Debate #2: What Stood out the Most

Published: Tue, 10/11/16 Incite-full

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ObamaCare:”It’s the Craziest Thing in the World”

bill-clinton-barack-obamaThat’s according to Bill Clinton, speaking at a campaign event in Flint Michigan about ObamaCare:

The people that are getting killed in this deal are small business people and individuals who make just a little too much to get any of these subsidies. Why? Because they’re not organized. They don’t have any bargaining power with insurance companies. And they’re getting whacked. So you’ve got this crazy system where all of a sudden 25 million more people have health care, and then the people who are out there busting it, sometimes 60 hours a week, wind up with their premiums doubled and their coverage cut in half. It’s the craziest thing in the world.

It doesn’t make any sense. The insurance model doesn’t work here.

As one reader points out, though, what is more shocking? That Bill Clinton is trashing President Obama’s signature law or that a Clinton is telling the truth.

Bill Clinton: Obamacare “Crazy System,” People End Up W/ “Premiums Doubled And Coverage Cut In Half”

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“Europe Must Regain Control of It’s Frontiers”

refugee_march_hungary_2015-09-04_02_bThe Wall Street Journal chronicles the necessity of a European about-face in favor of a return to the tradition of realist politics.

The EU isn’t in trouble today because its leaders are “too European.” The EU is in trouble because its leadership isn’t European enough. It is time for the continent to return to the tradition of realist politics that gave rise to its modern union in the first place.

With anti-immigrant feeling growing across the continent, even as the wave of migrants threatens to grow, the EU is unable either to manage the flow or address its causes. Europeans are deeply and bitterly divided today about how to handle this unprecedented flow of refugees and migrants, but the problem isn’t going away.

Europe must regain control of its frontiers; its citizens must believe that their union can prevent an unending flow of migrants across the sea and over land. This means more naval power in the Mediterranean and expanded surveillance of Europe’s frontiers. It also means building up European hard-power capacities (including intelligence and military options) to better manage events in North Africa and the Middle East that affect vital European interests.

Europe must recover its traditional appreciation of hard power. No major European country spends anything like enough on defense. The bureaucratic-legalistic mind-set that now reigns in Brussels will have to be modified. In matters of diplomacy and security policy, today’s permanent European councils and parliaments will have to yield to more flexible arrangements based on the prerogatives of national governments.

To recover its élan and continental identity, Europe needs to stop pretending that history is over—that the stark old realities of international politics have given way to irresistible liberal progress. Europe must instead embrace the national states and cultures at its historic heart and exploit their creative power; it must rebuild its military capacities; and it must proceed with a clear-eyed focus on European interests in a dangerous world.

Such an EU—decentralized and outward-looking—might persuade British voters to reconsider Brexit. At a minimum, it would command Britain’s respect and draw it into deeper cooperation on military and political responses to the continuing crises to Europe’s east and south.

Something You’ve Never Seen Is Happening in Europe!! | ‘Migrant Crisis’ | ‘WW3’ | ‘Sweden Invasion’

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Ninety Percent of Cancers Are Preventable or Treatable

fats-for-weight-lossDr. Mercola introduces the concept of Nutritional Ketosis, a concept I’ve been following.

Obesity and top killers such as diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s and cancer have something significant in common — they’re all rooted in insulin and leptin resistance.

By eating a healthy high-fat, low-carbohydrate and low- to moderate-protein diet, you enter into what is known as nutritional ketosis: a state in which your body burns fat as its primary fuel rather than glucose (sugar). Mounting research suggests nutritional ketosis is the answer to a long list of health problems, starting with obesity.

In fact, emerging scientific evidence suggests a high-fat, low-net carb and low- to moderate-protein diet (in other words, a diet that keeps you in nutritional ketosis) is ideal for most people.

The primary reason that so many people are overweight and/or in poor health these days is that the Westernized diet is overloaded with non-fiber carbs as the primary fuel, which in turn inhibit your body’s ability to access and burn body fat.

High-quality fats, meanwhile, are a far preferable fuel, as they are utilized far more efficiently than carbs. When you burn fat as your primary fuel, your respiratory quotient (the amount of oxygen you need) typically goes down, which is a sign that your metabolism is running more efficiently.

It is my belief, as well as that of many of the experts I have interviewed, that over 90 percent of cancer cases are either preventable or treatable.

The key is recognizing that cancer is really a mitochondrial metabolic disease, rooted in poor diet choices combined with a toxic lifestyle.

Viewing cancer as a metabolic disease — opposed to a disease of damaged DNA, which is a downstream effect of mitochondrial dysfunction — gives us the power to control this dysfunction by carefully choosing foods and nutrients and employing strategies that help optimize the biochemical pathways that suppress cancer growth while simultaneously stimulating mechanisms to push it into remission.

