Anybody Home?

Published: Fri, 10/24/14 Incite-full

In This Issue

Cato’s Dan Mitchell’s Miracle for America By Richard C. Young
Anybody Home? By Debbie Young
Bidding the Saudis and the Israelis Farewell By Richard C. Young
Stay and Occupy Iraq? By Richard C. Young
CAIR: Hamas’ Strident U.S. Voice By Richard C. Young
Wastebook—Read It and Weep By Debbie Young

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Cato’s Dan Mitchell’s Miracle For America

Since the days of America’s worst president Woodrow Wilson, the Washington political elite have held the American economy hostage to benefit themselves.

There is a golden solution, but Americans are going to have to force the entrenched politicians to adopt this single, simple measure.

The Cato Institute’s Dan Mitchell lays out here the miracle that can vault the American economy out of the servitude imposed upon it by the self-serving bureaucrats in Washington.

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Wastebook—Read It and Weep

wastebookBetter yet, read it and wake up.

Senator Tom Coburn, unfortunately leaving the Senate at the end of the year, wants you to know how taxpayer money is being spent in Washington. As Mr. Coburn points out, we shouldn’t worry that the current Congress is on track for being the least productive in 60 years. Our real concern should be what Washington is doing.

National Institutes of Health (NIH) claims that due to stagnant spending, no vaccine for Ebola has been developed. But there is enough money for Swedish massages for rabbits and a study on how much women love their dogs.

NASA no longer has the ability to send astronauts to the moon, but it pays Russia $70 million per passenger for a round-trip fare to the international space station. To do what? Study “design and creation of better golf clubs” to the tune of  $1.5 million per hour.

The National Science Foundation taught monkeys how to gamble and lions how to use a treadmill.

The Pentagon paid $1 billion to destroy $16 billion worth of ammo. That’s enough to cover a full year’s salary for over 54,000 Army privates.

The IRS handed over $4 billion to identity thieves after failing to recognize bogus tax returns. This happened while the IRS was politically targeting Tea Party groups with overzealous scrutiny.

Senator Coburn’s Wastebook shows the 100 outrageous ways Washington has spent your money over the last year. As Mr. Coburn writes, “Only someone with too much of someone else’s money and not enough accountability for how it was being spent could come up with these projects.”

Read more here from The Federalist about Wastebook 2014 for an infuriating look at Washington at its worst.

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CAIR: Hamas’ Strident U.S. Voice

Most Americans are in the dark on CAIR. Robert Spencer in Arab Winter Comes to America  rips off the shroud of CAIR, exposing this Hamas-linked Muslim Brotherhood group for what it is. In Arab Winter, Spencer explains, “Ghassan Elashi, the founder of CAIR’s Texas chapter, is now in prison for jihad activity. In 2009, he was sentenced to sixty-five years in prison for funneling over $12 million in charitable contributions to Hamas while serving as head of Holy Land Foundation.”

CAIR is an acronym for Council on American-Islamic Relations. Spencer writes, “CAIR remains widely respected. Nearly everyone, particularly in Washington, assumes that CAIR is exactly what it says it is: a Muslim civil rights organization, working for the rights of Muslims in the United States and deeply loyal to Constitutional principles and freedoms.” This is despite, as Spencer writes, “its connections to the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas, the terror convictions of several former officials, and its virtually unanimous opposition to counterterror laws investigations, and other initiatives.”

Spencer continues, “Just as influential as CAIR in Washington is the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), which was founded in 1981 by operatives from the Muslim Students Association, still another Brotherhood group in the United States.”

The Muslim Brotherhood? In his chapter titled “Not Just in Egypt Anymore (the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States),” Robert Spencer explains their stated goal: “eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within.” Their methods: “insinuating themselves into centers of power in the United States and Europe as ‘moderate’ Muslims, who can exert quiet influence in the direction of eventually replacing Western culture and the U.S. Constitution with an Islamic caliphate and sharia law.”

Robert Spencer plays hardball. Among the measures Mr. Spencer would implement: “Tell the truth about Islamic jihad and supremacism. Enforce existing laws (Section 2385 of the federal criminal code). Reclassify Muslim organizations. End Muslim immigration into the United States. Reconfigure our international alliances so that no state that oppresses women or non-Muslims in accord with sharia provisions gets a penny of American aid or is considered a U.S. ally.”

