Wait til You Read What the Holder Justice Department is Up To

Published: Fri, 07/12/13

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In this Issue:
Wait til You Read What the Holder Justice Department is Up To By Richard C. Young
Back to the Republic By Richard C. Young
Young Investments Client Letter: Sign up to get the letter emailed directly to you by clicking here .
New May Client Letter: Investing with Risk in Mind Companies operating in generally safe industries are not always a safe investment. Enron, after all, was classified as a boring pipeline company. Fannie Mae carried the implicit backing of the full faith and credit of the United States. Both companies cost many investors their fortunes. Read more here! 
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The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth: #3

150 Healthiest Foods Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., C.N.S., has created one of the most vital books on the health of your family you will ever find. The lavishly illustrated, 358-page weighty tome gives you more vital information on foods that can keep your family healthy than any other publication I have ever come across. And I am always on the look out. I have given the book to family members and often advise it for others. I have now selected a “Great 10” list of food choices to share with you. My goal here is pass on ideas that perhaps you did not previously know about.

Yogurt contains friendly bacteria like Lactobacillus acidophilus and L.bulgaricus (live cultures) that improve the immune function. These probiotics help make for a healthy gut. Probiotics increase antibodies when we have infection, improve digestion, have anticancer properties, and can be beneficial in lowering LDL while raising HDL. Stick with organic yogurt and look for the LAC seal (Live and Active Cultures).

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The Most Important Person You May Never Have Heard of Strikes Again

Few Republicans or Democrats are ever on the right track when it comes to foreign policy and the actual defense of America as intended by the original Articles of Confederation and the Constitution. Nope, politicians think in terms of offense (unwelcome, expensive, often unconstitutional, and rarely productive). The military is treated as a jobs program. Have you ever thought of any of this in terms of the extent of the damage done to our country’s image around the world and the actual safety of Americans?

Few politicians have. Most of what you read on foreign policy and defense has an ugly neocon slant promoted by major think tanks. One person who has literally written the book on what needs to be done to make America safe is Cato Institute’s Chris Preble. I know Chris well and travel around the country to meet with him. You want to know what Chris has to say on all current foreign policy issues. Trust me, I make an effort to get together with few people in any given year. If I am making time to meet with Chris regularly, you can be certain there is a darn good reason.

OK then, here Chris is dealing with, among other issues, excess base capacity and the need for a smaller civilian work force associated with the military. Chris highlights that our military is asked to do a whole lot more than defend America, thanks in measure to the Washington busybodies.

Early last month, I, along with scholars and analysts from nine other think tanks, including Flournoy’s own Center for a New American Security, signed a letter calling for reductions in excess base capacity, a smaller civilian work force, and changes in how pay and benefits are calculated for active-duty military. Some of those reforms would generate significant savings quickly, whereas Flournoy’s proposals might not.

Of course, the reason why Americans spend so much more on the military than any other country in the world is because policymakers in Washington ask U.S. soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marine to do a lot more than simply defend the United States. For example, a significant portion of U.S. so-called defense spending actually goes to defend other countries that could defend themselves. If the busy-bodies in Washington asked our military to do less (a popular proposition), Americans could spend less while still keeping faith with those who wear the uniform of the United States of America.

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Faking the World a Better Place

Maybe Generation-G for “guilt” should focus more on their own productivity, or lack thereof, rather than trying to “make the world a better place” with other people’s money. Andy Kessler writes in The Wall Street Journal:

Passing through the San Francisco airport recently, I ran into a couple I know who were waiting to pick up their teenage children. “Coming back from camp?” I asked.

They responded with a gaze that could curdle milk into yogurt. Their kids were coming back “from their service trip to Guatemala,” their mother informed me. “It was a wonderful volunteer experience, they really are improving lives.” Gee, and I thought my kid was doing well by working at Jamba Juice this summer.

A little digging turned up some information about these service trips. One is called the Global Leadership Adventure: Children of the Maya. “Volunteer at a Maya school, attend a ceremony with a Maya shaman,” the website reads. You’ll receive 30 hours of community-service credit—also known as college-application fodder—for only $2,999. For $200 more, head to Ghana for two weeks to “improve local health and living conditions, live just steps away from the beach.” What about investing the same $2,999 in Guatemalan entrepreneurs? Fat chance. Volun-tourism is charity for the giver.

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Remington Country U.S.A.

Take a trip to Ilion, N.Y. and you’ll understand why Remington guns are rugged, durable, and dependable. Charles Cooke of National Review has the story here:

It is thus fitting that the longest continuously operating manufacturer in North America is a gun maker. The Remington Arms Co., which has been in business for just shy of two centuries now, is also the oldest company in the United States that is still making its original product. “A free people,” advised George Washington, “ought to be armed.” Well, America has a lot of free people nowadays, and they appear to have taken Washington’s words to heart. Demand for guns has never been higher. At Remington, as in general, the firearms business is booming.

