"You can Keep Your Insurance"

Published: Fri, 10/25/13

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obamaAnna Gorman and Julie Appleby at Kaiser Health News report that thousands of Floridians are losing their health coverage because of new regulations rolling out as part of Obamacare.

An estimated 14 million people purchase their own coverage because they don’t get it through their jobs. Calls to insurers in several states showed that many have sent notices.

Florida Blue, for example, is terminating about 300,000 policies, about 80 percent of its individual policies in the state. Kaiser Permanente in California has sent notices to 160,000 people – about half of its individual business in the state.  Insurer Highmark in Pittsburgh is dropping about 20 percent of its individual market customers, while Independence Blue Cross, the major insurer in Philadelphia, is dropping about 45 percent.

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florida burbs You can forget the story line that baby boomers will be flocking to the cities for retirement. The media has overplayed it mainly because media lives in the city and can’t see the forest through the trees. Joel Kotkin writes about the decline in city population and growing smaller town population. Check out the full article here in Forbes.

Perhaps the biggest impact, however, may be on smaller metropolitan areas and the less expensive Sun Belt communities. As more boomers achieve “empty nester” status they could bring investment capital, and broader connections to smaller cities that could much use them.

One early sign of this trend may be the recent rise in migration to Florida. After a brief recession-driven hiatus a net 200,000 people have moved to Florida in the last two years. New Census numbers also suggest a  large number of people continue to leave the Northeast, the Midwest and California.  Also likely to benefit will be some emerging boomer magnet communities in Idaho, Arizona, Uta­h, the Carolinas and Colorado.

For real estate developers and investors, the ones often most entranced by the “back to the city” story, the lessons are very clear. It makes more sense to follow the numbers, and understand the logic of senior migration, than swallow the snake oil so many have been carelessly imbibing. There are great opportunities in the expanding senior market, including in some uniquely attractive urban districts, but the bigger plays are in outlying areas, and, increasingly, smaller towns.

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REDSTONE ARSENAL, Ala., Oct. 23, 2013 – Raytheon Company (NYSE: RTN) successfully completed an initial round of live-fire testing with a new U.S. Marine Corps Light Armored Vehicle Anti-Tank (LAV-AT) weapon system. The upgraded, highly mobile, anti-armor LAV-AT weapon system is designed to protect reconnaissance and light infantry. Its mission is to defeat threats at long-range, day or night, and in all weather conditions.

“Raytheon is delivering an enhanced capability designed to save Marines’ lives,” said Michelle Lohmeier, vice president of Land Warfare Systems for Raytheon Missile Systems. “The new turret and thermal systems can perform surveillance and targeting on the move, providing greater situational awareness. Raytheon has also reduced the size of the equipment to provide more crew space inside the vehicle.”

In April 2012, the U.S. Marine Corps awarded Raytheon a contract to develop and integrate an anti-tank weapon system on four LAV-ATs. All four vehicles will go into development testing later this year, with operational testing to follow in late 2014.

Source: Raytheon Company

Not the actual test but this is the TOW Missile that will most likely be used in the new turret taking out a T-27 Russian tank.

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ACORN Do you know that tens of thousands of poorly screened navigators have been hired by the Obama government to ensnare you in the monster trap of Obamacare? Your identity privacy is at risk in a big way. Any American who is not scared of this increasing risk is simply not paying attention to what is going on. Navigators sound, for starters, like a science fiction horror theme. This horde is not being screened with the remotest diligence. And yet you are being asked to cough up your social security number and loads of other sensitive personal info. Do you know where the Obama crowd is rustling up loads of these navigators? Remember ACORN? Yup, from the remains of ACORN come Obama navigators. You really can’t make it up. John Fund has researched the pending disaster and provided Americans with a concise summary here. I don’t think you are going to like what you read.

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You, as a president, have signature legislation with your name on it. And you have over three years to kickoff a successful launch. And, as Peggy Noonan explains here, you blow it big time. Now you push out an over-matched spokesperson to blow smoke. Americans sit slack jawed as Jon Stewart takes K. Sebelius apart on The Daily Show . It’s total embarrassment 101. Now you have lost the war, Mr. President. There is no way your job-killing monstrosity can lurch forward. Americans wanted no part of Obamacare from the start, yet you and that fool Pelosi jammed it through Congress anyway. Now you are going to pay as the whole wretched launch blows up in your face. You do not have a good way out, and you must be more than a little uncomfortable. Good luck in sweeping up the mess.

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