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Stay and Occupy Iraq?
American troops lead counterinsurgency efforts in Iraq.

Lt. Col. John Nagl (who wrote The U.S. Army/Marine Corps Counterinsurgency Field Manual ), says the U.S. military is ready to stay and occupy Iraq. Well, that is what military forces do. The overriding question is whether or not Iraq represents a national security risk. History will prove that the United States has no business in meddling with the internal policies of the Muslim world. And history will also prove that the Muslim world is anti the United States and everything America stands for. Rather than concentrating our military and financial efforts in picking sides in Iraq and Syria, America should ban immigration from the Muslim world, cancel college visas from the Muslim world, and get down to the serious business of sealing our borders.

Americans are asleep at the switch and influenced by the Washington political elite who are in large measure in bed with the very crowd that created America’s doomsday setting at the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. Debbie and I have made nine trips to France in the last four years. Wealthy French residents are bailing out of the country at a frightening pace due to not only the failed high tax policies of the Socialist Hollande administration, but also the increasingly combustible effect of millions of restive and angry Muslims in the French suburbs (see here and here). This cancerous condition goes unreported here in America, but Debbie and I have seen what is going on firsthand and have witnessed the rapid emergence of Front National (FN) led by hard line anti-Muslim and anti-European Union leader Marine Le Pen. Were an election held in France today, FN would assume control of France and begin a rapid program of stopping all immigration from the Muslim world, cancelling visas and shipping out all current unproductive and/or troubling Muslim residents.

On one visit, we saw the brown-shirted FN assembled forces in action. These folk are not kidding around. The French populace seems to have have gotten the message. The real shocker for us is that Hollande, with an approval rating less than half of Barack Obama’s hideous rating, has not been dragged from office.

To better understand the magnitude of the radical Muslim problem facing France—but more important, facing America—read from beginning to end Robert Spencer’s Arab Winter Comes to America . Learn why National Review’s Andrew C. McCarthy says about Arab Winter: “When you pretend your enemies are your friends, you don’t get peace, you get terror.” You’ll also learn why Geert Wilders, the Dutch leader of the fast rising Party for Freedom in the Netherlands, writes, “The Arab Winter will be upon America, unless America starts listening.”

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Bidding the Saudis and the Israelis Farewell

And that is the good news from former CIA bin Laden unit chief Michael Scheuer. Dr. Scheuer wants to terminate “the Saudis’ ability to direct the religious education of young Muslims in the United States while forcing AIPAC and other pro-Israel lobbying groups to register as what they are, agents of a foreign power.”

Scheuer wants the U.S. to withdraw from NATO and let “Europeans deal with the Russians over the war that the EU’s democracy crusading in Ukraine has yielded.” He writes:

A neutral and non-interventionist policy would be historically appropriate for Americans, would strengthen our national security, and would give our genius political leaders time to do something useful.

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Anybody Home?

obamaFerguson, ISIS, Ebola, VA scandal, IRS misconduct, Texas border crisis, ObamaCare malfunctioning, White House intrusions? Is it any surprise that, according to a recent poll, 64% of voters think America is on the wrong track?

The very theme of the Obama presidency has been that government can do great things; that we need to hand over large chunks of our economy—from health care to carbon regulation to free contraception for all—to the central state.

But for 5-1/2 years, Americans have watched a president who shows little interest and even less aptitude in running our government. Instead of accountability, Mr. Obama resorts to angry surprise. How often have we read the president is very angry, frustrated and angry, very upset, seething?

“Obama has never managed anything before running for the biggest management job on earth. It shows,” writes Charles Krauthammer in the Washington Post. Which is why we most often elect governors rather than senators to the presidency. As Charles notes here, what the nation expects from the White House is not miracles, but simple competence.

A poll conducted two weeks ago showed that 64 percent of likely voters (in competitive races) think that “things in the U.S. feel like they are out of control.” This is one degree of anxiety beyond thinking the country is on the wrong track. That’s been negative for years, and it’s a reflection of failed policies that in principle can be changed. Regaining control, on the other hand, is a far dicier proposition.

With events in the saddle and a sense of disorder growing — the summer border crisis, Ferguson, the rise of the Islamic State, Ebola — the nation expects from the White House not miracles but competence. At a minimum, mere presence. An observer presidency with its bewildered-bystander pose only adds to the unease.

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