Old Technology is Hot

Published: Fri, 09/05/14

Richardcyoung.com Incite-full

In This Issue

Old Technology is Hot By Richard C. Young
ISIS Threatens House of Saud By Richard C. Young
A Bridge Too Far By Debbie Young
Jimmy Buffett’s Shrimpboat Sound By E.J. Smith
A Rudderless Administration By Debbie Young
Seeking America’s Survival By Richard C. Young

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Old Technology is Hot

vinylI never gave up on vinyl and play records from my huge vinyl collection many days of the week. This shocking report will bring back a lot of fond memories for Americans who grew up with vinyl in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s.

For the first time since the iTunes Store launched in 2003, sales of digital tracks and albums declined last year, Billboard reports. Analysts blame the rise of streaming services like Spotify and Pandora. Sales of CDs also took a big hit, as did album sales overall.

Meanwhile, one format quietly posted huge gains: vinyl records. LP sales were up an amazing 32 percent from 2012, continuing an improbable growth trend that began in the early 1990s and took off around 2007. In fact, as The Oregonian‘s David Greenwald points out, this was the sixth straight year in which vinyl long-players have recorded their highest sales mark since the advent of Soundscan in 1991. The absolute numbers are still small: 6 million units, or about 2 percent of all album sales in the United States.

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ISIS Threatens House of Saud

Karen Elliot House is a former WSJ publisher. She is also an expert on Saudi Arabia and the author of On Saudi Arabia: its People, Past, Religion. Fault Lines—and Future . Ms. House notes in this WSJ article, “ The House of Saud, which has ruled the kingdom off and on for more than 270 years, historically has survived by ducking and weaving, by seeking to avoid confrontations while trying to satisfy everyone. As a result the kingdom has been reliant on others—essentially the U.S.—for its security.”

Ms. House continues, “ISIS is a clear threat and the need to confront is inevitable.”

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A Bridge Too Far

obama at the UN“The Constitution is plain as day that any international treaty that compels certain actions by the United States requires a two-thirds ratification by the Senate,” writes Patrick J. Michaels, director of the Center for the Study of Science at the Cato Institute.

Read here from Mr. Michaels how President Obama is playing “fast and loose” with the Constitution with a sweeping international climate change treaty.

How on God’s getting-greener earth can the president think the nation can be “compelled,” absent the two-thirds vote of the Senate explicitly required by the Constitution? After all, his proposal, which will be unveiled by Mr. Obama himself at the United Nations’ Climate Summit on Sept. 23 will “legally require” participants “to enact domestic climate change policies,” according to the Times. Isn't that up to the standard of a binding international treaty?

Well, harking back to his predecessor in the halcyon 1990s, Mr. Obama is playing fast and loose with the Constitution. In his mind, it might “depend on what the meaning of is is.” Mr. Obama wants to write this “accord,” not as a new treaty, but as an addition to the already-ratified 1992 Framework Convention on Climate Change.

That’s not going to cut it. It’s already been done. That’s what the failed Kyoto Protocol and the purpose of Mr. Obama’s new codicil “is” to replace it. The Kyoto Protocol never did get the required two-thirds vote to be ratified by the Senate. The same will apply here.

A king in any area rules by absolute power. The fact of the matter is that Mr. Obama is obsessed with climate change, even as the voters of this country, who speak through their legislatures, most assuredly are not. That’s not his worry, though. He can’t be re-elected, and he doesn't really care if, as retribution, the Democrats lose control of the Senate in this year’s election.

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Jimmy Buffett’s Shrimpboat Sound
Shrimp Boat Sounds

Becky and I have walked past Jimmy Buffett’s Shrimpboat Sound Studio (pictured to the right) many times during our visits to Key West. It’s hard to believe such great music is produced in an old shrimp freezer.

Buffett will be in Paris later this month at the intimate La Cigale located in the 18th arrondissement. Out of curiosity I looked for a couple of tickets. According to the website: Pas assez de places disponibles pour la quantité demandée (Not enough spaces available for the requested quantity).

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A Rudderless Administration

Barack Obama, Michelle ObamaPresident Obama has referred to ISIS as both the “junior varsity” and a “cancer” that we will “degrade and destroy.” He also says of ISIS that it is a “manageable problem.” Yet in yesterday’s joint op-ed piece with British Prime Minister David Cameron, he writes that our country “will not be cowed by barbaric killers.” Well, which is it? Peggy Noonan asks in the WSJ, “Is the administration’s foreign-policy apparatus as rudderless, ad hoc and faux-sophisticated as it looks?”

At the Seafair mansion in Newport last Friday, kickoff to the busy Labor Day weekend and making a gridlock of Newport traffic, President Obama attended a Democratic fundraiser. There, as the WSJ’s Daniel Henninger reports, Obama told the 60 or so guests who had paid as much as $32,000 to hear him speak, who the greatest threats to America today are. If you’re thinking that the president called out those responsible for the beheadings of American journalists or the rolling tanks into Iraq and eastern Ukraine, or Boko Haram, you’re wrong. No, Mr. Obama said, “So the answer to our challenges is actually pretty simple—we need a better Congress.”

As Ms. Noonan points out, “Is the president starting to fear, deep down, that maybe he is the junior varsity?” Read more here from Peggy Noonan on what appears to be a rudderless administration.

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Seeking America’s Survival

flag iconMichael Scheuer, a twenty-plus-year veteran of the CIA, was chief of the agency’s bin Laden unit and spent his career developing strategies to keep America safe.

Now in “America First and survival or an endless losing war with Islam,” Scheuer offers two chilling options for America:

  1. To continue to maintain the status quo in our foreign policies in the Muslim world-meaning steadily intervening and backing tyranny there-and thereby motivating ever greater numbers of Muslims to join the war being waged by Islamist forces against the United States, its European allies and Israel. Or…
  2. To seek America’s survival.

Here Michael Scheuer offers a five-point survival plan:

  1. Close our borders and strictly enforce existing immigration laws.
  2. Move to energy self-sufficiency.
  3. Bid the Saudis and the Israelis farewell, henceforth letting them find their own destiny.
  4. Create a military that can, after a formal congressional declaration of war and without coalition partners, “respond with utmost brutality.”
  5. Withdraw from NATO.

As Michael notes, a neutral and non-interventionist policy would be historically appropriate for Americans and would strengthen our national security.

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