Obama Administration Admits Clinton Email Cover-up

Published: Tue, 05/10/16

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Obama Administration Admits Clinton Email Cover-up - Richard C. Young

hillary clinton tired Judicial Watch exposes the cover up and explains its lawsuit against the U.S. Department of State:

Now we know the Obama administration consciously refused to give up key information about Hillary Clinton’s email in 2014.  It covered up this email both from the court and Judicial Watch,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.  “Judge Lamberth was right when he suggested that Obama’s State Department acted in bad faith. This cover-up provided Hillary Clinton enough time to hide potentially thousands of government records.

More background on Hillary Clinton’s email scandal here from Judicial Watch:

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Working Millennials: Rent or Buy Real Estate? Part III - E.J. Smith

for rent Buy of course! As I wrote to you in Parts I, and II the key for you is to be creative and get started: Make the jump from a life of paying “The Man” to one where you pay yourself. A simple concept, yet hard to do.

What did I do when I was your age? I made the monumental change in my own mindset—I became determined to pay myself.

I bought a multi-family, rented the top two floors and lived on the first with two co-workers from Fidelity Investments.

I want you to buy a multi-family type property.  It can be a two-family, four-family, you can live in the basement of a brownstone. It doesn’t matter as long as you get in the game. You will unlock the creativity I know you possess. You will beat inertia—a most horrible foe.

And then? Congratulations, you’re an owner!

Imagine how you’ll feel when you open the door for the first time and realize: “Oh, crap now what?”

Yes, you’ll have that unique feeling that all business owners feel.

But, being an owner has a way of focusing one’s mind. It truly is an unexplainable miracle of business—there’s no longer any time to ponder if you should stay or go.

You’re stuck. You’re in.

Deal with it.

But, believe me when I tell you: It forces you to become a long-term investor. And that’s where the real money is made. You will become the Rich Man. You will deal with the markets on your own terms.

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Hillary’s Lucifer-Guccifer Moment - Debbie Young
blumenthal and clinton

How ironic that the person responsible for the world knowing that Hillary Clinton maintained a private email server while secretary of state has a name that rhymes with Lucifer. Marcel Lehel Lazar, an unemployed taxi driver from Romania, is the hacker who uses Guccifer as his nom de Internet, writes Kimberley Strassel in the WSJ.

Mr. Guccifer was arrested in 2014 and extradited to the U.S. earlier this year. He claims to have easily and repeatedly hacked Mrs. Clinton’s server. “It was like an open orchid on the Internet. There were hundreds of folders,” he told NBC News.

Recently, Bill Clinton has been on the road arguing that his wife’s emails “were retroactively classified as confidential, secret or top-secret after she received or sent them and, therefore, she had no notice of their sensitivity.”

Andrew F. Napolitano writes at Fox News that there are two reasons Mr. Clinton’s arguments don’t hold up:

Emails are confidential, secret or top-secret at the time they are created, whether marked or not.” Furthermore, Mrs. Clinton “signed an oath on her first full day as secretary of state — after she received a two-hour tutorial from two FBI agents on the proper care and lawful handling of state secrets. In that oath, she acknowledged that she had an obligation to recognize and protect state secrets on the basis of the sensitive nature of the information contained in them — whether they bore classified warnings or markings or not.

What Guccifer did with his material or why is anyone’s guess, but as Ms. Strassel points out:

The bigger point is that an unemployed taxi driver in Romania, using nothing more than a desktop computer, was able to infiltrate Mr. Blumenthal’s account and discover that a woman privy to America’s closest-held secrets was using a home-brew server.

The Chinese are bright—even brighter than Romanian taxi drivers. They employ hackers whose only job is to infiltrate the U.S. government. Those hackers have supercomputers at their service. They have lists upon lists of relatives and friends and aides of powerful people. When they break into accounts, they don’t publicize it.

Here was a server that lacked a host of cybersecurity experts to guard it, even as it held potential treasure. It was the equivalent of finding Fort Knox with nothing but a bicycle lock on it. Pay no mind to reports that the “server logs” show no evidence of a hack. Logs aren’t definitive.

There’s a reason why the government demands its employees use protected servers, a reason why Mrs. Clinton’s team had to force an exception. Because it isn’t safe. Because there are many, many Guccifers.

