Hillary Headed For the "Knacker’s Yard?"

Published: Fri, 08/21/15

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MAP: Victims of Chinese Cyber-espionage - E.J. Smith

NBC News reports the frightening frequency of Chinese cyber-attacks by posting a map of attack victims produced by the NSA. Robert Windrem reports:

A secret NSA map obtained exclusively by NBC News shows the Chinese government‘s massive cyber assault on all sectors of the U.S economy, including major firms like Google and Lockheed Martin, as well as the U.S. government and military.

The map uses red dots to mark more than 600 corporate, private or government “Victims of Chinese Cyber Espionage” that were attacked over a five-year period, with clusters in America’s industrial centers. The entire Northeast Corridor from Washington to Boston is blanketed in red, as is California’s Silicon Valley, with other concentrations in Dallas, Miami, Chicago, Seattle, L.A. and Detroit. The highest number of attacks was in California, which had almost 50.

chinese cyber espionage



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$62K per Year for a 4-Year Party? - Debbie Young

john belushi collegeStephen Moore, whose son graduated from Northwestern to the tune of $62,500 a year for room board and tuition, explains why Hillary Clinton’s college tuition plan won’t work. In fact it will only make things worse in an industry (higher education) that has seen little productivity improvement.

Hillary’s plan would only make the crisis worse by having the taxpayers foot even a larger share of the cost of tuition. She wouldn’t make it free — that’s the Bernie Sanders idea — but only a small fraction of college cost would be borne by the students. This third-party payer system is what has caused the spiral of inflation in tuitions in the first place. The only other industry that has a similar government payer system is health care, and look at the runaway costs there.

When universities pay professors $200,000 a year for teaching 3 hours a week, shouldn’t every state college and university be audited for waste and fraud? And before giving a dime to private institutions, Mr. Moore suggest that donors insist “on an open the books transparency.”

What about college endowments and their vast storehouses of wealth? Harvard and Yale, for example, are among the dozens of colleges “that could pay 80% of the tuition out of their endowments and not run out of money over many decades if ever.”

Finally, Mr. Moore asks, shouldn’t students who receive partial or free tuition be asked to work 10 to 25 hours a week? Students not only would help foot the tuition bill, but also would likely learn as much from the workplace as from the classroom experience.  Read Moore here.

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GOP Candidates: “Brave New Interventions and Wars” - Richard C. Young

cato times squareIn “Good, Bad and Ugly of the GOP’s Foreign Policy; Chris Christie among Worst as No Republican Stands for Peace,” Cato Institute’s Doug Bandow tells readers:

  • Most GOP candidates promise “ brave new interventions and wars.”
  • If Republicans really believe in limited government and individual liberty, they should promote piece. It is time for a real Republican debate over foreign and military policy.
  • Looking at Chris Christie: “Building stronger alliances” is a “pillar” of Christie’s foreign policy. U.S foreign policy is based on “partnership with people who share our views,” Christie explained. Like the totalitarian Saudis, brutal Egyptian military, and dictatorial Central Asia states?
  • South Korea has 40 times the GDP of the North; Japan possesses the world’s third largest economy. Europe has a larger GDP and population than America and multiple those of Russia.
  • Many so-called allies are security black holes, making America less secure…. Why would Washington wish to confront nuclear-armed Moscow over interests the latter considers vital by defending nations such as Georgia and Ukraine, which always has been irrelevant to American security?

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“Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Illegal Immigrants” - Richard C. Young

African-Migrants-italy2Pat Buchanan writes that the issue of who we allow into “our home” is “the issue of the 21st century and certainly has become the issue of 2016.”

Pat tells readers that illegals are not just America’s #1 problem, but Europe’s as well. “Refugees, asylum seekers and illegal immigrants are not going to stop coming to Europe. For they are being driven across the Med by wars in Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Yemen, by the horrific conditions in Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia and Sudan, by the Islamist terrorism of the Mideast and the abject poverty of the sub-Sahara.”

