost effective solution
• Day/night and all weather operation
• Successful handling of simultaneous firing (concentrated salvos) of a large number of threats
• Effective discrimination and handling of threats
• Very high percent success rate in intercepting incoming shells and rockets
• Reduced collateral damage to the protected area

Cost-Effective Air Defense Solution

The Iron dome is a cost effective system that can handle multiple threats simultaneously and efficiently.

The Iron Dome system has been selected by the Israeli Defense Ministry as the best system offering the most comprehensive defense solution against a wide range of threats in a relatively short development cycle and at low cost.


• Vertically launched interceptor

• Highly effective warhead and proximity fuse

• Mobile launcher

• Integration with various radar and detection systems.

Source: Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd.

Watch the Iron Dome in action as it takes out six incoming rockets.

Recent News: Israel’s Iron Dome – A Breakout Performance for Missile Defense – November 19, 2012

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