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Gun Trust Deadline is July 13th Part II - E.J. Smith

shooting range Why create an NFA gun trust? Because it’s an easy way to avoid probate for your Title II or NFA  firearms upon your death, and it provides some peace of mind by enabling your loved ones to legally use them.

In order for you to be able to buy NFA regulated firearms and accessories, if legally allowed in your state, such as a silencer/suppressor (save your hearing) or a short barrel shotgun (good for smaller frame people or home defense) I want you to consider creating an NFA gun trust.

With an NFA gun trust your fellow trustees can use your firearms legally. Let me provide an example of why this is important. What if you’re away on business and your spouse wants to shoot your NFA firearm at the range or in an emergency? If it’s in your name, technically, they would be breaking the law.

Purchasing an NFA firearm isn’t easy. This is how it works for an individual. You will need to submit to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE) the following: A completed Form 4 through a licensed Type III dealer/agent, fingerprint cards, photo id, $200 check to BATFE, signature from a Chief Law Enforcement Officer (CLEO), and then wait for seven months or so for approval (apparently there’s about 15 agents sifting through 25,000 forms, thank you Obama). Good news for individuals is you will not need CLEO sign-off after July 13th.

To buy an NFA firearm through a gun trust up until July 13th (don’t wait this long) fingerprints and photos are not required from trustees of an NFA gun trust. They will be after July 13th.

Even after July 13th, I like the idea of an NFA gun trust simply for your family’s peace of mind and to avoid the probate process in the eventual transfer to your heirs of what is rightfully theirs—your 2nd Amendment rights.

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Good Morning from Budapest - Debbie Young

FullSizeRender Good morning from the Four Seasons, Budapest—our view from our balcony of the Buda Castle (right). The Gresham Palace is a beautiful Art Deco hotel. Just had what may be about the best cup of coffee ever. More than a touch of cream might have something to do with it.

We are on the Pest side of the Danube and will walk across the Chain Bridge to get to Buda. Budapest is a beautiful, clean, bright city. Everyone we have encountered is especially courteous, friendly and outgoing and fluent in English. Hungarian looks to be a bear of a language to learn, but is not unpleasing to listen to. We met an American couple yesterday afternoon who have lived in Paris off and on for years. She is a linguist who also thinks Hungarian is difficult. I suspect we won’t be coming home fluent in H. Most Hungarian words look like an ophthalmologist’s Eye Chart.

Paris’s CDG airport a breeze. Lovely, clean, orderly. Unlike the TSA in Boston, airport security friendly, even cheerful. We were not looked upon as the enemy. Wonderful bakery—Paul—smack in the middle of Terminal 2F, right next to AirFrance Lounge. Yes, I’m sure there are better boulangeries in France, but Paul was an amazing oasis in what is normally a dismal food scene in most airports.

We will embark on AMAWaterways and meet up with the National Review crowd this afternoon. Danube River definitely not blue. Brown.

And to our friend Ingrid. Thanks so much for the Thieves essential oil products. We were sneezed and coughed upon innumerable times traveling yesterday from Boston to Budapest via Paris, and Dick and I feel like we are going to escape unharmed. (Check out youngliving.com, disclosure: not related.)

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D.C. “Wholly Owned by K Street” - Richard C. Young

free state project Rod Dreher, writing at americanconservative.com, tells readers in “The Porcupine Option” about “What Christian Conservatives can learn from the Free State Project.”

Rod has a one-on-one session with Free State activist Jason Sorens, lecturer at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire. Mr. Sorens explains that New Hampshire has been selected by the libertarian Free State Project as the perfect place to relocate.

RD: You FSP folks say that when people realize that “pro-limited government activism at a national level doesn’t work,” they look for alternatives. You are much farther along the road than we Ben Op people are in this respect, but I do believe there’s a good lesson for us in this realization. We can vote for socially conservative candidates all we like, but the real action has to take place in the local community if it’s going to be effective. Tell me how FSP came to the conclusion that the revolution, so to speak, has to be local if it’s going to be at all.

JS: Mere observation. Look at the types of people who win the presidency and leadership positions in Congress year after year after year. D.C. is wholly owned by K Street and people who are ideologically and professionally committed to centralization. They hold all the cards. No decentralist movement can hope to challenge them on their own turf, but we might—just might—have a shot at being left alone.

Find out which liberty-minded state is right for you, visit my Liberty & Freedom map.

