What Do We Do Now?

Published: Fri, 12/21/12

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In This Issue:

12 Days of Prepping: Day 5  The Editors
What Do We Do Now? By Richard C. Young
12 Days of Prepping: Day 6 The Editors
Be Your Own Boss By E.J. Smith
12 Days of Prepping: Day 7 The Editors
Protecting Our Children and Lt. Col. Dave Grossman’s “Five D’s” By Richard C. Young
12 Days of Prepping: Day 8 The Editors
Obama Claus By Steve Schneider
12 Days of Prepping: Day 9 The Editors
Merry Christmas! Boehner’s Plan B is Dead By Richard C. Young

Young Investments Client Letter:
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November Client Letter: The Fed is Number 1 in Wealth Destruction This month I had lunch with retired BB&T Chairman and CEO, John Allison. Speaking with John was a special privilege given his unique background in the financial industry. John was the longest-serving CEO of a top-25 financial institution, serving BB&T from 1989 through 2008. John said he used to believe the Federal Reserve was second only to Congress in destroying wealth and well-being. Now he believes the Fed has moved into first place. Read more by clicking here.

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12 Days of Prepping: Day 5

On the fifth day of Prepping my true love gave to me, FIVE GOLD COINS, four AR-7s, three 350 Magnums, two Travel Wrenches, and a Powertraveller Solarmonkey!

eagleGold American Eagle 2012, ¼ oz.: $481.17 (subject to change daily)

Gold is obviously one of the top investments for survivalists and preppers worldwide. The classic currency does not oxidize, and has a long history of acceptance as a form of exchange. Putting a Gold American Eagle under the tree of your favorite prepper would make his day.

Accessories: The best safe you can afford.

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What Do We Do Now?

Of all the comments I have received post election, not one has been on the order of “too bad for Mitt.” It is painfully clear that Mr. Romney, like John McCain and Bob Dole before him, did not connect with most Americans. Democrats on the other hand seem capable of fielding candidates like Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and JFK, each with the compelling ability to energize Americans. Forget the issues. Vital national issues are overrated as a reason for winning or losing elections. I hate to say it, but Americans are largely clueless on the issues that really count and react with kneejerk regularity on an array of peripheral issues, mostly of the social order.

For the most part, Americans know little of the Constitution or Jefferson’s meaning of a Federal Republic form of government. I carry a copy of the Constitution with me. The Cato Institute’s Declaration of Independence/Constitution mini booklet is by far your best bet due to the inclusion of special Cato insights on both documents. Visit Cato’s web site by clicking here. Become a Cato supporter and request your copy of Cato’s great little book.

The recent election confirms that we now effectively live in two countries. My clients, America’s small business owners, want no part of Barack Obama and know him as the Marxist-oriented, big government ideologue he is. How did such a widely disliked president with one of the worst presidential records in history grab a second term? Evangelicals never bought into the Mormon thing. The Romney camp dissed the highly popular Ron Paul, and out the door went much of Paul’s support. Anti-neocons like me were fully up to speed on Romney’s foreign policy team and recoiled in fright. As a group, the three can pack a powerful turnout punch—assuming agreement in principle with a candidate. Well there was no agreement, and the vote loss for Mr. Romney was significant.

So what do small government anti-Marxists do now? Energize to strengthen states’ rights positions that are supported by the strong majority of Republican governors. The Tea Party needs to rally forth and reenergize. The battle is far from lost. Midterm elections are less than two years away, and the party holding the White House generally fares poorly in the midterms. Republicans in the House need new leadership. Mr. Boehner is the wrong guy going forward or, for that matter, backward. Americans favoring small government must energetically seek out hard-hitting, young, take-no-prisoners candidates to run for the House and open Senate seats. Not to wear you out, but please become a Cato Institute supporter. You will in turn be supported with all the research and talking points you will need to form powerful local influence groups to contact reps and senators and recruit like-minded small government sympathizers. I am no fan of Republican/Democrat designations. Both parties stand for big government, military adventurism. One party transfers your money to the takers from the givers. The other simply highjacks your money. Ex Ronald Reagan, there have been, for decades, little practical differences between the two parties.

