Is The Ketogenic Diet the Holy-Grail of Anti-Aging?

Published: Thu, 12/31/15 Incite-full

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Texas Set to Join Open Carry States

New_Hampshire_Open_Carry_2009On January 1, Texas will join 30 other states in allowing the open carrying of firearms without a permit. reports:

Come Jan. 1, licensed firearms owners in Texas will be able to openly carry a handgun in most places. A law signed by Republican Gov. Greg Abbott earlier this year will make Texas the most populous state in the U.S. to allow the practice, known as “open carry.”

Existing Texas law requires licensed gun owners to conceal their handguns so they aren’t in plain view. The new law will allow them to carry handguns openly, in belt or shoulder holsters.

See our map of open carry states and more here.

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Merry Christmas from the Office of Diversity and Inclusion

santa and mrs claus In order to “ensure your holiday party is not a Christmas party in disguise,” the Office of Diversity and Inclusion at the University of Tennessee issued a “best practices” directive for the campus. Least you think the University of Tennessee is an anomaly, read here from the WSJ’s Notable & Quotable the guidelines Cornell issued for holiday displays.

University members are reminded to be respectful of the religious diversity of our students and colleagues and are encouraged to use an inclusive approach in celebrating the holiday season. Individuals and units demonstrate this inclusive approach by:

  • Focusing on the winter season rather than a particular holiday
  • Displaying symbols that visually represent holidays of several religions in combination with secular decorations of the season.


Winter Holiday Displays/Decorations that are Consistent with Cornell’s Commitment to Diversity and the University Assembly Guidelines:

  • Snowflakes
  • Trees (in accordance with Fire Safety Guidelines) decorated with snowflakes and other non-religious symbols

Winter Holiday Displays/Decorations that are Consistent with University Assembly Guidelines But Should be Basis of Dialogue Within Unit or Living Area

  • Trees decorated with bows, garland and lights (in accordance with Fire Safety Guidelines)
  • Wreaths with bows (in accordance with Fire Safety Guidelines)
  • Combination of snowflakes, (in accordance with Fire Safety Guidelines), Santa Claus figure, and dreidel
  • Holly

Winter Holiday Displays/Decorations that are NOT Consistent with Either University Assembly Guidelines or the University’s Commitment to Diversity and Inclusiveness

  • Nativity scene
  • Menorah
  • Angels
  • Mistletoe
  • Stars at the top of trees
  • Crosses
  • Star of David
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The Government Wants Your Cash, All of It!

cashThe Cato Institute’s Dan Mitchell sounds the cash warning. Politicians, he writes;

hate tax havens since the option of a fiscal refuge makes confiscatory taxation impractical.

They hate the underground economy because that means hard-to-tax economic activity.

And they hate cash because it gives consumers an anonymous payment mechanism.

Dr. Mitchell explores “the animosity to cash. … It’s basically because a cashless society is an easier-to-tax society.”

Dan concludes with a warning from Scott Shay, chairman of Signature Bank, about “the totalitarian  temptations that would exist in a cash-free world.”

In 2010, Visa and  MasterCard, bowed to government pressure — not even federal or state law — and banned all online-betting payments from their systems. This made it virtually impossible for these gambling sites to continue operating regardless of their jurisdiction or legality. It is not too far-fetched to wonder if the day might come when the health records of an overweight individual would lead to a situation in which they find that any sugary drink purchase they make through a credit or debit card is declined. …You might think then that the person can always pay cash and remain outside the purview of these technologies. This may be the case for the moment, but we are well on the road to becoming a cashless society. …there is…a sinister risk…a cashless society would certainly give governments unprecedented access to information and power over citizens.

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Jerry Fallwell Jr. Leads the Way

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“The American-Killer Bill Clinton?”

bill clintonFormer CIA Bin Laden unit chief Michael Scheuer writes about a “film project about 9/11 that is very likely to provide a second whitewash by making the American-killer Bill Clinton appear as a ready-to-act, would-be hero who was ill-served by the U.S. intelligence community, and especially the CIA.”

Late in November, 2015, I received the e-mail below from Lawrence Wright, author of the purportedly non-fiction work, The Looming Tower. I should note that Wright contacted me after I resigned from the CIA because I had been CIA’s Chief of Alec Station (December 1995- June 1999), the officers of which, with their courageous CIA colleagues overseas, gave Bill Clinton at least ten opportunities to capture or kill Osama bin Laden from May, 1998, until April-May, 1999. Two of these opportunities would have been executed by CIA, the other eight by the U.S. military using CIA intelligence. (NB: For an open-source confirmation of many of these opportunities, see The 9/11 Commission Report. The media appear to have skipped these pages.)

So, here is the e-mail mentioned above:

Mon, Nov 30, 2015 4:23 pm
From Lawrence Wright
From Lawrence Wright lawrencewright@XXXXX
To Mike Scheuer [email protected]
Cc Alex Gibney pag@XXXXXcom, Daniel Futterman danielfutterman@XXXXXcom

Dear Mike,

I wanted to alert you to the fact that I have sold a series to Hulu about the run-up to 9/11, based in part on my book, “The Looming Tower.” It is a dramatic series, not a documentary. I am working with the Academy Award -winning director Alex Gibney, and writer Dan Futterman, who has two Academy Award nominations for his work.