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A Modest Proposal: The Case for a Third Obama Term - Justin Logan

obama putin four more years In a column last week, the conservative Catholic commentator Michael Brendan Dougherty made the case why even he would miss President Obama, best summed up in this sentence:

And yet, it could have been worse.

It doesn’t seem premature to suggest that it’s about to get worse. Maybe a lot worse.

The most likely indignity up next is President Hillary Clinton. A seething assemblage of mostly-unearned resentments and grievances, Clinton has been in politics so long that even if an adviser had the gumption to tell her she was full of hooey, she would think it impossible. A hawk’s hawk, who would have plunged us headlong into Syria in addition to the Libya excursion, Clinton would make the Democratic Party more bellicose than Obama, and by a lot.

There is also an outside shot that we might install Donald Trump in the Oval Office. Trump is the Nickelback or maybe the Bud Light Lime of presidential candidates, a contemptible, boorish head-shaker that has met with inexplicable success in its category.

Even where Trump is right, like in his occasional thrown-off comment about foreign policy, he is wrong. Trump is right about free-riding (as is Obama, for that matter), right about America being played for suckers by our allies, right that we should pull in our horns a bit. But does anyone think it’s likely Trump could implement, rather than discredit, these ideas if he pursued them?

The arguments for Trump are all about averting greater catastrophe or mere revelry in the extent to which he irritates liberals. Imagine the Supreme Court! Hillary will do something even worse with health care! But does anyone have the slightest idea whom President Trump would nominate as a Supreme Court justice? And from a conservative point of view, it’s tough to do worse than single payer, which Trump consistently favored before becoming a Republican presidential candidate. Finally, the last guy who scratched that irritates-the-liberals itch was Dick Cheney, who helped start the war with Iraq, wanted two more with Iran and Syria, and helped codify among Republicans the idea that the president has plenary authority to fight a war anywhere, anytime on nothing more than a whim.

Which brings us… back to Obama. The guy is going to stick around DC for a while anyway. If he is half the power-hungry imperial president that my former colleagues say he is, he might be able to argue or intimidate his way into another term or two.

But Obama is what Trump and Clinton are not. Obama is cautious, to the point of being almost plodding. He is boring. What others knocked him for throughout his presidency, being aloof and professorial, is in fact his greatest asset. Obama has a sense of humor like neither Clinton nor Trump has. And it might be worth seeing if the guy would follow up his public complaining about free-riding allies with doing something about free-riding allies.

I disagree with Obama on some of the policies I care most about. I think some of his policies are downright evil. I wouldn’t vote for the guy. And he isn’t going to look for a way around the 22nd Amendment anyway. But look at it this way: A third Obama term would make the GOP white hot, which likely would prevent Obama from getting any moonshot policy passed. (We might get down to six or seven Supreme Court justices.) It would also give the GOP a bit longer in time-out. Another chance to consider how it got itself into this mess and find a more plausible way out than nominating someone who shares a second-most-famous-attribute with Kim Kardashian.

The Obama Presidency: It could have been worse. It’s got a ring to it.

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Immigration Hardliner, Hungary’s Viktor Orban - Richard C. Young

viktor orban Politico introduces the EU immigration hardliner with a backbone, Viktor Orban. Debbie and I are in Hungary as I write. Last night we listened to a senior government official who emphasized that Hungary wants no part of the Muslim horde sweeping over Europe. The razor wire is up! There will be no creating of alternative societies in Hungary.

With his remade party, Orban won the premiership in 1998, becoming the youngest Hungarian prime minister in the 20th century. He was back in the wilderness for eight years at the start of the next century. The Socialists ran the economy into the ground, while also giving “liberal” a rotten name in Hungary. Orbán roared back in 2010, this time with his pitch even more stridently attuned to Hungarians furious with the Budapest elite for the economic collapse.

In the wake of the global financial crisis, bankers threatened his notions of civilization; now Muslims do. He says those who come now as well as the generations who preceded them in recent decades endanger Europe’s Christian identity and — here he draws a direct, to him “obvious,” link between their presence and last month’s terrorist attacks in Paris — its security. Certainly that’s not a liberal mainstream view in Europe, but it is a spreading one.

“Moral imperialism” was what Orbán called Germany’s unilateral opening of its borders in September, an unsubtle push to get the rest of Europe to follow. He stirred and tapped into a brewing backlash across the Continent.

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