How to Become One of the 100 Richest People in the World

Published: Fri, 08/09/13

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In This Issue: 
Political Terrorist Chris Matthews By E.J. Smith
The Legendary Indian Motorcycle Is Back! By Richard C. Young
The World is More Dangerous Than it has Ever Been By Richard C. Young
How to Become One of the 100 Richest People in the World By Richard C. Young
Off the Grid Politician By E.J. Smith
Great Whites off of Cape Cod By E.J. Smith
The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth: #7 By Richard C. Young
Beware: Your Cell Phone Could be a Mobile Spy Station The Editors
The Gold of New Bedford By E.J. Smith

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Client Letter: Investing with Risk in Mind Companies operating in generally safe industries are not always a safe investment. Enron, after all, was classified as a boring pipeline company. Fannie Mae carried the implicit backing of the full faith and credit of the United States. Both companies cost many investors their fortunes. Read more here! 

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Political Terrorist Chris Matthews

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The Legendary Indian Motorcycle Is Back!

Decades ago, Indian and Harley Davidson competed head to head. The Indian Chief was a beautiful and distinctive bike. Well, Indian came on hard times, eventually disappearing altogether. Over the years, a number of groups tried to revive the Indian brand, but with no success. Now Polaris has sunk $1 billion into a new Indian revival.

The new Indian Chief looks terrific and Polaris is rapidly building a dealer network. I hope the return of the Indian is a great success.

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The World is More Dangerous Than it has Ever Been

The world “is more dangerous than it has ever been”–Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Is this an accurate statement? At a Cato Institute conference on October 25, experts on international security will assess, and put in context, the supposed dangers to American security. Does global order depend upon a single power enforcing the rules of the game, and is the United States capable of playing this role? My friend Chris Preble, Cato Vice President for Defense and Foreign Policy Studies, will be the host. You are invited to attend this groundbreaking seminar on national security.

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How to Become One of the 100 Richest People in the World

How to become one of the 100 richest people in the world working out of a nondescript office park in a small New Hampshire town. The fascinating true-life tale is woven here.

There’s a reason why Richard B. Cohen escapes attention.

The chairman of C&S Wholesale Grocers Inc. works out of a nondescript office park once slated to house a county jail in Keene, New Hampshire, a leafy mountain hamlet 90 miles northwest of Boston.

The truckers who deliver goods from the company’s 54 distribution centers drive unmarked tractor-trailers. Cohen’s last interview was published a decade ago. Even the Keene Chamber of Commerce overlooked C&S as one of the town’s largest employers.

“We’re the biggest company no one has ever heard of,” Bryan T. Granger, a company spokesman, said by phone.

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Off the Grid Politician

You can expect to hear a lot more from U.S. Rep. Thomas Massie. This is one of the best articles I’ve read recently on any politician. I was particularly interested in his connection with activist John Ramsey who was seated at our dinner table at the Scottsdale, AZ Cato retreat.

U.S. Rep. Thomas Massie lives off the electrical grid in a solar-powered home on a 1,200-acre farm in the Appalachian foothills. The first-year congressman and engineering graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology built the house from lumber he logged and milled.

The Kentucky Republican also lives off the grid politically. Just a few weeks after his election, he helped spearhead an unsuccessful coup against House Speaker John Boehner and has since voted regularly against party priorities.

The defiant posture of Mr. Massie and a dozen or more like-minded conservatives has changed the agenda in Washington. In a capital where partisan power is nearly evenly balanced, he and a small but committed group of new House activists have discovered that they have the ability to block not just Democrats but their own party’s leaders—and they are willing to use it.

“I’m going to hang in here like a hair in a biscuit,” said Mr. Massie, who has twice appeared on the TV show “Junkyard Wars,” as one of the competitors who build machines from scrounged objects. “I’m digging in for the long haul. This place is worse than I thought.”

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Great Whites off of Cape Cod

Researchers are hoping they’ll get a bite soon.

So far this week, the Ocearch crew has spotted four sharks that would not bite, all during midday hours. Scientists say they may not be hungry.

“We talk a lot about these low-light periods of time not to go swimming because it’s a time when sharks feed. We want to just make sure that is the case,” said Dr. Greg Skomal, the leading shark expert for the state of Massachusetts.

That information could be very useful to swimmers.

“If sharks are particularly interested in feeding say, first thing in the morning or last thing at night, that would actually be pretty useful information to pass onto people in terms of when is a smart time to be swimming,” said researcher Simon Thorrold, with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.

The Ocearch crew hopes the animals will bite the bait soon, so they can bring a shark on board long enough to attach tracking tags and collect samples for research. They plan to stay near Cape Cod through the end of August.

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The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth: #7

150 healthiest foods on earthJonny Bowden, Ph.D., C.N.S., has created one of the most vital books on the health of your family you will ever find, The 150 Healthiest Food on Earth . The lavishly illustrated, 358-page weighty tome gives you more vital information on foods that can keep your family healthy than any other publication I have ever come across. And I am always on the look out. I have given the book to family members and often advise it for others. I have now selected a “Great 10” list of food choices to share with you. My goal here is pass on ideas that perhaps you did not previously know about.

