Kill the Second Amendment!

Published: Fri, 07/25/14 Incite-full

In This Issue

Kill the Second Amendment! By Richard C. Young
VIDEO: Techies ‘Like’ Rand Paul 
The Editors
War with Iran? By Richard C. Young
Cannon Fire! By Debbie Young
The Dirtiest Dozen By Debbie Young
Vladimir Putin Not Guilty By Richard C. Young

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Kill the Second Amendment!

That is exactly what retired Supreme Court Justice Stevens proposes.

Notwithstanding that there is zero chance an amendment to kill American gun rights would pass, lunatic proposals such as the current one by Stevens, are the province of the Marxist/Progressive/left movement .

Here is the elephant in the room for America’s gun owners. I am referring to the Supreme Court. The court today is most likely one misplaced vote away from endangering the Second Amendment.

In support of the Second Amendment, former CIA chief of the bin Laden unit Michael Scheuer (Marching%20Toward%20Hell:%20America%20and%20Islam%20After%20Iraq Marching Toward Hell), writes, “ The 2nd Amendment is an offshoot of the English Bill of Rights (1689).”

Scheuer continues,

In the 2nd Amendment, the Founders clearly recognized that citizens needed weapons for the defense of persons and homes

If a tyranny emerged, the Founders knew that Americans would have at hand two tools for use in righting the situation. One was the motivation Americans would have to rebel against tyranny because of the absolute right to self-defense that is found in Natural Law. The other was the arms-to-kill-tyrants they would always possess because of the Constitution’s 2nd Amendment.

Armed rebellion to confront and destroy tyranny, then, is a legitimate option if a people perceives that their political leaders intend to establish tyrannical rule.
It is for this reason that the Founders left all Americans an inheritance as precious as the 2nd Amendment.

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VIDEO: Techies ‘Like’ Rand Paul

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War with Iran?

Tuesday, 15 November 2011, Pat Buchanan in “Return of the War Party” wrote,

The only way we could eliminate Iran’s nuclear program would be days of air and missile strikes. Iran could retaliate by cutting off oil exports and mining the Strait of Hormuz, tripling the world price, and hurling the European Union and United States into recession.

The U.S. intelligence community declared in December 2007,with high confidence that Iran was no longer seeking nuclear weapons. It has never rescinded that declaration.

Before America goes to war with Iran, let Congress whose members are forever expressing their love for the Constitution, follow it, and vote on war with Iran. And before we go to the polls in 2012,let’s find out if the GOP is becoming again the same old War Party that bankrupted the nation.”

Well here we are two and a half years later, and the Republican War Dogs are rabid with interventionist intent. That is, with the exception of Rand Paul who is gaining, literally by the hour, traction in America. Because of our two-party system, Paul must run as a Republican. As such, Mr. Paul will be running against entrenched party big wigs and the RNC. No problem, though. Here’s why.

In the new social media era, candidates can raise scads of money online with no help from the entrenched party leaders.

I think the leaders of both parties certainly including the forlorn and shopworn likes of the Clintons, the Bushes, McCains, Romneys, Reids, Boehners, and the failed-Marxist-tinged Obamas are tragically out of pace with America.

Look, in 2012 a totally unqualified income redistribution fellow won reelection by what sounded like a hefty 5 million votes. Notwithstanding that I, along with others, scored the count from the start as a fraud, it went into the books.  OK, 127 million Americans voted. Had just 2.75 million voters ( 2.2% of the vote) swapped their vote, Romney (a neocon-centric, big government dinosaur) would have won the White House. Not to put the whole thing into a racial perspective, but African Americans voted Obama into the White House. I don’t know about you, but in my eyes Hillary Rodham Clinton is going to provide nothing but a snicker for many demographic groups. Talk about a low Democrat turnout. Remember the absolute trashing the disorganized and arrogant thing took last time out? And now she has Benghazi to answer for.

Throughout history, Progressive/Marxist thought has proved a disaster. Debbie and I are in France twice a year for a first-hand look at policy socialist style. Yikes, what a mess. So foul in fact that the fire-breathing, hardline anti-immigration, third-party candidate Marine Le Pen and her Front National in the European elections laid waste to the ruling Francois Hollande and his failed Socialist party.

America is now, as they say on NBA draft night, on the clock. I think the small government, anti-immigration, anti-fed, anti-Wall Street/Fortune Five Hundred, pro-Second Amendment, anti-Obamacare policies of Rand Paul form a winning hand. I count a lot of single-issue voters of all stripes as fed up with the two-party entrenched politicians.

