Get Your Guns and Your Training-NOW

Published: Fri, 02/08/13

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In This Issue:
Get Your Guns and Your Training—NOW By Richard C. Young
Can The X-47B Technology Save U.S. Air Superiority? By E.J. Smith
R.I.P. Organic Farmer Frank Oakes, Founder of Food and Thought By Richard C. Young
VIDEO: How would you like to come on after Sam & Dave? By Richard C. Young
The Simple Pump – Hand Operated Water Pump
The Editors
Pay Your State’s Medicaid Tab With OPM (Other Peoples’ Money) By Richard C. Young

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Get Your Guns and Your Training—NOW

Are you aware of New York State’s new gun laws? Big city New Yorkers voted in Governor Cuomo and deserve what they got. Away from NYC and surrounds, many local law enforcement officers have no intention of implementing a shred of Cuomo’s insanity.

My daughter Becky working on The Basics

New Yorkers now have both the opportunity of being taxed to death and shot to death. Shot to death, isn’t that strong wording? Not when you read Governor Cuomo’s new gun laws. Look at the roster of banned/illegal munitions and tell me how you read the tea leaves. I would immediately acquire for every adult member of your family a Mossberg 500 series, five shot pump shotgun. And I would collect a series of the Henry .22 LR caliber rim fire survival rifles I have been writing about. While at your gun shop (do not buy ammo online) load up on a trunk full of CCI Stinger 22LR copper-plated hollow point, 1640 fps, 32-grain varmint ammo. Buy the 50 cartridge plastic containers. Pump shotguns and Henry Survival rifles are perfect for fending off varmint, and we all hate varmint, do we not?

Daria Bruno

Before needing the services of your anti-varmint tools, get some instruction. Our daughter Becky, Mossberg in hand, recently spent the day with Daria Bruno at DB Live Fire. You simply cannot have enough instruction and training. Join a local shooting range, pack your Henrys, and take the kids. I have had a Remington .22 since I was 16 years old. A fifth grader with the correct instruction can professionally handle the Henry. Debbie and I are Florida concealed weapon, firearm license holders. Years ago, we took the excellent and educational NRA handgun safety course. We are lifetime members of the NRA and supporters of our excellent local sheriff’s department.

You do not require a firearm until you do. Have you and your family seen “Revolution?” Check out the original trailer or the pilot for the new series. Although Hollywood, as usual, has taken many liberties, the general drift of the opening is pretty much in line with what you might expect from an EMP attack.

President Obama and VP Biden are currently supporting a gun ban folly centered on the AR-15 assault weapon (not rifle). They do not have a lot of sane support. Looking at an AR-15 in terms of an assault is just plain nuts. It is not especially powerful and is not an automatic. Yes, in the hands of the deranged, the AR-15, like any other weapon, is dangerous. But with millions of AR-15s floating around, no lunatic will have any problem getting his hands on one. Training, education, and a proper store of Second Amendment supporting firearms makes sense for any family wishing be prepared to fend off a home invasion or the local varmint.

More Info You Need to Read:

General Firearms and Shooting Information from Guns and Shooting Online

Stick To Your Guns Radio, Daria Bruno . . . and Steel Shot, Randy Wakeman

Guntopia: Opinions from SHOT Show, Robert Young Pelton

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Can The X-47B Technology Save U.S. Air Superiority?

Will the future of America’s air defense depend on an all-drone fighter force based on the technological advances developed for the X-47B? It’s too early to tell. But with the emergence of China as a military superpower, how do we prepare to defend ourselves before it’s too late?

Military superiority can keep a nation out of conflicts with belligerent enemies with larger populations. For instance, Switzerland was neutral during WWII. But let’s not confuse neutrality with pacifism. Switzerland was not passive. The Swiss were armed and ready. They created fear of casualties in the minds of the Germans and were left alone.

What role does our air superiority play in creating fear in the minds of potential adversaries like China? China is expanding its reach. When does that expansion become an issue of U.S. national security?

China stole our advanced fighter technology and built its own J-20 fighter to compete with the F-22. Reports of a new edition suggest that China might even have improved upon the initial model. Meanwhile in the U.S., the Obama administration cut our F-22 program. And our F-35 program is way behind schedule. China built its J-31 to compete with our F-35.