Grass-fed Beef: “The natural diet of cattle is grass. It is absolutely not grain. Cattle that are primarily fed grass enhance their omega-3 content by 60 percent. A massive amount of research indicates that omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation and help prevent certain chronic diseases such as heart disease. Ruminants like cows produce another very important fat called CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), which has long been investigated for its anti-cancer activity as well as for its ability to reduce fat accumulation, particularly around the abdomen. Grain-fed cattle don’t make nearly as much CLA as their grass-fed cousins do. About half of the fat in beef is heart healthy monounsaturated fat. Finally, most grass farmers avoid the use of the chemicals, hormones, and antibiotics that we’d like to keep out of our food.”

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Beware: Your Cell Phone Could be a Mobile Spy Station

Edward Snowden’s leaks have rocked the international community for the past two weeks and fired up a debate about U.S. government surveillance of citizens’ phone calls and internet browsing data. Cell phones have long been the subject of hacking, and in recent weeks with the NSA accusations coming to light, methods of protecting your privacy have been much discussed. Your privacy is easily penetrated. One tactic used by hackers called repackaging, in which a malware writer takes a legitimate application, modifies it to include malicious code, then republishes it to an app market is a danger to cell phone users. The repackaging technique is highly effective because it is often difficult for users to tell the difference between a legitimate app and its malicious, repackaged counterpart. Even the novice techie could turn your cell phone into a mobile spy station in as little as 5 minutes. With the help of easily obtained Mobile Spy Software applications like StealthGenie, MobileSpy, and Flexispy, hackers can access cell phone call logs, text messages, emails, GPS location data, and even remotely activate a cell phone’s video camera and microphone.

How can you protect yourself? Stick it in the fridge? This technique was used by Edward Snowden. While it is not perfect, it does offer limited protection from RF. However, fridges are not perfect faraday cages and do not block all audio. Therefore, they are not recommended for extremely critical situations. A stylish alternative is to use a stainless steel cocktail shaker. Another alternative would be to use the OFF Pocket™. You simply place your phone inside the case, close it, and your phone is now OFF. Untrackable. Unreachable. Unbreachable.

off pocketThe OFF Pocket has been extensively tested on all major networks, including Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, and Sprint. It is compatible with all mobile phone hardware including but not limited to iPhones, Android, Blackberrys, Nokia as well as all modern phone operating systems.

The OFF Pocket™ uses the principle of a faraday cage to block all radio signals from entering and exiting the case. Your phone contains an antennae that communicates with cell towers and GPS systems. Both of these signals, radio waves in the 2.4GHz spectrum, are blocked by the metallized fabric in the case.

Signs Your Infected

  • Shorter-than-normal battery life could signal a problem
  • Sudden increases in data usage
  • Programs take longer to load or the apps don’t seem as responsive
  • Rogue Apps – They start up on their own.

Tips to Stay Safe

As the frequency of mobile threats increase, people can take measures to stay safe while using their smartphones

  • Only download apps from trusted sources, such as reputable app stores and download sites. Remember to look at the developer name, reviews, and star ratings.
  • After clicking on a web link, pay close attention to the address to make sure it matches the website it claims to be if you are asked to enter account or login information.
  • Set a password on your mobile device so that if it is lost or stolen, your data is difficult to access.
  • Download a mobile security tool that scans every app you download for malware and spyware and can help you locate a lost or stolen device. For extra protection, make sure your security app can also protect from unsafe websites.
  • Be alert for unusual behaviors on your phone, which could be a sign that it is infected. These behaviors may include unusual text messages, strange charges to the phone bill, and suddenly decreased battery life.
  • Make sure to download firmware updates as soon as they are available for your device.

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The Gold of New Bedford

Scallops are the gold of New Bedford, Massachusetts. Nothing compares to them. So if you’re in the area you need to get some. I grew up in Mattapoisett which is a couple of towns east of New Bedford on your way to Cape Cod. The next time you’re driving to the Cape on a Friday night, stop in at the M&C Café. On many a Friday night we’d go to M&C for some of their incredible Portuguese style fish and chips. And if you’re not a seafood lover there’s plenty to like for everyone.

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Everyone Has a Plan Until You Punch Them in the Face

“Mike Tyson once said everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don’t have a plan anymore.” Here in The Wall Street Journal, Peggy Noonan tells readers how, after copious research, the Obama campaign decided against focusing on his stewardship of the economy and instead focused on tearing down Mitt Romney.

Washington journalists usually blame Mr. Obama’s failures to work with Congress on the GOP—its tea-party nuttiness, its “nihilism.” But the president’s own focus groups, which didn’t contain Obama haters on the assumption they were unreachable, put the onus on him: It’s your job, make it work, get it done.

The Obama campaign decided not to make the campaign about the state of the economy but about who could look after the interests of the middle class in a time of historic transition. At the same time they decided to go after Mitt Romney hard, and remove him as a reasonable alternative. His selling point was that he understood the economy and made it work for him: He was rich. They turned that into a tale of downsizing, layoffs and rapacious capitalism. An Obama adviser: “He may get the economy, he may know how to make money . . . but every time he did, folks like you lost your pensions, lost your jobs.”

Somehow the Romney campaign never saw it coming.

Republicans, now and in 2016, should remember the colorful but not at all high-minded approach of Obama campaign manager Jim Messina. “My favorite political philosopher is Mike Tyson,” he told Mr. Balz. “Mike Tyson once said everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don’t have a plan anymore.” Obama’s people punched first, and hard.

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