The Armed American Family: Part II

Published: Fri, 03/27/15 Incite-full

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The Armed American Family: Part II

sig556xiThe old saying in Switzerland goes, “Switzerland doesn’t have an army, it is an army.” This is because most Swiss males serve in the Swiss army (militia) until 40. All are issued a rifle, which is kept at home. Switzerland is able to completely mobilize its armed forces within 48 hours. The Swiss Arms SG 550/551 is a automatic assault rifle chambered in 5.56 NATO and is the rifle of the Swiss Armed Forces. (Link

Americans today have the option to buy from Sig Sauer the SIG556xi with all the legendary reliability of the Swiss 550 Series. The SIG556xi is also chambered in 5.56 NATO and is a 7.1lb Semi-Auto.


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Can the President Be Trusted?

Kevin D. Williamson of NRO writes, “The serial dishonesty of the Obama administration in the near term involves a question about whether we can have honest government. In the long term, the question is whether we can have effective government at all.”

Read more here on how the Obama administration misled and broke a promise to a federal judge for the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas.

‘Can I trust what the president says? That’s a yes-or-no question.” So inquired U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen in response to having been lied to by the Obama administration. The administration wants to use a presidential decree to enact an amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants; half of the states have rallied behind Texas in arguing that this is unconstitutional, that the president is arrogating to himself a legislative power that is properly Congress’s. Lawyers for the Justice Department, led by Kathleen Hartnett, assured the court that no action on DAPA — Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents — would be taken until Judge Hanen had made a ruling on whether to issue an injunction against it.

“Like an idiot, I believed that,” the judge says.

The Obama administration, being what it is, ignored its promise to the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas and began handing out reprieves as fast as it could, issuing more than 100,000 of them. When the annoyed judge demanded to know why the Department of Justice had lied to a federal court, Hartnett argued that the reprieves were being handed out under a different set of guidelines. The judge was not buying it. Among other things, the administration is offering three-year grants of immunity, which are not authorized by the earlier authority under which it purports to be operating.

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Demographic Symbolism

“Hillary Clinton became an iconic figure by feeding the media and the Left the kind of rhetoric they love. Barack Obama did the same and became president. Neither had any concrete accomplishments beforehand besides rhetoric, and both have had the opposite of accomplishments after taking office.”

Read more here from Thomas Sowell in NRO who notes that there is not one thing—an important piece of legislation or an international breakthrough—Ms. Clinton can point to as significant for an entire life spent in politics first as a senator and then as a secretary of state.

Sowell concludes:

It is staggering that there are sane adults who can vote for someone to be president of the United States as if they are in school, just voting for “most popular boy” or “most popular girl” — or, worse yet, voting for someone who will give them free stuff.

Whoever holds that office makes decisions involving the life and death of Americans and — especially if Iran gets a nuclear arsenal — the life and death of this nation. It took just two nuclear bombs — neither of them as powerful as those available today — to get a very tough nation like Japan to surrender. Anyone familiar with World War II battles in the Pacific knows that it was not unusual for 90 percent of the Japanese troops defending Iwo Jima or other islands to fight to the death, even after it was clear that American troops had them beaten.

When people like that surrender after two nuclear bombs, do not imagine that today’s soft Americans — led by the likes of Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton — will fight on after New York and Chicago have been reduced to radioactive ashes.

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If You Shoot then Hit Your Target

Originally posted February 26, 2014.

I recently trained with Sig Sauer Senior Instructor Steve Gilcreast over a two day concealed carry course at Sig Sauer Academy. Steve spent last week teaching a masters level class to agents in Quantico, VA. He’s the best at what he does. One of the many takeaways from the class is that you have to be accurate. Speed is secondary. Try and be the best at accuracy. To paraphrase Bruce Lee, I’d rather face someone that’s good at 1,000 things than the guy who’s the best at one. The point of shooting is to hit your target. There’s no point in being fast if you can’t hit the target. The following video is of a drill similar to one in Sig’s defensive pistol course I took over the summer. As you can see by Steve’s demonstration, it’s accuracy first then speed.

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U.S. Tax Code Benefits Washington Insiders

Here the Cato Institute’s Dan Mitchell writes that one of the new traditions at the IRS is an annual release of tax scams. “Unsurprisingly, the list contains no warnings about the needless complexity and punitive nature of the tax code. Nor does the IRS say anything about how taxpayers lose the presumption of innocence if there’s any sort of conflict with the tax agency.”

As a historical footnote, Mitchell writes, “When the income tax was first imposed back in 1913, the top tax rate was only 7 percent, the tax form was only two pages, and the tax code was easily understandable.”

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Marine Le Pen Challenging the Globalist Consensus

The American Conservative’s Scott McConnell writes:

The FN’s upside potential is truly vast. Marine Le Pen’s National Front is far and away the largest party in a major country to challenge the Washington-dominated, neoliberal, and globalist consensus. It is easily the largest anti-immigration party to emerge in the West, and one, which is clearly striving, with not inconsiderable success, to navigate the narrow shoal between national self-preservation and racism. For the first time in many years, political events in France merit close observation, for Marine Le Pen’s success, hardly foreordained, but hardly impossible, could rewrite the history of a decadent West.

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81,000 Saudi Students in Class

Saudi_Crown_Prince_Abdullah_and_George_W._Bush The Wall Street Journal’s Miriam Jordan wrote a piece on international students in America. You might be surprised to learn that today there are 81,000 students from Saudi Arabia studying in America. That’s up from only 5,000 in 2001. Remember, 15 of the 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, and one, according to the 9/11 Commission Report, was on a student visa. That student, Hani Hanjour, piloted American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon, killing 184 innocent people and wounding 106 more.

The bulk of the 81,000 Saudi students in America may be model citizens. But according to polling reported by CNN, 30% of Saudis support fighting against the U.S. in Iraq, 37% support Hamas, and 38% support Hizbollah. Both are designated foreign terrorist organizations. It is impossible to believe, given mathematics, that some of the 81,000 students from Saudi Arabia don’t harbor some ill will toward the U.S.

The number of Saudi students in the U.S. has skyrocketed since 2005 when then King Abdullah created a scholarship fund to send more of them to America. That fund was intended to be short term, but has been extended to 2020. Since then, the number of Saudi students at American colleges and universities has skyrocketed. At least one of the fund’s beneficiaries, Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari, has been arrested on suspicion of terrorism in the U.S.


saudi student chart 2

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Jimmy Buffett Key West

Hard to believe by this picture taken last night, but J.B.will be playing at San Carlos Theater on April 1st. Wish we were still going to be down here for it.

i and b

jimmy buffett concernt promo

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