How Tiny Switzerland Faced Down Hitler and The Nazis

Published: Fri, 01/18/13

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In This Issue:

How Tiny Switzerland Faced Down Hitler and The Nazis By Richard C. Young
“What the Hell am I Doing This For?” By E.J. Smith
Arming Campus Cops Is Elementary  By Richard C. Young
Ultimate Survival Technologies – Trekker Stormproof Lighter The Editors
More Guns Less Crime! By Richard C. Young

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November Client Letter: The Fed is Number 1 in Wealth Destruction This month I had lunch with retired BB&T Chairman and CEO, John Allison. Speaking with John was a special privilege given his unique background in the financial industry. John was the longest-serving CEO of a top-25 financial institution, serving BB&T from 1989 through 2008. John said he used to believe the Federal Reserve was second only to Congress in destroying wealth and well-being. Now he believes the Fed has moved into first place. Read more by clicking here.

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How Tiny Switzerland Faced Down Hitler and The Nazis

The Nazis never invaded Switzerland. Stephen P. Halbrook in The Swiss and The Nazis explains to readers that Switzerland had “a unique system in which every able-bodied man served in the army and was well trained in firearms. the swiss and the nazis Every male on reaching the age of 19 was enrolled in the militia army and issued a military rifle to keep at home. The national sport was not skiing but shooting, and everyone, from teenagers to the elderly, was encouraged to participate. In Switzerland, not only was every able-bodied man enrolled in the militia army, even youngsters and old men were issued rifles.”

Sheriff Richard Mack in The Magic of Gun Control writes, “Hitler was unquestionably renowned for his devotion to gun registration and was an absolute gun control fanatic.” Aaron Zelman (JPFO) writes, “If every Jewish and anti-Nazi family in Germany had owned a Mauser rifle and twenty rounds of ammo and the will to use it Adolf Hitler would be a little-known foot note in the history of the Weimar Republic.”

America’s Founders knew this well. Richard Henry Lee in 1778 wrote, “To preserve liberty it is essential that the whole body of the people always posses Arms.” George Mason wrote, “To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them” Thomas Jefferson wrote, “No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.” Jefferson also wrote, “The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as the last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.”

the magic of gun controlStephen Halbrook outlines the preparation of tiny Finland versus the Soviet Union in the 1939-40 Winter War. “The Finnish army, only half as numerous as Switzerland’s, held out for almost three and a half months against overwhelming Soviet forces. Like the Swiss, they had few equals in marksmanship. Russian paratroopers were shot in the air, and those that were missed were shot when they hit the ground. In those few months, Finnish sharpshooters killed or wounded astonishing numbers of Russian troops. In one battle, three Finns died against 1,000 Russians.”

As with the Finns, as Halbrook notes, “Marksmanship was a national obsession for the Swiss.”

Stephen Halbrook concludes, “How exactly tiny Switzerland stood down the Nazi monolith is a lesson worth remembering in the annuals of history. Switzerland and the U.S, share a common heritage. Both have been from the beginning independent republics.”

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“What the Hell am I Doing This For?”

You’re losing your economic freedom at every turn.

Over the last five years, you’ve become less free because you live in America. Last year, the U.S. declined for the fifth straight year, according to the 2013 Index of Economic Freedom. But the U.S. is not alone. Prolific government spending and higher inflation hurt the score of the freest of them all, Hong Kong, and the overall score for most of the top 10 was lower than it was last year.

On his Friday radio show, conservative talker and Fox News host Sean Hannity warned, “The states are now fighting and battling against their own federal government. Same thing with individuals. If you live in a state like New York, New Jersey, California [or] one of these high-tax states [where] 60-plus cents of every dollar goes to taxes, you’ll say, ‘What the hell am I doing this for?’”

Freedom isn’t cheap. It’s expensive to leave the U.S., starting with a one-way first-class ticket from Boston to Hong Kong, which costs around $6,500 per person. Leaving is not the most practical move for most of us. But Americans are mobile when it comes to interstate travel. You can vote with your feet against the prolific spending of your nanny state or town.