J-31Shenyang J-31-Specs
Crew: one (pilot)
Length: 16.9 m (55 ft 5 in)
Wingspan: 11.5 m (37 ft 9 in)
Height: 4.8 m (15 ft 9 in)
Wing area: 40 m2 (430 sq ft)
Gross weight: 17,500 kg (38,581 lb)
Powerplant: 2 × Klimov RD-93 afterburning Turbofans (Presumably domestic engines such as the Guizhou WS-13 would be used for production aircraft.)
Maximum speed: Mach 1.8
Combat range: 1,250 km (777 mi; 675 nmi) internal fuel (2000 km one refuel)
Ferry range: 4,000 km (2,485 mi; 2,160 nmi)

J-20Chengdu J-20-Specs
Crew: one (pilot)
Length: 20.3 m (66 ft 7 in)
Wingspan: 12.88 m (42 ft 3 in)
Height: 4.45 m (14 ft 7 in)
Wing area: 73 m2 (790 sq ft)
Empty weight: 17,000 kg (37,479 lb)
Max takeoff weight: 36,287 kg (80,000 lb) upper estimate
Powerplant: 2 × WS-10G (prototype); WS-15 in production J-20 afterburning turbofans dry, 180 kN (40,000 lbf) with afterburner
Range: 5,500 km (3,418 mi; 2,970 nmi)
Combat range: 2,000 km (1,243 mi; 1,080 nmi)
Service ceiling: 20,000 m (65,617 ft)

This year, the X-47B will be doing a test takeoff and landing on an aircraft carrier. It is not as capable as an F-22 or an F-35—yet. But variations on the technology might be in the future. Until then, how do we maintain our air superiority? It seems to me that just when our twin-engine F-22 was ready to see the benefits of scale, it was scrapped.  

Then there’s the disgraceful progression of the single-engine F-35. The Marine version, the F-35B, was grounded this month after a propulsion line failure. China wants to sell the J-31 and the J-20 to countries such as Pakistan.

The last time an American soldier was killed by enemy aircraft was in Korea in 1953. Since then, America’s air superiority hasn’t really been tested, especially in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. But the threat of losing the edge in the sky is a serious risk due to missteps by our government and the rise of China.


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R.I.P. Organic Farmer Frank Oakes, Founder of Food and Thought

FrankWe are militantly organic. Every single solitary item in Food and Thought is organically grown. We refuse any product labeled ‘all natural’.”

R.I.P. organic farmer Frank Oakes, founder of Food and Thought, Naples, Florida.

Frank Oakes was one of the most important people in my life, even though I had only known Frank for a few years and not real well at that. For me, Frank ranks in importance with Joel Salatin, Mary Enig, Sally Fallon, Nina Planck, Michael Pollan and Joe Robinson in terms off the food we eat and healthy living in general.

Just a few days before Frank died, I had a chance to visit with him at Food and Thought. Debbie and I were in Naples to visit Matt and Allison and to be part of what turned out to be a jam-packed Cato Institute policy get-together. I had a Cato pin on my lapel, and Frank, a very Libertarian sort of gentleman, came over for a chat, as was his norm throughout the day with the thousands of Frank Oakes supporters. Frank was nothing short of a Johnny Appleseed, loved and admired by everybody. Not used to seeing me in a sport’s coat, Frank teased me about looking like an IRS agent there for an audit. The next day, Debbie, Matt, and I were sitting at a table near the door when Frank came over to chat. He told us a quick story about Florida Governor Rick Scott and his wife prior to Frank knowing anything about Rick’s run for governor. A rare stormy day in Naples had created a bit of a shuffle in Food and Thought, and Rick and Mrs. Scott quickly offered their seats so those coming in from the rain could find seating. Frank spoke warmly of Rick Scott, who would soon become Florida’s governor.

Outside the store, Frank showed me beautiful, huge heads of organic lettuce and cabbage, explaining that one of the five acres of his Naples farm was devoted to lettuce and that he could harvest as much as 48,000 heads per planting. If he wished, he even could get five plantings a year. Flaps down, that’s about a quarter of million heads of lettuce, or enough to feed Collier County. Frank told me that all the yak about not being able to feed the world organically was just so much bull. For years, I have seen the veritable mountain of fresh produce laid out at Food and Thought and was shocked to find that such abundance came from only five acres.

Largely due to Frank’s influence, Debbie and I have a slightly more modest organic garden operation on our mini plot (raised beds and pots) here in Key West. We are not quite up to speed with Frank, but we continue to try hard and to learn. Even on our small scale, it’s quite a bit of fun to daily harvest vegetables from our own garden. Quite healthy as well.

Matt and Allison visited Frank often. Yesterday, Allison sent Debbie an email with the news: “So sad. I need to tell the kids. Emma (10 years old) drew pictures for him over the years and wants to work there or on his farm when she’s older. It has been a great family place for us. He was a true patriot and contributed in so many ways to improving people’s minds and bodies.” As Matt said, Frank was such a good guy who cheerfully disdained the same b.s. we all do.

