Democrats-A Brewing Rebellion Against Obama

Published: Fri, 12/27/13 Incite-full

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Survey Says! 72% Americans…

In this Gallup poll, 72% of Americans say “Big Government” is a greater threat to the U.S. in the future—a 50-year high—than big business or big labor. The breakdown by political party identification looks like this: 92%  of Republicans, 71% of Independents, and 56% of Democrats agree that Big Government is the greatest threat. What is clear is that Republicans and Independents want a “smaller government.” But when Republicans continue to support legislation that expands government, such as the Ryan-Murray budget, there is no clear distinction between any party. It’s time for Republicans to get a backbone and stand-up for the smaller government voters demand. Gallup’s Jeffrey Jones writes:

Americans have consistently viewed big government as a greater threat to the United States than either big business or big labor, but never more than they do now. That may be partly a reaction to an administration that favors the use of government to solve problems. Also, the revelation of widespread government monitoring of U.S. Internet activity may be a factor in raising Americans’ concern about the government. The threat of big business may seem diminished now, during a relatively calm period for big business, with rising stock values and relatively few major corporate scandals such as occurred in the early 2000s. Also, the labor movement is far less influential in U.S. policy today than in the past, including in 1965, when Gallup first asked the question.

In the future, Americans likely will continue to view big government as the greatest threat of the three, partly because of Republicans’ reluctance to rely on government to solve problems, and because Democrats and independents are also inclined to view big government as a greater threat than big business or big labor. But the percentage of Americans viewing big government as the greatest threat will also likely to continue to vary, in response to current conditions in the political and business environments.

gallup big government poll

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Obama’s Christmas Gift to Americans—A Bag of Broken Glass

Along with the travesty and lies of O’Care, Americans are awakening to the nightmare of the Federal government’s ever-growing stranglehold that is destroying wealth-creation and promoting skyrocketing debt. The Fed’s central bank—no longer tied to a gold standard—channels low interest rates and trillions of dollars to Goldman Sachs et al., while the rest of America is given a bag of broken glass. Peggy Noonan summarizes much of what is wrong this holiday season.

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Obama Deficits Biggest Relatively vs. Economy Since 1946

And Congress is a facilitator to the ongoing federal budget disaster. Most Americans appear to have little perspective as to how bad things are fiscally in the U.S. Cato Institute’s Doug Bandow runs through the arithmetic of what is an ever-building U.S. fiscal time bomb. Mr. Bandow’s picture is not a pretty one.

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Your Personal Financial Security Part II

cashEvery Christmas we give our kids their age in cash—a tradition that began with Becky’s parents—making it fun to get older. Hard cold cash is often forgotten when credit cards, gift cards or your iphone complete transactions. But what happens when the lights go out? You still have basic needs, like caffeine. That’s why carrying some cash and storing some cash makes sense to me. It’s a lot easier letting the cashier keep the change for that cup-of-Joe or 5 lbs. of ice than explaining why he should trust you to pay him next Tuesday.

“I’ll gladly pay you on Tuesday…”

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Democrats—A Brewing Rebellion Against Obama

bill and barackIt’s now at hand as the big “you like your plan, you can keep your plan” lie kicks into high gear. The insurance industry’s back is to the wall and faces the likely prospect of a death spiral, which would swallow the O’Care beast in its entirety. With the implosion and collapse would end the sorry Obama/Pelosi-led new liberalism march. Here Charles Krauthammer explains exactly why Liberals are panicking.

Even if it takes a change to the law, the president should honor the commitment the federal government made to those people and let them keep what they got.”

Former President Bill Clinton, November 12
So the former president asserts that the current president continues to dishonor his “you like your plan, you can keep your plan” pledge. And calls for the Affordable Care Act to be changed, despite furious White House resistance to the very idea.

Coming from the dean of the Democratic Party, this one line marked the breaching of the dam. It legitimized the brewing rebellion of panicked Democrats against Obamacare. Within hours, that rebellion went loudly public. By Thursday, President Obama had been forced into a rearguard holding action, asking insurers to grant a one-year extension of current plans.

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