Pat continues that Donald Trump’s “six-page policy paper [available here], to secure America’s border and send back aliens here illegally, released by Trump last weekend, is the toughest, most comprehensive, stunning immigration proposal of the election cycle.”

The political elite in Washington, including leadership of both the RNC and DNC, are rightfully terrified of Donald Trump. They brand Trump an extremist and want him out of the 2016 presidential sweepstakes. Well, as Pat Buchanan warns readers, “the world is invading the West” and Germany alone “is on schedule to take in 500,000 this year. Yet Germany is smaller than Montana.”

Looking at the polling numbers, it is clear that the American people are fed up with the political elite of both parties. On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton’s popularity, such as it was, is disappearing at an alarming rate. And on the Republican side it is all Donald Trump, with competitors losing ground rapidly.

Does Donald Trump have the staying power to really make a serious run for the presidency? Well, on the issue of immigration reform that Pat Buchanan labels “the issue of 2016” as well as “ the issue of the 21st century,” Mr. Trump is the only candidate, at this point in the race, who has even come close to answering the demands of America’s fed up voters. No one else is really in the race.


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The Purpose of American Power - Richard C. Young

white house at nightThe National Interest asked 25 world experts what the purpose of American power is. Leslie H. Gelb, president emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations, responds here:

Extremists on the left and right have always had their say, but there was usually enough strength in the center to put together viable policies at critical junctures. Today’s “debates” flow almost exclusively from extremist ideology, uncompromising politics and faint comprehension of the meaning of strategy.

My advice is merely modesty and common sense. First, the United States is the only nation capable of world leadership, and most others actually want Washington to lead. Second, to lead, our presidents must have real strategies that make sense and take the interests of others into account. Third, goals have to be limited to accord with reduced power and international complexities.

Related video:

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Descent into Chaos, Part I - Richard C. Young

alexander duginFor over a decade, Alexander Dugin has been an adviser to Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin on geopolitical matters. Dugin is one of the best-known writers and political commentators in post Soviet Russia, having been active in politics there since the 1980’s.

According to Dugin, the 21st century will be defined by the conflict between Eurasianists and Atlanticists. In Eurasian Mission, Dugin writes, “Soon the world will descend into chaos. The financial system is going to collapse. Disorder, ethnic, and social conflicts will be breaking out everywhere. Europe is doomed. Asia is in tumult. The oceans of immigrants everywhere will overthrow the existing order. The present system will be broken and disbanded.”

Dugin reasons that “after this transitional period, direct dictatorship will be implemented” and Eurasianists “should be prepared and start to organize the global resistance right now.”

In coming installments of Descent into Chaos, I will detail Dugin’s reasoning on “the end of capitalism” and why he believes that “all the wealth in the world is concentrated in the hands of the world’s financial oligarchy by means of complex manipulations of artificial financial pyramids.”

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Sig Sauer: MK25 - E.J. Smith

I recently picked up another Sig Sauer MK25 to add to my self-defense collection. Here Dylan Kenneson of Sig Sauer Academy discusses the MK25 and the M11a1:

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Hillary Headed For the “Knacker’s Yard?” - Richard C. Young

hillary clinton Pat Buchanan writes, “Now that Justice and the FBI have been called in to look at Hillary’s handling of state secrets, it is not impossible that at the end of this road lies a federal indictment. … The Democratic Party is approaching the fail-safe point. If it appears that Hillary is headed for the knacker’s yard, then to whom do the Democratic elites turn, and, equally important, when do they move?”

Former CIA bin Laden unit chief Michael Scheuer uses stronger Hillary language here.

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I Did Not Send or Receive Classified Material - Debbie Young

In Las Vegas last Tuesday, a reporter grilled Hillary Clinton on whether she had wiped her email server clean. She contemptuously responded, “What? Like with a cloth or something?”

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