Zero Dark Thirty and Osama bin Laden

Published: Fri, 03/01/13

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In This Issue:

Zero Dark Thirty and Osama bin Laden  By Richard C. Young
Cato-Scottsdale: Snake Hunters By Richard C. Young
Vital Answers on Sequestration and National Defense By Richard C. Young
The Best Book on the Economy’s Only Hope By E.J. Smith
How to Read Chuck Hagel By Richard C. Young
“Outrageous and Unsubstantiated” By Richard C. Young
Chuck Hagel Confirmed By Richard C. Young
Yo Yo Fishing Reel – Survival Fishing Equipment The Editors
Don’t Fear Sequester “Cuts” The Editors
A Great Guns Article From A Good Friend By Richard C. Young
Is A National Gun Registry On The Way? By Richard C. Young

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Zero Dark Thirty and Osama bin Laden

Last night, Zero Dark Thirty won the Oscar for Sound Editing. Congratulations to the Zero Dark Thirty team for a great film. Back when the events of that dark night had just occurred, was an early Internet leader in posting all the details. ZeroDarkThirty2012Poster Read Operation Neptune Spear here, and The Rooster Takes Credit for the Sunrise here. We remain leaders on the subject today. I saw Zero Dark Thirty and thought the raid portrayal was about as strong as one could possibly expect from a Hollywood effort. Americans got a chance to look at what real assault rifles are about, rather than the non-automatic assault weapons that the media are so mistakenly fixated on today. In order to help you better understand what really happened that night, I have linked a few articles that I found most useful and compelling.

Operation Neptune Spear,

Operation Neptune’s Spear explained, The Aviationist

Operation Neptune Spear – the Killing of Osama bin Laden, Armed Forces History Museum

Watch the trailer here.

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Cato-Scottsdale: Snake Hunters

Deb & Becky in Scottsdale AZ.

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Vital Answers on Sequestration and National Defense

Here are the vital answers you need on the defense budget and sequestration from the Cato Institute’s Chris Preble.

As Mr. Preble clearly explains, “Today, the U.S. military remains largely focused on defending other countries from non-existent threats.”

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The Best Book on the Economy’s Only Hope

Free-Market-Cure Of all the books you want to read this year, be sure you make some time for The Financial Crisis and the Free Market Cure: Why Pure Capitalism is the World Economy’s Only Hope, by John Allison. You’ll get into the mind of one of today’s great thinkers. John Allison gives you the inside scoop on what really happened during the financial crisis. Mr. Allison had a front-row seat. For example, as president of BB&T, he describes how the government strong-armed his bank to participate in TARP even though it didn’t even need the money.

You’ll also read about the virtues of being selfish. It’s a belief in stark contrast to the government’s mantra of self-sacrifice for the benefit of others. I’ll share one of my favorite parts with you here about how kids are made to feel bad for being selfish.

In fact, a very commonly held belief in our culture today is that as human beings, we are born bad— because we are selfish, and being selfish is bad. We learn this belief at a young age.

Johnny, age three or four, is in the sandbox playing with his truck. He is not bothering anybody. He is having a good time playing with his truck. Along comes Fred. Fred would like to have Johnny’s truck. Johnny does not want to give Fred his truck. A discussion and then an argument ensues. Mom, Dad, or the kindergarten teacher gets involved in the discussion. Mom says, “Johnny give that truck to Fred. You must share. Don’t be selfish. Don’t be bad.”

Two great moral lessons are being taught right there in the sandbox. The first lesson: where did Fred get the right to Johnny’s truck? This lesson from the sandbox is the moral justification for our social welfare system. Johnny has a truck. I do not have a truck. I want Johnny’s truck. Why should Johnny have a truck when I do not have one? Johnny is greedy. He is selfish. He is bad. Give me his truck. I will vote for Barney Frank. He will get me a truck from that greedy Johnny.

How about the moral lesson for Johnny? (And the people who are reading this book are far more likely to be Johnny than to be Fred.) What lesson did he learn? Do not go for what you want. Other people’s needs are more important than yours. You must consider others as being more important than yourself. After all, Fred “needed” that truck. Your life is secondary. Everyone else’s “need” is more important than your life.

It is interesting to reflect objectively on the concept of selfishness. An immutable, nonnegotiable law of nature is: everything that is alive must act in its own self-interest or die. This is how Mother Nature designed the system.

If you want more great insight like this from John Allison, read the book. But don’t just take my word for it. “Required reading.… Shows how our economic crisis was a failure, not of the free market, but of government,” says Charles Koch, Chairman and CEO, Koch Industries, Inc.

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How to Read Chuck Hagel

Cato Institute’s Doug Bandow has given Americans a blow by blow check list for understanding Chuck Hagel. The neocons have gone berserk in a losing effort to smear Chuck. John McCain was a leader in the failed effort, once again indicating why his selection as the Republican candidate for president was a poor choice.

Chuck Hagel to the Pentagon: Rough Passage, Welcome Result By Doug Bandow

Click the image to read the article.

The Dishonorable Smear of Chuck Hagel: A Warrior Who Despises War By Doug Bandow

Click the image to read the article.

