Your Rights Under The Constitution Are Under Attack

Published: Fri, 01/11/13

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In This Issue:
Your Rights Under The Constitution Are Under Attack  By Richard C. Young
States Where Incomes are Growing By E.J. Smith
Obama 2013 Deficit Will Equal Entire Budget of 1985 By Richard C. Young
Survive or Die: Put Quikclot in Your Bug Out Bag The Editors
VIDEO: Oath Keepers Prove Some Troops Refused to Confiscate Guns During Katrina The Editors
A National Leader on School Safety? By Richard C. Young

Young Investments Client Letter: Sign up to get the letter mailed directly to you by clicking here .
November Client Letter: The Fed is Number 1 in Wealth Destruction This month I had lunch with retired BB&T Chairman and CEO, John Allison. Speaking with John was a special privilege given his unique background in the financial industry. John was the longest-serving CEO of a top-25 financial institution, serving BB&T from 1989 through 2008. John said he used to believe the Federal Reserve was second only to Congress in destroying wealth and well-being. Now he believes the Fed has moved into first place. Read more by clicking here.
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Your Rights Under The Constitution Are Under Attack

In Rhode Island, the Providence city council has voted 8 to 6 to ban all semi-automatic weapons. In a crime-prone city like Providence, citizens would be left to defend their homes against intrusion with weapons from the single-action Old West era! At the same time, some of America’s campus intellectuals continue to tell Americans that the Constitution should be junked. In The New York Times, Louis Michael Seidman tells readers, “Let’s give up on the Constitution.” The NRA is on the Providence vote and Cato Institute’s Roger Pilon deals with Mr. Seidman.

The Obama administration is a constant danger on both of these fronts and will soon ratchet up the attack. (Read: Guns for Me but Not for Thee, and White House Plans To Overwhelm NRA With Rapid Victory).

In support of the Constitution and specifically the Second Amendment, Debbie and I are life NRA members and strong benefactors of the Cato Institute. These organizations form the frontline of defense against the dangers presented to Americans daily by fuzzy thinkers like those I have outlined above.

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States Where Incomes are Growing

The BEA recently released a map of the states’ rates of personal income growth. See where your state stands in the rankings. Take a look at the dark blue states where growth is fastest. Notice they are located in the low-tax, Right to Work, center corridor of the country. These states are rebounding from the economic recession much faster than the others.

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Obama 2013 Deficit Will Equal Entire Budget of 1985

Obama will borrow one quarter of what he plans to spend this year. The Cato Institute’s Michael Tanner lays it all out in spades for you here. In that Cato by far does the best policy research in the country, Cato is always my first source when I am searching for the inside track on issues vital to Americans. And in that Cato is explicitly not aligned with political parties, you get the least biased research you can find anywhere. This is why Debbie and I are active benefactors of the Cato Institute.

OK, so the fiscal picture is grizzly and being overseen by the wrong person. If you are a small business owner or retired and trying to earn a living from interest on treasuries, bank interest and CDs, you already know the tragic story. Mr. Tanner writes that America’s national debt hit $16.4 trillion this month. America has added $2.1 trillion to the debt since the last time, as Mr. Tanner notes, we promised to cut spending as a trade-off for agreeing to more debt! Even confiscating all the income of billionaires and millionaires would not cover the post-fiscal-cliff-deal deficit.

I have been writing that America’s problem is spending—period! The subject of revenues should not even be on the table. Income taxes as a percent of GDP today stand at much the same levels as when I graduated from Babson College in 1963. Spending as a percent of GDP has blown through the roof. My message to our profligate, Marxist-oriented administration is no increase in the debt limit. Americans need to tell their elected politicians that each will need a new line of work if the spending madness does not stop now.

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Survive or Die: Put Quikclot in Your Bug Out Bag

QuikclotThe Groundbreaking Technology Behind QuikClot® Hemostasis Products

The Key Ingredient: KAOLIN – A Small Mineral with Huge Stopping Power

How an inert mineral can create a powerful, natural, and stable clot.

The third generation of QuikClot products, each designed for use by healthcare professionals, are composed of rayon/polyester gauze that has been impregnated with kaolin, a white aluminosilicate. The gauze does not contain botanicals or materials from animal or human sources.

It has been known for many years that the intrinsic blood clotting pathway is inititiated by negatively charged surfaces such as kaolin or glass. Kaolin is utilized routinely in reagents that are used to assay blood clotting times by clinical laboratories that follow procedures that are published by the College of American Pathologists (CAP).

Kaolin is an inert mineral and it promotes clotting by two main modes of action:

  • Kaolin promotes the activation of Factor XII (FXII) in the presence of kallikrein and high molecular weight kininogen. Activated FXII initiates the intrinsic clotting pathway via the activation of Factor XI.Activated FXI continues the coagulation pathway that ends with the formation of a fibrin clot.
  • Kaolin promotes the activation of platelet-associated FXI and it is a distinct and separate molecule from plasma FXI. Activated platelet-associated FXI initiates the intrinsic clotting pathway in normal and FXII deficient patients.

Kaolin-based QuikClot gauze has been subjected to safety and efficacy studies that were performed by the US Army Institute of Surgical Research (USAISR) and the Naval Medical Research Center. Arterial incisions were made in the USAISR study and the wounds were treated with kaolin-based QuikClot gauze, placebo QuikClot gauze (without kaolin), HemCon gauze, Celox-D, and TraumaStat. Kaolin-based QuikClot gauze was found to be the most effective product among the dressings tested in the USAISR study allowing the least amount of hemorrhage and resulted in the highest survival rate in the animals tested.

The Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) committee has revised the TCCC guidelines to state the Combat Gauze (the kaolin-based QuikClot product) is the first line of treatment for life-threatening hemorrhage on external wounds that are not amendable to tourniquet placement. The decision to update the TCCC guideline concerning Combat Gauze was based on the test results from the USAISR study.

The hemostasis time for kaolin-based QuikClot gauze was typically five minutes according to a clinical study that was performed on 40 consecutive patients that had been subjected to femoral diagnostic or interventional procedures.

In conculusion, kaolin-based QuikClot gauze products are manufactured with safe and proven materials for use as hemostatic agents in the temporary control of traumatic bleeding. The Department of Defense and the National Institute of Health are funding research to explore other applications of QuikClot in the healthcare markets because QuikClot has been accepted by all branches of the US military.

Source: ZMedica

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A National Leader on School Safety?

Joe Biden? Not on your life. Scott Taylor, former Navy Seal and security consultant? Yes. Mr. Taylor has spent much of the last three years managing the safety of facilities filled with people and deterring violence from armed offenders in a high threat Middle East country. Joe Biden is running a public front with committees. Maybe instead if we let the real people take over the mission, we could put a plan in place that actually makes sense for our schools rather than meets the needs of political groups that stand no chance of getting it right. As Jonah Goldberg points out in NRO, the idea that government can regulate or ban its way into a world of no tragedies is simply ridiculous.

Scott Taylor would like Virginia to be a leader. Debbie and I spend a fair amount of time in southern Virginia each year, and the Virginia residents we know are up to speed on security. They will welcome leadership from real people like Mr. Taylor. Read here what he has to say on the subject of school security.

Editorial: Virginia as national leader on school safety

By Scott Taylor

Virginians are not far removed from the horrific tragedy that recently occurred in Newtown, Connecticut. All Virginians watching or reading the news shared in the devastation and understood how Sandy Hook survivors will forever feel, as they recalled the horrible nightmares of the shooting at our own Virginia Tech University in 2007.

As a community leader, I was disappointed to witness politicians and pundits manipulating this tragedy to score cheap political points, undermining the success of bona fide efforts to prevent future violence at our nation’s schools. Now isn’t the time for petty political punches — it is time for a national dialogue to identify concrete steps to prevent further tragedies in our schools.

We need immediate solution-oriented discussions initiated by our elected leaders that identify the root cause of this type of violence and spur action toward substantive preventative policies, ensuring there will be no more Newtown-, Columbine- or Virginia Tech-caliber crimes in American schools.

Virginia must rise to occasion. I want to see our state as national leader on school safety by establishing benchmark innovations in school security and violence prevention.

As a security consultant who has spent much of the last three years managing the safety of facilities filled with people and deterring violence from armed offenders in a high threat Middle Eastern country, and as a former Navy SEAL, I know about keeping danger at bay.. While the above example is extreme, the basic fundamentals are the same. Our actions must be clear and productive. For the government to fail at protecting our children while at school is just simply unacceptable.

First and foremost, we must avoid the attempts of politicians to appear to “do something” about the problem by adding more laws to the thousands of gun laws in the country. Gun control is not the same thing as murderer control. This is an issue of mental health as much as it is gun violence, neither of which can be eradicated. Success hinges on frank and honest discussions that avoid restrictive policies, ones that will chip away at basic American Constitutional rights.

Schools need to have a minimum security presence to effectively stop violence. As I write this from a bookstore and café, I can easily see a security guard right in front of me. While he may not be armed, he serves as a disincentive to potential thieves. Americans have accepted metal detectors and armed guards at courthouses, government buildings, the TSA at airports, and other public places. Since we are speaking about schools and not a maximum-security prison, it is important to explain the significance of a soft security posture rather than an aggressive one. While schools don’t need guards with guns highly visible or wielding rifles, discussion is necessary for the need of visible, non-aggressive security guards. Evident security goes a long way as a deterrent to potential criminals in any public setting. While some have dismissed the idea of having armed security in schools, it is important to note that many schools have already opted to put them in place.

Further, government can do more to prepare schools to react to emergencies when they happen. A well-trained staff can be an effective deterrent as well as a formidable asset when crisis occurs. Our state must lead by creating easily understood, minimum standards for safety at every school in the Commonwealth. Examples of these are: maintaining secure single points of entry and exit to and from school buildings (except in emergencies), clear and rehearsed lock down plans, clear communication drills including using fire alarm systems to manage evacuations, and rich partnerships between school staff and first responders. Training educators as first responders to incidents, a reluctant role they may find themselves playing, should be priority.

Teachers, other students, counselors, coaches, and, of course, parents can make important contributions and play key roles in preventing violence. Just as a national anti-bullying movement has successfully taken place, an anti-violence movement can have similar results. Training in understanding potential warning signs and encouragement to speak up about them should be action programs in schools across Virginia, and America.

There will always be unstable people who are determined to inflict harm upon the innocent; they have always been with us. However, we can lead the way on executing concrete steps to stop further tragedies before they happen. We must be proactive, rather than reactive.

I am calling on our state to be the leader, meeting the challenges of properly securing our schools through fostering active security, preventative training with school staff and first responders, and exploring the connections between mental health and violence — all while preserving our Constitution and Second Amendment rights.

Scott Taylor, a candidate for the 85th House of Delegates in Virginia, has served years as an asset protection advisor in an extremely high threat and armed country in the Middle East and is a former Navy SEAL.

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