Kiss The Second Amendment Good-Bye!

Published: Fri, 04/19/13

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In This Issue:
Kiss The Second Amendment Good-Bye! By Richard C. Young
Food Riots in Cuba By E.J. Smith
Defeat The Public Safety and Second Amendment Rights Protection Act of 2013 By Richard C. Young
Bug Out Bag Necessity: C-A-T Tourniquet The Editors
Obama Swamped Under with Gun Control’s Defeat By Richard C. Young 

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Kiss The Second Amendment Good-Bye!

Should you be worried? If you have paid attention to Barack Obama’s Supreme Court nominations to date, terrified is a better word. One more nomination and probable confirmation from Obama and American history will be re-written.

Sound too scary to be true? Well, look at the track record of Justices Sotomayor and Kagan, and you tell me. Maryland now proposes an onerous new gun law that is certainly unconstitutional, and yet here it comes. I would move out of Maryland were I Beretta. I would move out of Connecticut were I Colt. And I would relocate both my residence and business out of Connecticut, Maryland, New York, California, New Jersey and Illinois, as just an opening six no-brainer choices. Pat Buchanan’s editorial, Who Is Winning the Gun War?, offers excellent perspective.

Click to my Liberty & Freedom map for Red State choices for relocation. Select from states that offer you Castle Doctrine protection as well as right to work status. It is also in your obvious self-interest to select a state with either no state income tax or a comparatively low personal income tax rate. I do have some state exceptions to my red state rule. Vermont and Virginia offer excellent gun law protection, and Florida may as well be a red state. I am a Florida resident. If you plan to drive interstate with firearms in your car, I advise that you have a copy of 2013 United States Traveler’s Guide to the Firearm Laws of the Fifty States. You will find that the gun travel-friendly top 15 states are led by Alaska, Vermont and Utah. The bottom eight stinkers include worst-of-the-worst New Jersey, Massachusetts, Hawaii, and the District of Colombia.

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Food Riots in Cuba

Food-RiotsI read about Cuba’s 1995 food riots last week, when I was studying techniques for food storage and preservation. They were a good illustration that you don’t necessarily have to be out of food to have a riot. It’s the panic that breaks the bank, or the nuts on The Weather Channel with a knack for stirring panic before the storm. Shortages are often man-made.

That’s part of the story with the ammo shortage. Manufacturers are making ammo. But government buying has created a panic and a cottage industry in private ammo sales.

I’ve been spending some time scouring ammo price trends at auction sites to get a feel for the market. There’s ammo out there. It’s just not at Walmart.

I won some auctions this week for .22 LR on for a total of 3,150 rounds at an average price I’m comfortable with. Dollar cost averaging isn’t only for mutual fund investing. Over time, at the very least, I’ll know whether I’ve got a good deal and should buy more or should wait on the bigger purchases.

My advice to you is to go to the auction sites to learn the market for your desired caliber. You don’t have to buy. But you’ll know the market.

I’m doing my buying with an email address from Yahoo!, and I like using PayPal to keep any account information private. Before you bid, know what methods of payment the seller will accept. With PayPal there’s a premium, but that’s a cost for convenience and security that I’m OK with.

I was learning rifle techniques one night last week at the indoor range. My colleague slid me some of his .22 LR to use. I noticed the price tag was $8 for 100 rounds, or $0.08 a round. Talk about a great investment. I paid twice that last week.

Good investments come in all shapes and sizes. Study this market, and you’ll know a good deal when you see one.

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Defeat The Public Safety and Second Amendment Rights Protection Act of 2013

This foot-in-the-door act treads on the constitutional rights of citizens and cannot be successful. Under the act, you, as a private citizen, would have to go to a federally licensed intermediary to conduct a private gun transaction with a friend. Moreover, who is going to determine whether or not a background check is needed? The Act is unenforceable.

Criminals and those with dangerous mental illness should not be able to legally purchase a firearm, but this Act would do little to achieve such a goal. A good summary of the Act’s weaknesses is to be found here.

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Bug Out Bag Necessity: C-A-T Tourniquet

When you’re bleeding, seconds count. Packing one of these vital items in your bug out bag could keep you alive long enough to get medical attention.

C-A-T-Combat-Application-ToModern military soldiers rely on the C-A-T® tourniquet to stop arm or leg blood flow due to injury on the battlefield.

Since 2004, the C-A-T® tourniquet has been issued to over one million military personnel.  Its effectiveness as a life-saving instrument for our military soldiers on the battlefield has played a significant role in improvement of modern warfare combat injury medical care.  Soldiers now take comfort in the fact that they will go to battle with a proven design combat medical care tool in their possession.  They may even elect to carry 2 or more C-A-T® tourniquets with them in the event of a warfare disaster.

The C-A-T® has revolutionized battlefield care for the military user, given its ISR (Institute of Surgical Research) confirmed effective function and its lightweight (59 grams) design, less than ½  the weight of like products.  Soldiers have come to rely on its compact design and ease of storage (folded 6 inch length) as they prepare to enter combat.

Get your C-A-T Tourniquet here.

Source: C.A.T

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Obama Swamped Under with Gun Control’s Defeat

Laws that cannot be enforced should not be passed from the start. There is no way the law enforcement community was enthusiastic about the Obama team’s efforts to muscle through anti-Second Amendment gun control measures. Of course Americans would like to prevent criminals and the mentally ill from owning firearms, but the heart of that issue is people, courts and enforcement, not firearms. Troublesome people are often well known in advance, but our liberal laws prevent these people from being taken out of the mix before a problem is presented. I have been involved with beefing up school security systems, but have found stiff opposition as well as little assistance in doing the job right. Liberals will fight tooth and nail against real versus symbolic security.

Where do we go now? Do what Debbie and I do. Take the NRA handgun safety course and get a concealed weapons permit. Next get a Mossberg pump shotgun and some low-recoil shotgun shells; a Smith & Wesson five shot BODYGUARD .38 revolver with the integrated red dot laser feature (hollow point cartridges will work well); and a Henry .22 caliber Survival rifle with plenty of CCI .22LR ammo. A properly trained fifth grader can handle the Henry. And encourage all friends and family members to join you in proper preparation. Finally, I would join your local gun range and practice regularly. You will notice that I am not suggesting what is commonly referred to as an assault weapon. And aside from the .22, which should be free of government attack, I am not advising a semi-automatic weapon.

As a homeowner, not a law enforcement professional, you will be comfortable with my advised homeowner firearm threesome. Whether today or tomorrow, the government is likely to again attack our Second Amendment rights. History fully supports my view. Do not wait around to get cut off from the tools you need to protect your family. Go to your local gun shop while you still have a chance. And for security reasons, I would avoid all on-line gun-related purchases. Take action while you still can.

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