That’s what 11.8 million people have said, according to the census in 2011. California was the biggest loser, shedding 104,093 residents. But that doesn’t tell the real story—population flow as a percentage of population does.

The biggest loser turns out to be Rhode Island, which lost 1.3% of its population, followed by Illinois, New Jersey, New York, and Connecticut. All five of the biggest loser states lost at least 1% of their population.

It’s no wonder people are leaving these states when you look at their effective tax rates. Rhode Island is at 10.85%, Illinois 10.20%, New Jersey 12.42%, New York 12.77%, and Connecticut 12.27%, according to the Tax Foundation. Remember, that’s on top of their federal tax burdens. Where is everyone going?

The top gainers were energy-rich North Dakota, which added 2.5% of its population, followed by Washington, D.C. (+2.3%), where big government is getting fatter; Colorado (+1.2%) because it’s a cool place to live that’s not named California; then Florida (+1.1%) and Texas (1.1%), which have no income taxes.

When times are tough, Americans go where there’s work or where they can keep what they make or already made—they’re not going to North Dakota for the weather. Treating money right is a formula that will increase America’s freedom, your state’s freedom, and your family’s freedom without having to uproot it. If your freedom isn’t going to be treated well, then why wouldn’t there be another revolution?

“There is a tipping point in all of these debates,” Hannity said. “Now, politically speaking, that means people are going to be thrown out of office, I hope. But if not, there are going to be people in more conservative states that have had enough. I can see a state like Utah saying, ‘Enough is enough,’ [and] a state like Texas saying, ‘Enough is enough.’ I absolutely can.”

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Arming Campus Cops Is Elementary

Doug Wyliie, PoliceOne editor in chief, lays it all out with clarity. Doug writes, “The Northern Illinois shooting and Virginia Tech tragedy before it demonstrated that the law enforcement community who defend against madmen and malcontents must rapidly engage the subject in order to save lives.”

Crime Prevention Coordinator Jim Lanzi tells readers, “Time—you’ve got to shorten that time up that the person can have a gun and start shooting and a mass notification system certainly mitigates issues after the shooting, but it’s not going to stop the shooting.”

Street Survival Seminar instructor Dave Smith tells Doug’s readers, “People of action, such as you and I, will always seek what we can do to stop these terrible trajedies. Others will beg to create a world that will never be—a paradise of sheep and wolves lying side by side in loving peace. They will someday learn that the shepherd must not be denied the staff to fight the wolf; for the spirit of the wolf will never change and, while some may wonder why the wolf eats the lamb, you the shepherd must stand ever vigilant between the two.”

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Ultimate Survival Technologies – Trekker Stormproof Lighter

SONY DSCA must have for your survival bag and bug out bags. When wind is an issue and regular fire starters can’t get the job done.

The Trekker has all the features of other stormproof lighters, PLUS:

    • Extra large fuel tank
    • Over 1,000 ignitions on a single fill
    • Easy grip rubberized case
    • Includes wrist lanyard
    • Fuel capacity of 4 gramsQuadruple-refined butane fuel is necessary for use in all UST windproof lighters. Using less-refined fuels is not recommended.

Standard Lighter Features include:

    • Catalyzer coil provides ultimate windproof flame
    • Withstands winds of 70-80 miles per hour
    • Burns with clean hot flame at 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit
    • Flame Indicator Window located on side of combustion chamber glows when lighter is ignited
    • Fuel Level Indicator visually reveals fuel level
    • Piezo-Electric Ignition System eliminates need for batteries or flints, which fail when wet.
    • Piezo-electric system permits easy, one-handed operation good for over 30,000 ignitions.
    • Water Resistant O-Ring Seals keep water out when lighter cap is closed

Optimum performance in altitudes up to 8,000 feet.
Not intended for use in altitudes over 10,000 feet.

