Impeach Barack Obama and John McCain, Says Glenn Beck

Published: Fri, 11/01/13 Incite-full

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Here Glenn Beck raises a question all Americans should be asking.

“If you don’t want your vote back,” Beck continued, “what will it take? If you in Arizona said, ‘I voted for John McCain because I thought John McCain was strong on defense and better than the other guy.’ Whatever the deal is, if them saying, ‘We’re going to arm al-Qaeda’ and yes, we know that some of the arms are going to fall into the hands of al-Qaeda… if that’s not an impeachable offense for Lindsey Graham, for John McCain, for John Boehner, for the President of the United States, I don’t know what an impeachable offense is.”

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 National Review’s Rich Lowry explains the Obama falsehoods.

To say that President Barack Obama is on the record telling Americans they can keep their current health insurance is an understatement. He repeated the assurance so many times during the health-care debate that it was almost a verbal tic.

He was stirring: “Americans must have the freedom to keep whatever doctor and health-care plan they have.” He was adamant: “If you like your health plan, you will be able to keep your health-care plan. Period.” He was clear: “Let me be clear: If you like your doctor or health-care provider, you can keep them. If you like your health-care plan, you can keep that, too.”

He had to keep repeating his promise, since there was so much bad information out there. “No matter what you’ve heard,” he said in a weekly radio address in August 2009, “if you like your doctor or health-care plan, you can keep it.”

Practically no Obama speech was complete without this disclaimer. He must have felt sorely tempted to tack it on to his Cairo speech to the Arab world and his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech. It must have been the first words on his lips when he arose in the morning and the last when he retired in the evening. When it came to existing health insurance, he portrayed himself as the principled and tireless defender of the realm.

Rarely has a major domestic program been sold on the basis of a premise so patently untrue. No matter what you’ve heard from the president of the United States, hundreds of thousands of people in states around the country are now receiving notices that their insurance is getting canceled. It raises the question of how the president could be so wrong about a basic element of his own signature initiative.

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You know something’s amiss when the Fed pumps $85 billion a month into the system. The Fed’s balance sheet has ballooned to $3.85 trillion. What’s missed by the media is that 60% of the Fed’s balance sheet is excess reserves or $2.3 trillion—money that banks keep on deposit at the Fed. Banks currently earn 0.25% from the Fed, which is actually paid by you and me the taxpayer. This is simply a ripple now, but wait until interest rates go up. The cost to taxpayers could be catastrophic. “A return to even a normal 2% rate on excess reserves of $2.3 trillion would cost U.S. taxpayers $46 billion. As former New York Fed legal officer Walker Todd—who authored a May paper titled ‘The Problem of Excess Reserves, Then and Now’—pointed out to me this week, if we hit a period similar to 1994-1995 when the Fed funds rate increased by 3.25 percentage points over one year, the cost of containing $2.3 trillion in excess reserves would reach $80 billion annually,” writes Mary Anastasia O’Grady of The Wall Street Journal.

Take a look here at the skyrocketing quantity of total reserves, made up mostly of excess reserves.

total reserves

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You may remember Dr. Carson’s stirring speech at CPAC (below). As it turns out common sense is valued. Dr. Carson has won New Hampshire’s Young Republican’s Annual Straw Poll…by a lot.

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Providence, RI

Providence, RI

This is what you get when you run out of other people’s money.

Providence saw one of the largest percentage-point drops in aid from 2007 to 2012 among the nation’s 250 largest cities, according to an analysis by The Wall Street Journal of data provided by Merritt Research Services LLC. A few cities’ figures weren’t available by August 2013, when Merritt collected the figures.

Last year, Rhode Island gave the city $37 million, or 8.39% of Providence’s general fund, the main pot of cash that pays for employees and basic services. In 2007, that figure was $67 million, or 16.74% of its general fund.

From the Wall Street Journal, read more here.

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