Democrat or Republican nametags are not going to carry much weight in the elections of 2014 and 2016. What will count is voting for an American who actually appears to be on your side. Debbie and I long ago threw in the towel on the whole two-party lot. We are independents looking for… well the Rand Paul approach to a libertarian-based government advocating small government policies, states rights, and personal responsibility as envisioned by our Founders in the Constitution. And perhaps most of all, it is time Americans ended the policy of world hegemony and started minding our own business, our open borders, our rotten, and union-infested public schools, and (started supporting) the best interests of those who provide most of the new jobs in America—our small business owners.


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Cannon Fire!

The Department of Health and Human Services estimates that 87% of enrollees of O’Care qualified for subsidies, which allowed them to pay 24% of the actual cost of their plan. According to the New York Post, instead of $376/month, the out-of-pocket cost for these enrollees was $82/month. Obamacare has not lowered insurance costs. Instead, it has shifted the cost from premium payers to taxpayers.

This week, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the IRS regulation authorizing tax credits in federal exchanges is invalid in the 36 states that refused to set up their own insurance exchanges. If the ruling remains, it’s likely that there will be a quadrupling of the cost of health-care insurance premiums to enrollees who received the subsidized price this year, resulting in a stampede out of plans and causing what insurance companies call a “death spiral.”

View here Cato Institute scholar Michael F. Cannon as he answers questions on the importance of the Halbig v. Burwell ruling and what we can next expect.

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The Dirtiest Dozen

organic questionAre you getting what you paid for when you buy “organic”? Can you trust that a can of black beans from Bolivia or a bag of walnuts labeled “Product of Kazakhstan” or imported soy beans from China are what they claim to be—organic? Read here in NPR’s The Salt about the organic fraud both here at home and abroad.

Meanwhile, buying local produce is often a safer way to go. And certainly some fruits and veggies are dirtier than others. The average potato, for example, has a much higher total weight of pesticides than any other food crop, while celery, cherry tomatoes and sweet bell peppers each tested positive for 13 different pesticides. Here Dr. Andrew Weil lists the dirtiest offenders —those with the highest pesticide load—that make buying the organic versions a worthwhile consideration.

I am pleased to have an ongoing association with the Environmental Working Group (EWG), a nonprofit organization that advocates for policies that protect global and individual health. Specifically, I help EWG spread the word about one of its most valuable pieces of research – a Shoppers’ Guide to Pesticides in Produce. The 2014 version is based on the results of pesticide tests performed on produce and collected by federal agencies from the past nine years.

Nearly all of the data used took into account how people typically wash and prepare produce – for example, apples were washed and bananas peeled before testing. The following “Dirty DozenPlus” had the highest pesticide load, making them the most important to buy organic versions – or to grow them organically yourself:

  • Apples
  • Strawberries
  • Grapes
  • Celery
  • Peaches
  • Spinach
  • Sweet bell peppers
  • Nectarines (imported)
  • Cucumbers
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Snap peas (imported)
  • Potatoes

Plus these which may contain organophosphate insecticides, which EWG characterizes as “highly toxic” and of special concern:

  • Hot peppers
  • Blueberries (domestic)

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Vladimir Putin Not Guilty

Did Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin order the downing of Malaysian flight MH17 over Ukraine?

Pat Buchanan writes, “As for the downing of the Malaysian airliner, Putin did not order that. Sen. John Cornyn says U.S. intelligence has not yet provided any ‘smoking gun’ that ties the missile-firing to Russia.”

Not withstanding the above, the War Dogs are worked up into a full froth. As Pat notes, “Today the leading foreign policy voice of the Republican Party, Sen. John McCain, calls Obama’s White House ‘cowardly’ for not arming the Ukrainians to fight the Russian-backed separatists.”

The rub for the War Dogs here is that events in Ukraine, no matter how tragic, present no national security risk for America. Americans appear to have finally gotten the message on foreign intervention, entanglements and nation building. John McCain’s saber rattling weakens any opportunity Americans have for gutting the Marxist-tinged administration of Barrack Obama this fall, never mind taking control of the Senate.

I write regularly of the five essential elements of the original Weinberger Powell Doctrine. Americans need to use W/P as a template for foreign policy decision-making. For the record, adherence to W/P certainly would have prevented Congress, were Congress consulted, from going into Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afganistan (after the blown effort to kill bin Laden) or Libya. As for Syria and Ukraine, not a prayer. Not even close.

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