So, thank you Frank Oakes for all you taught my whole family. We’ve learned a lot from you. And in coming years, we will all continue to stop at Food and Thought every chance we get.

Dick Young

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VIDEO: How would you like to come on after Sam & Dave?

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The Simple Pump – Hand Operated Water Pump

Well-PumpAs backup right beside your existing submersible.


With Simple Pump, you can easily pump into a pressurized plumbing system — or far uphill — or up to a gravity-feed tank — or into a pressurized irrigation system! NO OTHER HAND


With other hand pumps, you are delivering water to a bucket, or to a trough or outside tank at ground level.

STANDARD ATTACHMENTS – Comes with a US standard hose adaptor on a 3/4″ NPT fitting.

AFFORDABLE – Simple Pump is the most capable hand pump (retain use of your home’s plumbing system, pump from 350 feet water level, and more)

It is the best made — the only hand-pump made with computer controlled machining from aerospace grade lead-free stainless steel and aluminum. (All metal parts in contact with water are steel.)


FREEZE-PROOF – The Simple Pump is freeze-proof with a 1/16″ weep hole drilled at 48 inches from the top fitting. (And if that is not deep enough for your area, we’ll do a custom weep hole further down, at no charge.)

Water bleeds back down below the frost line when the pump is not in use. We have many pumps in northern Canadian provinces, Alaska and the northern states in the USA without any freeze issues — operating 24/7 without difficulty, even in high-wind, freezing temperatures reaching -30°F.

HOLDS PRIME – Can hold the column of water for months, and more.

RELIABLE – Simple Pump is more affordable than comparable pumps. But the cost-savings goes beyond the initial set up.

So durable, it has a 50-year lifespan. Aircraft-grade, solid billets of metal are computer machined for maximum precision — much stronger than casting. And because the parts fit together so precisely, wear is greatly reduced. Graphite-impregnated bronze bushings at the three pump-head pivot points further increase durability. Routine maintenance consists of replacing the seals in the pump cylinder and pump head. Replacement times found by most clients range between 3 and 10+ years, at a cost of only $25. (Time will vary with amount of use and condition of the water.)

Watch the video here.

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Pay Your State’s Medicaid Tab With OPM (Other Peoples’ Money)

Who is going to pick up the massive tab for Medicaid expansion under Obamacare?

NRO writes, “Washington offers the first taste of Medicaid expansion for free, picking up 100 cents on the dollar of the costs. Afterward, the states will be expected to pick up at most 10 percent of the cost—creating the illusion of something for nothing.”

For purposes of discussion, let’s assume that all 50 states follow the same approach, thus requiring the Federal government to kick up approximately 90% of each state’s greatly inflated Medicaid tab. Consider this: the Federal government has a fat check book, but no bank account. Yup, no need for the federal government to ever check its bank balance as there is no balance to be checked. So where does the mountain of money come from to fund each state’s huge Obamacare expansion? Three words sum it up: borrow, tax, print.

(1)  The Federal government can borrow the money from you. Huh? Sure. The Federal government can borrow from you by selling you government bonds. Never mind that you will be paid crumbs in interest and will receive not one cent in interest increase over the length of your holding period. And forget the first-ever U.S. government bond downgrade. Yes indeed, under the watchful eye of Barack Obama, America’s pristine AAA government bond rating was stripped.

(2)  The Federal government can borrow the money from the Chinese to fund America’s massive Medicaid expansion. But why would the Chinese want to pay for your Medicare? The American government can sell government bonds any day of the week. No need to explain why.

(3)  You’ll love this option. Barack Obama can raise your taxes so you can pay for your neighbor’s Medicaid. Were this a joke.

(4)  Barack Obama, tin cup in hand, can go to Mr. Bernanke at the Fed. The Fed is an unaudited private financial club, given to America by Woodrow Wilson back in 1913. The Fed can create money out of thin air. The Fed simply prints up all the money Obama needs and pumps it out into the international financial system to pay for a wide array of excess spending and borrowing. I know Mr. Bernanke is not keen on my easy-to-understand explanation and would rather call the creation of money out of thin air a digital exercise. But my explanation is easier for you comprehend.

OK, take your pick. Or perhaps combine all four options into one huge festering financing stew. It would be nice to think that there are actually some options that make sense, but there are not. And, oh yes, the doctors where I live won’t even take a Medicaid patient.

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