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“Outrageous and Unsubstantiated”

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Chuck Hagel Confirmed

Chuck Hagel confirmed as Defense Secretary by a 58 to 41 vote. Among those voting not to confirm Hagel were neocon Sens. John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and Marco Rubio. I would have voted to confirm as would have my favorite foreign policy analyst, the Cato Institute’s Chris Preble. Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky bravely bucked his party’s establishment to vote to confirm Hagel.

Nay votes for Hagel:

Alexander (R-TN)
Ayotte (R-NH)
Barrasso (R-WY)
Blunt (R-MO)
Boozman (R-AR)
Burr (R-NC)
Chambliss (R-GA)
Coats (R-IN)
Coburn (R-OK)
Collins (R-ME)
Corker (R-TN)
Cornyn (R-TX)
Crapo (R-ID)
Cruz (R-TX)
Enzi (R-WY)
Fischer (R-NE)
Flake (R-AZ)
Graham (R-SC)
Grassley (R-IA)
Hatch (R-UT)
Heller (R-NV)
Hoeven (R-ND)
Inhofe (R-OK)
Isakson (R-GA)
Johnson (R-WI)
Kirk (R-IL)
Lee (R-UT)
McCain (R-AZ)
McConnell (R-KY)
Moran (R-KS)
Murkowski (R-AK)
Portman (R-OH)
Risch (R-ID)
Roberts (R-KS)
Rubio (R-FL)
Scott (R-SC)
Sessions (R-AL)
Thune (R-SD)
Toomey (R-PA)
Vitter (R-LA)
Wicker (R-MS)


“Over grown military establishments are under any form of government inauspicious to liberty, and are to be regarded as particularly hostile to republican liberty.” — President George Washington

The neocon crowd, crouching behind a The Defending Defense Project banner, is going to go bonkers with the confirmation of Chuck Hagel. Talk about a day ruiner for John McCain and Lindsey Graham (how can we dump this guy in 2014?). The anti-Hagel cabal was all over him because Chuck had the audacity to compare Iraq to Vietnam and argued that an Iraq adventure took the military’s eye off Afghanistan. Well Hagel, for my money, was then and now 100% correct on both counts. I like Hagel and love the concept of Sequestration. Do not be head faked with the yak of dangerous defense cuts. America’s defense budget in large measure is an offense budget How many Ground Combat Vehicles/Bradley Fighting Vehicles, F-35’s, M1 combat tanks, or Littoral Combat Ships (the guns aren’t effective) are required to defend America’s shores? None. Click to my friend Jon Basil Utley of The American Conservative, retired army officer Ralph Peters, and Bloomberg’s Paul Barrett for plenty of details on the house cleaning that should commence at the Defense Department. I expect Chuck Hagel to take out the boning knife.

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Yo Yo Fishing Reel – Survival Fishing Equipment

yo-yo-reelThese automatic fishing reels are made of galvanized steel with a tempered and or stainless steel spring that automatically sets the hook when the flat trigger is released by a fish taking the bait.  The reels are very popular for catching Crappie and Catfish.  They can be attached to limbs, boat docks, the side of a boat, or any other means that will suspend the reel a couple of inches above the water.  They also make an excellent device for Ice Fishing and gifts for the little ones. These reels comes pre-spooled with 9-12′ of 60# Test Nylon Line .

No survival kit should be without these.

Whites Yo Yo Reel $3.40 per reel
Mechanical Yo Yo Reel $3.40 per reel

YoYo Fishing Reel Comparison- White’s Auto-Fisher vs Mechanical Fisher Yo Yo Reel

Watch the video here to see how it works.

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Don’t Fear Sequester “Cuts”

On March 1, we are told, the world will end. That’s the date on which the spending sequester goes into effect, after being postponed for two months as part of the fiscal-cliff deal. But Cato scholar Michael D. Tanner argues that, while sequestration isn’t the ideal way to cut spending, most of what we are being told about the sequester is just a fairy tale. “Most of the numbers cited about the numbers of jobs at risk,” says Tanner, “come from industry groups with a vested interest in making the cuts look as bad as possible.” – Cato


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A Great Guns Article From A Good Friend

Enjoy this excellent article from a true expert. I own both a Colt 1911 and a 9mm Baretta and highly recommend both for you. The 1911 clearly has more stopping power but the Baretta just feels great in your hand.

Click the image to read the article.


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Is A National Gun Registry On The Way?

Dick-NRA-hatIf you are Barack Obama, you may well be heading in just such a direction. If you are New York Governor Cuomo, you are certainly on board. But wait just a minute. If you are hard-liner Bob Goodlatte, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, it is a whole different matter. You see, Bob has zero plans to take up the subject of universal background checks for gun purchases. Requiring such checks would be a necessary precursor to a national gun registry, and a national background check system is an absolute priority for President Obama and congressional Democrats.

Many of my gun-owning Harley riding buddies come from the red neck communities of southern Virginia that Bob represents. My small business owner friends know Bob. These guys have more gun safes (not guns) than most Americans have cars. Bob Goodlatte has a powerful gun owner’s tailwind at his back and is not likely to get pushed around by the anti-Second Amendment crowd.

No House Judiciary ruling on background checks. No national gun registry. Over and out!

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