Killing an Economy Obama Style

Published: Fri, 08/23/13

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In This Issue: 
Federal Agents Conduct a Mara Salvatrucha Sweep By Richard C. Young
Obama Family Dinner: “Get off the Bench!” By E.J. Smith
Millions of Muslims Willing to Die to Keep American Value out of Their Societies By Richard C. Young
Killing an Economy Obama Style By Richard C. Young
Have You Forgotten 2008? By E.J. Smith

We brought the first five installments last week, now read the exciting conclusion to our Countdown: Top 10 Bug-Out Basecamp Essentials!

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Client Letter: Investing with Risk in Mind Companies operating in generally safe industries are not always a safe investment. Enron, after all, was classified as a boring pipeline company. Fannie Mae carried the implicit backing of the full faith and credit of the United States. Both companies cost many investors their fortunes. Read more here! 

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Federal Agents Conduct a Mara Salvatrucha Sweep

ms-13MS-13 was originally organized in Los Angeles by Salvadorian immigrants. Today MS-13 is a blight in at least 42 states and, as CNN notes , has grown to about 10,000 members. With all those highly trained special forces operators soon to be returning from Afghanistan, perhaps our elected politicians in Washington could assemble a few teams to round up a compelling number of these highly tattooed criminal freaks.

Among those charged are 158 members and associates of MS-13, with 105 others allegedly belonging to other gangs. Authorities arrested 84 non-gang members wanted on criminal charges and 14 people on immigration violations as part of the same sweep, according to the federal agency.

Special agents with ICE’s Homeland Security Investigations unit also seized 28 firearms, 10 kilograms of marijuana, 123 grams of cocaine, over 770 grams of heroin and about $22,400 in cash.

Agency officials describe MS-13 — also known by the name Mara Salvatrucha — as “one of the most dangerous transnational criminal gangs in the world today.”

Salvadoran immigrants fleeing that nation’s civil war started MS-13 some years ago in Los Angeles.

Since then, the group has grown to about 10,000 members — most of them Central and South American immigrants — operating in largely independent chapters across 42 states, according to the FBI. Authorities allege MS-13 members engage in various criminal activities, including drug trafficking, murder, rape, robbery and other crimes.

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Obama Family Dinner: “Get off the Bench!”

“Get off the bench! I’m in charge here!” yelled a member of President Obama’s security detail at my dad. He and my mom were being moved for the third time along Main Street in Edgartown, Massachusetts on Saturday night, in what they referred to as a disorganized mess for the Obama family dinner. My mother said the way the security guy was talking made it feel like the Gestapo. In her words, “I couldn’t believe this was happening here.” The Obamas chose to dine for several hours at the Atlantic Fish and Chop House, in Edgartown.  Main Street was basically shut-down to everyone except them. My mother counted 16 SUVs and 12 motorcycles on the ready. When the Obamas were done, they loaded up and zoomed away through the narrow streets with the SUVs sometimes side-by side. That’s a total of 28 vehicles in all on taxpayers’ dime for a quiet night out with the fam. Now that’s the power of other people’s money. Not to mention the disruption to everyone else who happened to be on vacation on their own dime.

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Millions of Muslims Willing to Die to Keep American Values out of Their Societies

America needs to mind its own business. What goes on in the Middle East does not concern our national security today, nor will it tomorrow. With a Sunni Saudi Arabia and a Shia Iran, America has a natural buffer zone in the Middle East. And with America’s newly found near-energy independence, we can let Saudi Arabia find its own way in terms of national defense. As for Iran, there is new and invigorated leadership willing to embrace ties with the west. Contrary to the neocon blather fostered by the likes of the Weekly Standard, American Enterprise Institute and John McCain, there is reason to hope that a new era can open up with Iran.

Pat Buchanan writes, “Millions of Muslims are willing to fight to drive us out of their part of their world. How many Americans are willing to send our sons to die for secular democracy and American values in their part of the world.” The answer should be zero. And by the way, America is a federal republic, not a democracy. The Founders wanted no part of a democracy. Where does the word democracy appear in our constitution?

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Killing an Economy Obama Style

Poor ol’ you if you and your family were on Martha’s Vineyard this summer when the Obama horde hit town like an invasion of Huns. The locals were bullied and pushed around like a pack of street vagrants. Even the elite liberal poobahs who populate the Vineyard in the summer got their noses shoved into “the stuff.” The Cape Cod Times reports that business, by example, at Alley’s General Store in West Tisbury was down a whopping 35% due to the road blockages initiated by the kingly entourage. And business at Cape Cod Airfield was hit hard too:

This week, that includes restrictions within 30 nautical miles of Martha’s Vineyard Airport for a host of aeronautical operations up to 18,000 feet. Seaplanes, parachuting, hang gliding, banner towing and sightseeing flights are banned in the area.

Chris Siderwicz Jr., the airport manager of Cape Cod Airfield in Marstons Mills, said the restrictions have grounded his and his father’s biplane tours during the heart of the peak season.

“I’m turning away people’s business every day,” he said. The two also run a business flying advertising banners and have focused their attention on the Plymouth area this week because of the flight restrictions affecting beaches on Nantucket Sound.

“I am losing the local advertising work,” he said.

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Have You Forgotten 2008?

As you chart your investment course it’s crucial that you position yourself to be able to live to fight another day. With the Fed’s zero percent interest rate policy it’s easy to forget the importance of bonds in your portfolio. And with the end of 2013 in sight, mutual fund companies are licking their chops for the day when they can run out their 5-year average annual returns sans 2008. But let’s not forget that in 2008 the Dow, S&P 500, and Nasdaq cratered by a respective 32%, 37%, and 40% while Vanguard’s GNMA gained 7.2%. Mutual fund Legg Mason Value Trust lost 58% in 2008. The five-year average annual returns will make that a distant memory. But 2008 is impossible to ignore for those who were invested in the fund.

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