The central premise is that since cancer cells need glucose and insulin to thrive, lowering the glucose level in your blood though carb and protein restriction literally starves the cancer cells. Additionally, low protein intake tends to dampen the mTOR pathway that is often responsible for accelerating cell proliferation.

Dr. Mercola and Dr. Drisko on Nutritional Ketosis

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FreshDirect and Amazon: Building Farm-to-Store Meat Operations

rump-steakWhole Foods Market Inc. is also in the business.

The Wall Street Journal introduces the exciting new “single origin” concept to readers.

In grocery store cases stuffed with exotic grass-fed and organic meats, new “single-origin” cuts are taking the local food craze to new heights.

Retailers including Whole Foods Market Inc., FreshDirect, and Inc. are building farm-to-store meat operations that sate some consumers’ desires to trace their burger or bacon all the way back to an individual animal.

“They want to know where it came from, where it was born, where it was raised, where it was slaughtered,” said Rick Stein, vice president of

Internet retailer in June added “Single Cow” ground beef to its Fresh grocery delivery stores and has since filed a trademark application for the designation.

The product, sold in a handful of regions for $10 a pound, is described as being made from a blend of muscle cuts from individual Wagyu cows raised on a California ranch.

How America’s Best Steakhouse Chooses Its Meat

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Will Frustrated Agents at the FBI Now Revolt over Toxic Clinton Probe?

fbi-gun-and-badge As a deluge of information continues to surface regarding the “kid glove” treatment the FBI gave to Hillary Clinton and her aids while investigating her private server, career FBI agents are becoming furious. The agents are worried, and rightly so, that the FBI will be tarnished by the view that the agency plays favorites with powerful people. One set of rules for the rulers, and one set for the ruled rarely works for long in a society. The NY Post reports:

Veteran FBI agents say FBI Director James Comey has permanently damaged the bureau’s reputation for uncompromising investigations with his “cowardly” whitewash of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information using an unauthorized private email server.

Feeling the heat from congressional critics, Comey last week argued that the case was investigated by career FBI agents, “So if I blew it, they blew it, too.”

But agents say Comey tied investigators’ hands by agreeing to unheard-of ground rules and other demands by the lawyers for Clinton and her aides that limited their investigation.

“In my 25 years with the bureau, I never had any ground rules in my interviews,” said retired agent Dennis V. Hughes, the first chief of the FBI’s computer investigations unit.

Instead of going to prosecutors and insisting on using grand jury leverage to compel testimony and seize evidence, Comey allowed immunity for several key witnesses, including potential targets.

The immunity agreements came with outrageous side deals, including preventing agents from searching for any documents on a Dell laptop owned by former Clinton chief of staff Cheryl Mills generated after Jan. 31, 2015, when she communicated with the server administrator who destroyed subpoenaed emails.

Comey also agreed to have Mills’ laptop destroyed after the restricted search, denying Congress the chance to look at it and making the FBI an accomplice to the destruction of evidence.

Comey’s immunized witnesses nonetheless suffered chronic lapses in memory, made unsubstantiated claims of attorney-client privilege upon tougher questioning and at least two gave demonstrably false statements. And yet Comey indulged it all.

What’s more, Comey cut a deal to give Clinton a “voluntary” witness interview on a major holiday, and even let her ex-chief of staff sit in on the interview as a lawyer, even though she, too, was under investigation.

The fallout from Comey’s investigation into Clinton

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Debate #2: What Stood out the Most

Even if you tried to create the most liberal debate mediators you’d fall short of Cooper and Raddatz. Last night’s second presidential debate was all about them. It was truly three against Trump. It was disgraceful. At one point Donald Trump, who won the debate in a major way, pointed out that clearly this debate was three against one. And even with those odds Trump mopped the floor with them. He hit Clinton hard with her 30,000 deleted emails pointing out that she should be in jail. And promised that if he wins he’ll have a special prosecutor look into it. He correctly captured the feeling of Americans who are furious about what the Clintons have gotten away with. Donald Trump called her out and he did it in a Presidential way.

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House Cat Drops Bloody Varmints at the Foot of Our Beds

clinton-and-trump Heather MacDonald in City Journal blasts away at what she calls “Trump-Up Outrage pre the latest presidential debate. 