Source: Ultimate Survival Technologies

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More Guns Less Crime!

You can do your part in safeguarding our children by alerting your representatives in Washington, your governor, and your local sheriff to John R. Lott, Jr.’s More Guns Less Crime.

more guns less crimeUnderstanding crime and gun control laws is the forte of America’s eminent authority John Lott. Milton Friedman has written about Mr. Lott’s research in documenting how far “politically correct” vested interests are willing to go. National Review’s John O. McGinnis, writes about John Lott, providing strong empirical evidence that yet another liberal policy is a cause of the very evil it purports to cure. As Mr. McGinnis points out, Mr. Lott has permanently changed the terms of the debate on gun control.

In More Guns Less Crime, John Lott warned “If the National Uniform Crime Report data through 1994 or state waiting periods and background checks are any indication, the empirical evidence does not bode well for the Brady Law.” Lott of course proved correct. No statistically significant evidence has appeared that the Brady Law has reduced crime. In fact, there is some statistically significant evidence that rates for rape and aggravated assault have risen by about 4% relative to what it would have been without the law.

As a way to encourage gun owners to take responsibility for keeping their guns safe, President Obama mentions trigger locks as a safety tool. John Lott offers a contrary opinion from a guy who had a little experience with guns, Mafia turncoat Sammy “the Bull” Gravano: “Gun control? It’s the best thing you can do for crooks and gangsters; I want you to have nothing. If I’m a bad guy, I’m always going to have a gun. Safety locks? You’ll pull the trigger with a lock on, and I’ll pull the trigger. We’ll see who wins.”

President Obama would have Americans believe that separate storage of guns and ammunition makes for responsible gun ownership. Have you ever been awakened by abnormal sounds emanating from your downstairs? If you’re like me, you have. What’s your play if your ammo is nowhere near your gun? Sound promising? Sounds completely nuts to me. As John Lott points out, “Safe storage rules also seem to cause some real problems. Passage of these laws is significantly related to almost 9 percent more rapes and robberies and 5.6% more burglaries.”

I have not read any encouragement from President Obama about the single strategy guaranteed to significantly reduce multiple-victim public shootings in public places—concealed handguns. Makes one wonder whom the vice president had advising him at his well-press-covered get-togethers. Apparently not the real stats expert, John Lott. John makes the concealed weapons case clear as a bell: “Estimates imply that the average state passing these (concealed weapons) laws reduces the total number of murders and injuries per year from 1.91 to .42 (per 100,000 people). That equates to a measured 78% decline in murders and injuries. The data is overwhelmingly significant.” And where is the president and his meetings-overloaded VP? Nary the peep. John Lott concludes, “Despite expecting a deterrent effect from these (concealed weapons) laws because of the high probability that one or more potential victims or bystanders will be armed, the drop in murders and injuries is still surprisingly large.”

President Obama tells Americans that we need to make sure our laws are effective in identifying the dangerous or untrustworthy individuals that should not have access to guns. Aside from the fact that a big percentage of Americans are going to have little interest in government determining just who is dangerous and untrustworthy is the little fact that such people will always find a way to get guns. John Lott provides clarity once again. “Some laws, such as the Brady law, may prevent some criminals from buying guns through legal channels, such as regular gun storage. Nevertheless, such laws are not going to prevent criminals from obtaining guns through other means, including theft. Just as government had difficulty stopping gangs from getting drugs to sell, it is dubious that the government would succeed in stopping criminals from acquiring guns to defend their drug turf.”

IN CONCLUSION: It is now clear why The Wall Street Journal’s James Bovard wrote, “A compelling book (More Guns Less Crime) with enough hard evidence that even politicians may have to stop and pay attention. More Guns Less Crime is an exhaustive analysis of the effect of gun possession on crime rates.”

Read John Lott’s editorial in today’s Wall Street Journal by clicking here.

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