Given my sour view on the two party system, how should you vote? Knowing the shortcomings, you vote Republican. If you do not, you run the risk of electing another president to my all-time, post 1900, most destructive presidents list. My Presidential Rouges Gallery includes Wilson, FDR, Truman, Johnson, Carter and Obama. Why no inclusion of Bill Clinton? Mr. Clinton, despite his disgrace on the personal decorum front, had a few redeeming qualities and was not as destructive as the others. Note that not one Republican is on my most destructive presidents list. The way ahead can be bright given the dismal fellow now residing in the White House and the perilous state of the U.S. economy and financial system. You can make a big difference moving forward by following my program above. We need to work together!

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12 Days of Prepping: Day 6

On the sixth day of Prepping my true love gave to me, six Superfood bars, FIVE GOLD COINS, four AR-7s, three 350 Magnums, two Travel Wrenches, and a Powertraveller Solarmonkey!

probar superfoodProbar Superfood Slam bars (12 pack): $25.89 – $55.84

Filled with organic acai berries, raspberries, chocolate, and greens, the Probar Superfood Slam bar is a nutritional powerhouse. The Superfood bars are loaded with Omega 3s, and provide 380 calories per bar. Stash a few of these in your favorite prepper’s stocking or your own bug out bag.


Garden of Life – Perfect Food Raw Organic, 240 caps: $27.89

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Be Your Own Boss

If you want to see how businesses are built, don’t go to the government for help, go to Sharkfest! I did last week as a guest judge for the annual business competition held at Johnson and Wales University, the place where big-time chefs and alumni like Emeril Lagasse learned the basics before the BAM!

Reading through the business proposals reminded me of all the work that it takes to create your own BAM! And it starts with the guts to get up on stage in front of a packed house, especially your peers, and rattle off your plan like the contestants and winners did.

Events like Sharkfest teach one of the most important steps to success in business—believing in yourself. And you don’t have to start a business to be a successful entrepreneur. I remember hearing Tom Stemberg, founder of Staples, tell that to a group of us when I was at Babson. What’s important is the spirit of offering a service that somebody values. In fact, he recommended working for a company first. The point is that once you believe in yourself and have an entrepreneurial spirit, you can be successful in business.

The second thing that I want to share with you is the comments made by last year’s winner, Tim Silvia. He runs an organic food truck and was a guest speaker. He was out of breath when he ran onstage, having seconds before been in the middle of cooking in his truck, parked nearby. His message to the audience was to learn as much as you can while you’re in school. But to me, his most important message was his enthusiasm for his work. You couldn’t miss it, watching the flour fly off of his hands as he spoke. You just know he’s the type of person who will do well in business.

But being a small business owner should be easier than it is. Government makes it way too hard for small business owners like Tim. We should have a system that helps entrepreneurs, rather than taxing them a third of their income right out of school. That’s criminal. Business owners jump through enough hoops to please their customers, never mind the government.

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12 Days of Prepping: Day 7

On the seventh day of Prepping my true love gave to me, seven water filters, six Superfood bars, FIVE GOLD COINS, four AR-7s, three 350 Magnums, two Travel Wrenches, and a Powertraveller Solarmonkey!

katadynvarioKatadyn Vario Multi Flow Water Microfilter: $94.95

Using a replaceable activated carbon filter and a pleated glass fiber filter the Katadyn Vario can purify 2 liters of water per minute. And, for truly filthy water, the Vario employs an additional ceramic pre filter to prevent the grime from gumming up the more sensitive fiber and carbon filters. Best part about the ceramic filter is that it can be cleaned off easily with a scrubbing sponge. Clean water is a must have for any survivalist or prepper. They’re also great for camping trips.


Katadyn Vario Replacement Disc Ceramic: $14.95

Katadyn Vario Replacement Element: $44.95

Katadyn Vario Replacement Carbon: $9.95

Vario Filter Small Parts Kit: $5.00


Watch the video here.