Mike, you’ll be a character in this series, because of your role at Alec Station. Alex, Danny, and I would be grateful for the opportunity to talk with you in person in order to get a clearer understanding of your experience.

We were hoping to make a trip to the DC area the week of Dec. 14, and would like to talk to you while we’re there. Is there a date when you could meet us that week? For our purposes, the 16th or 17th of December would work best.

Many thanks for your consideration on this.


After reading the note, I decided to neither respond nor participate. I have had a good deal of experience with Mr. Wright. While he was preparing the Looming Tower, for example, I had a goodly number of telephone conversations with him — all of which I taped — during which I answered his questions and tried to explain the multiple chances the CIA had given Clinton to eliminate bin Laden. I mistakenly thought that Mr. Wright was a serious writer, not a Democratic shill, but the book he produced is so far from the truth about what happened intelligence-wise before 9/11 – at least as I experienced it, and I was pretty involved — that it is quite near a soap opera-like parody of reality, albeit spiced up with bits of sophomoric psychological analysis of the people he describes, Americans and Islamists alike. The Looming Tower , in fact, may be a perfect book on which to base the fictional and likely reality-free dramatic series Mr. Wright refers to in his note.

So, as Mr. Wright noted above, the American people soon will be treated to another piece of what is nearly certain to be pro-Clinton propaganda about the “run-up to 9/11”. No doubt it will be glitzy and entertaining, and it will damn the U.S. Intelligence Community — especially the CIA — because, as Mr. Wright said on Fox News Sunday on 1 October 2006, Clinton was “poorly served” by the U.S. intelligence agencies. [1]

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Americans Inciting Jihad?

islamic stateWashington wants you to believe that some things are so profoundly offensive to Islam that it would make a truly moderate, peaceful Muslim sign up for mass murder, torching, beheading, killing children, or systematic raping as a weapon of war, writes Andrew C. McCarthy in NRO.

Whether it is Barack Obama sputtering on about how Guantanamo Bay drives jihadist recruitment, or Hillary Clinton obsessing over videos (the real one by Nakoula that she pretended caused terrorism in Libya, and the pretend ones about Donald Trump that she claims have Muslims lined up from Raqqa to Ramadi to join ISIS), you are to believe violent jihad is not something that Muslims do but that Americans incite.

Read more from Andrew McCarthy here.

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Is Your State in a Death Spiral?

At Forbes, William Baldwin has developed a “FeedMe” ratio map of the United States. If your state has more “takers” than “makers,” it’s at risk of a death spiral. Take a look at the map below and see if your state is on the edge of a death spiral.



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More Coffins Than Cradles

coffin shop warsawPat Buchanan sounds an alarming warning:

Europe is dying. There is not a single nation in all of Europe with a birth rate sufficient to keep its population alive, except Muslim Albania. In 17 European nations, there are already more burials than births, more coffins than cradles.

The migrants entering Europe, predominantly Islamic and Third World, are not assimilating as did the European and largely Christian immigrants to America of a century ago. The enclaves of Asians in Britain, Africans and Arabs around Paris, and Turks in and around Berlin seem to be British, French and German in name only.

Are our own political and racial divisions disappearing, or do they, too, seem to be deepening?

America’s 2016 presidential campaign provides a ready answer. The political elites on the Republican side are in shock as establishment candidates Bush, Rubio and Christie are being beaten to a pulp by Donald Trump and Ted Cruz. There is no way the establishment is going to allow either Trump or Cruz to coast to the nomination. As such, the elites are going to have to coalesce behind either Bush, Rubio or Christie in hopes of making a run that can head off a Trump, Cruz or, even worse for the elites, a Trump/Cruz ticket.

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Is The Ketogenic Diet the Holy-Grail of Anti-Aging?

ketosis In my last post of 2015, I want to end the year on a distinctly upbeat note for you. I have long believed that a Ketogenic diet was a key to longevity. Here the folk at do as good a job as I have seen of laying out all the basics of a Ketogenic diet for you and your family. Would I adopt this food plan as the basis for your family’s goal of a healthier longer lasting life? I would indeed, and I do my best to stay on track, with one notable exception. I have zero intention of eliminating red wine from Burgundy France from my diet. Click to my France tab above for my complete posting series on France in general and more specifically Burgundy wine.

When you enter the orbit of the Ketogenic diet, your first deal is a knockout punch to sugar. Deserts of all types hit the scrap heat.  In my research, sugar, along with a lack of high levels of oxygen, comes up as the primary fuel for cancer. You will also be eliminating  fruit, grains and starchy vegetables. Moving to the front lines in your Ketogenic diet will be foods high in saturated fat, including eggs, cheese and virgin coconut oil. I eat all with aggression.

I avoid the big box supermarkets and packaged and processed foods, especially foods containing  the killer polyunsaturated fat. I stick exclusively to humanely raised, grass-fed-to-finish meat, pasture raised chicken, usually from local farms, and cheese, eggs and milk from grass-fed local cows and chickens. Forget the labels, all natural, free range, cage free, farm fresh, organic, no hormones. All are BS. As for fish, stick with wild caught. Period.

As notes, “This way of eating is known as the Ketogenic Diet. It results in the body running on an alternative source of fuel to glucose: ‘ketones’.”

And on that note, I wish you all a most happy new year.

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