Low Interest Rates Threaten Baby Boomers

Published: Wed, 08/31/16

Here you get a glimpse at the problems facing insurers and baby boomers thanks to the Fed’s zero percent interest rate policy as reported earlier this month in the WSJ. "Insurers reported a messy second quarter plagued by low interest rates and catastrophe claims, highlighted by[...]"...Read more here.
I have grave concerns about the survival of annuities. I like what Dennis Beaver writes at the Hanford Sentinel: For anyone thinking of moving a large amount of money from a retirement account into an insurance annuity at this time, it could be a terrible decision...Read more here.
Millennium Tower in Boston is a perfect example of what’s happening in Boston’s luxury condo market. From today’s Boston Globe...Read more here.
You get an idea how the struggle between bondholders and pensions quickly turns into a political nightmare, as reported in the WSJ: San Juan, Puerto Rico—One of the thorniest tasks awaiting a seven-member board charged by Washington with cleaning up Puerto Rico’s debt crisis...Read more here.
“The public dispute over accounting standards is a signal to taxpayers, retirees and political reformers that fundamental flaws remain in how pensions measure their finances,” writes Steve Malanga in the WSJ. Read more here.
Personal consumption spending in the 2nd quarter increased at an almost 4.4% annual rate while broader GDP growth barely cleared the 1% hurdle. GDP is the blue bars in the chart and personal consumption spending is the gold line...Read more here.
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