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Protecting Our Children and Lt. Col. Dave Grossman’s “Five D’s”

As of this morning, I am personally involved with school security. A day does not pass that I am not concentrating on the personal as well financial security of my family and clients. In light of the recent Connecticut tragedy, I want to give you information that will allow you and your community to be better informed and better prepared to take action.

Active shooters in schools: The enemy is denial, Doug Wyllie, PoliceOne.com 

Helping schools prepare for an active-shooter showdown, Charles Remsberg, PoliceOne.com

Gun Control Ignorance, Thomas Sowell, National Review 

The Facts About Mass Shootings, John Fund, National Review

Newton Answers, By Charlotte Allen

I hope you will read with special care the information provided from Lt. Col. Dave Grossman. Dave is perhaps the world’s foremost expert on human aggression and violence. You, your family, and your community will benefit directly from understanding and deploying Dave’s “Five D’s.” After the holidays I will continue with a series of posts aimed at helping you and your community protect our children.

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12 Days of Prepping: Day 8

On the eighth day of Prepping my true love gave to me, eight solar radios, seven water filters, six Superfood bars, FIVE GOLD COINS, four AR-7s, three 350 Magnums, two Travel Wrenches, and a Powertraveller Solarmonkey!

CC Solar Observer AM/FM/Weather Emergency Radio w/ LED Flashlight: $49.95

Anyone who has used a crank powered emergency radio knows that turning the handle gets old very fast. The CC Solar Observer is an AM/FM/weather emergency radio with the traditional crank power system, but also comes with its own solar panel. The solar panel relieves the owner of having to use precious energy and calories turning a crank simply to get details on an emergency or coming weather. If you’re the kind of person buying emergency foods based on price per calorie, why would you want to waste those same emergency calories on cranking your weather radio? This is a must have for serious survivalists and comes with an LED flashlight and a USB charging port adapter for supplying power to iPhones and other small electronic devices. The radio also workswith 3 AA batteries for as long as you have access to them. Put one under your tree.

solarobserverback solarobserverflashlight solarobserverfront


AA Size Alkaline Battery: $0.75

Watch the video here.

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Obama Claus

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12 Days of Prepping: Day 9

On the ninth day of Prepping my true love gave to me, nine night vision scopes, eight solar radios, seven water filters, six Superfood bars, FIVE GOLD COINS, four AR-7s, three 350 Magnums, two Travel Wrenches, and a Powertraveller Solarmonkey!

Night-Owl-NEXGEN-W-2_1NONEXGEN-W Night Vision Monocular: $202.99

For simple to use, great quality night vision that you can put in your bug out bag, consider the Night Owl Next Generation Monocular. The 2X Night Vision Monocular weighs only 9.1oz and is 5.51” at its longest point. The first generation night vision has 500x ambient light amplification and a convenient 2X magnification. The monocular provides a 70ft field of view at 200 feet away.

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Merry Christmas! Boehner’s Plan B is Dead

Republican Speaker John Boehner could not muster enough votes in his own caucus to pass his junk budget plan. Now it is time to junk Mr. Boehner as speaker. Americans for limited government did not send Republicans to Washington to support President Obama’s Marxist-oriented income redistribution scheme. America has a spending problem, not a revenue problem. Yet both Boehner and Obama trudge on in complete defiance of history and common sense. This is an outrage.

I graduated from high school nearly five decades ago. Individual Income tax revenues then as a percent of GDP were not much different than they are today. Over that 50-year period, individual income taxes as a percent of GDP have swayed back and forth between six and nine percent. No upside trend is noticeable.

On the other hand, under President Obama, spending, deficits, borrowing and printing have soared. Under Obama’s failed presidency, spending as a percent of GDP doubled. Are Americans paying any attention to what is happening to our country? In order not to go “over the cliff,” John Boehner agreed to compromise with President Obama to the determent of all Americans. He should be replaced as speaker.

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