This is particularly good news for Ilion, N.Y., where Remington’s flagship factory has stood, in one form or another, since 1816. Ilion, which was evidently named during the general enthusiasm for all things classical that marked the early 19th century, is a hospitable little town of around 8,000 people.

“Nothing bad happens here,” Remington’s CEO, George Kollitides, tells me as we drive around. “And if it does, everybody knows about it.” He pauses before those last four words, as if reciting a joke. On cue, the rest of our party joins in: “Everybody knows about it!” A few months ago, I’m told, local police arrested a man at gunpoint in front of the factory gates. People are still talking about it.

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Markets Reflect Weak-Kneed Politicians

Bond prices are reflecting the lack of discipline by politicians. What a surprise. As Martin Feldstein points out in The Financial Times:

The eurozone periphery is on a risky path to end fiscal austerity and accept larger budget deficits. Portugal is the most recent dramatic shift in that direction; Italy, Spain and even France are also abandoning plans to cut spending and raise taxes.

This move away from budget discipline reflects a combination of popular political pressure, more accommodating bond markets and encouragement from the International Monetary Fund.

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Back to the Republic

The proper role of government was defined clearly in the original Articles of Confederation. The U.S. was to be a states’ rights Federal Republic with a weak central government with few explicit duties beyond maintaining a proper militia to defend the states. Congress would meet for only part of the year. And the one-term president was to be little more than a meeting chairman. Daniel Henninger likens American government to Jabba the Hutt, and he’s right.

To call the U.S. federal government a black hole is a disservice to black holes, which have a neutral majesty. Excepting the military’s fighting units, the federal government has become a giant slug, like Jabba the Hutt, inert but dangerous. Like Jabba, the government increasingly survives by issuing authoritarian decrees from this or that agency. Barack Obama, essentially a publicist for Jabba’s world of federal fat, euphemized this mess Monday as the American people’s “democracy.”

Thomas Jefferson, who must be rolling in his grave, said the way to ensure good government was to divide it among the many. Some states and cities are indeed reworking their functions in efficient, innovative ways. But Washington is oblivious to life beyond the Beltway.

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Wait til You Read What the Holder Justice Department is Up To

The National Review‘s John Fund details for you the latest scandalous behavior by the Justice Department under the leadership of Eric Holder.

Judicial Watch, a conservative legal foundation, has used the Freedom of Information Act to uncover documents that show Eric Holder’s Justice Department used a “community relations” unit to support and stage-manage public protests in Florida against George Zimmerman after his controversial February 2012 shooting of Trayvon Martin.

Justice’s Community Relations Service (CRS) even helped organize a meeting between Sanford, Fla., public officials and the local NAACP. The result was the resignation of police chief Bill Lee over his handling of the Martin case. While his resignation was rescinded after a few weeks by local officials, Chief Lee faced further pressure to leave his job and ultimately quit for good two months later. Valerie Houston, one of the pastors leading the protests against Zimmerman and Lee, praised the Community Relations Service as being “there for us.”

Fund concludes:

I wondered back in 2008 how the federal government’s focus would change with a left-wing “community organizer” installed as president. We now have a partial answer. It appears that some of the tactics and approaches ACORN used have been moved into the Justice Department and other federal agencies. In the old days, when individual appropriations bills for federal agencies were still passed by Congress, it was possible to defund groups like ACORN. But now, with congressional gridlock ensuring that federal agencies are financed by dubious annual spending resolutions that simply continue existing program funding, any effective oversight by Congress is a dead letter. The question now isn’t really how many other left-wing “community organizing” projects like the one at Justice are being subsidized by the Obama administration. The real issue is whether the entire Obama administration has basically become an enabler and cheerleader for every Saul Alinsky tactic its radical appointees want to embrace — from the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s bullying local officials over public-housing construction demands to the Environmental Protection Agency’s colluding with environmentalist groups to lose lawsuits the groups file against the EPA in court.

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#1 Town with the Highest Concentration of Millionaires

Los Alamos, New Mexico has the highest concentration of millionaire households at 11.7%. Its largest employer is the National Laboratory. Click here to see the rest of the list from Kiplinger:

This tiny New Mexico town has the smallest population, as well as the highest concentration of millionaires, on this list. Chalk up the density of affluence to the National Laboratory, a research facility focused on national security and the county’s largest employer. Since the lab was established in 1943 as site Y of the Manhattan Project, it has drawn some of the world’s top scientific minds with state-of-the-art facilities, currently including more than 1,200 buildings on a 36-square-mile campus, and generous paychecks. In fact, the area’s six-figure median household income is the highest on this list. And relatively low living costs — just 2.9% above the U.S. average — will help wealthy residents hold on to their fortunes.

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