Now why might it be that men regard women as sex objects? Surely the ravenous purchase by females of stiletto heels, push-up bras, butt-hugging mini-skirts, plunging necklines, false eyelashes, hair extensions, breast implants, butt implants, lip implants, and mascara, rouge, and lipstick to the tune of billions a year has nothing to do with it. Females would never ever exploit their sexuality to seek attention from men. [Billy] Bush and Trump, driving to the set of Days of Our Lives on a studio bus, comment on the legs of actress Arianne Zucker who is coming to meet them: “Oh, nice legs, huh?” Trump says. “Your girl’s hot as s—, in the purple,” Bush says. How surprising that Trump and Bush noticed Zucker’s legs! As documented in the video, she is wearing a skimpy purple dress, with an extremely short hem cut on the bias, a low neckline and fully exposed back. She is in high heels to accentuate her bare legs. The ratio of exposed skin between Zucker, on the one hand, and Trump and Bush, on the other, is perhaps 100 to one. But all that bare flesh must simply be because Zucker has a high metabolism and gets exceedingly warm; she would never want to broadcast her sexuality to men or have men notice her. The fact that she swishes her hips when she walks must just be a quirk of anatomy. . . .

The sudden onset of Victorian vapors among the liberal intelligentsia and political class at the revelation of Trump’s locker-room talk is part and parcel of the Left’s hypocrisy when it comes to feminism and sexual liberation. . . . But the feminists can’t have it both ways: declaring that women should be equal to men in all things and then still demand a chivalric deference to female’s delicate sensibilities. Either women are the same as men or they’re not. It is particularly galling to see the selective resurrection of Victorian values from the same crowd that has been pushing transgender locker rooms on the world, in an effort to destroy the last shred of girls’ innate sexual modesty.

Where, Ms. MacDonald asks, is the outrage at Beyoncé, for example, whose lyrics describing her sexual prowess, if they don’t sicken you, should leave you speechless.

Paparazzi, catch my fly, and my cocky fresh
I’m so reckless when I rock my Givenchy dress (stylin’)
Oh yeah, baby, oh yeah I, ohhhhh, oh, yes, I like that
I did not come to play with you hoes, haha
I came to slay, bitch
When he fuck me good I take his ass to Red Lobster, cause I slay
If he hit it right, I might take him on a flight on my chopper, cause I slay
Drop him off at the mall, let him buy some J’s, let him shop up, cause I slay
I might get your song played on the radio station, cause I slay

Don’t forget, President Obama singled out Beyoncé, Super Bowl half-time star and supporter of Hillary Clinton, for praise, saying she “runs the world.” Maybe he meant to say “ruins” the world. Wouldn’t you think the President and Mrs. Clinton would have a word or two about the “horrific” (Hillary describing the Trump video) lyrics from Beyoncé and, as Ms. MacDonald writes, Beyoncé’s “status as a role model for young girls”?

This creepy, crazy election has brought, as The American Conservative’s Daniel Larison writes, “just one more damn surprise … like a house cat dropping bloody varmints at the foot of our beds.”

Highlights from the 2nd US presidential debate

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What Opening a Restaurant Taught Me about Politics and Business

For me, this presidential election calls to mind Henry Kissinger’s remark about the Iran-Iraq War: it’s a pity they can’t both lose. I haven’t been able to bring myself to watch a single debate, and though I’ve watched the campaign from afar, I live in Washington, DC, so there’s no point in voting either way.

So while I haven’t followed the blow by blow of the campaign, I have been opening a restaurant and bar. I was of the view that it can’t be as bad as people say it is, but I’m sad to report it’s worse. The whole process has taught me a few lessons about business, society, and government.

Government Is a Big Part of the Problem, but…

I came into the process expecting government to be an obstacle to getting the restaurant open, and I wasn’t disappointed. In one instance, a reviewer of our application for a building permit asked for the equivalent of a new cover sheet on a TPS report, then went offline for three weeks. This despite the fact that our metaphorical TPS report already had a cover sheet and we had responded within an hour of his comment to make that clear. It took the whole three weeks to chase down that reviewer and get him to remove his hold on the plan. Three weeks of lost time and lost revenue is a lot for a restaurant. And that was baked into the cake early in the process.

That said, the government was not all, and maybe not even a majority, of the problem. It’s probably unfair to refer to “government” at all, since there were 15 or 20 officials we dealt with in the process, of wildly varied degrees of effectiveness. The way around this, I learned, was simple social engineering. Out of 10 government workers, one of them knows what he or she is doing and cares about doing it right. Pound the phones until you find that person, then throw yourself on his or her mercy. People younger than me do not believe in using the phone, which is cutting down on the number of people deploying this approach, making those who use it even more likely to find success.

Every Detail Should Be Questioned, and No One Really Knows What They Are Doing

“Nothing is accurate. This is construction.” I heard this aphorism more than once. One of the hardest parts about getting older is the seeping realization that all forms of authority you thought existed–engineering, for example, or those massive architectural drawings that take forever to produce and cover a wide range of subjects in nauseating detail–are pretty much always wrong. The building code itself is essentially the Talmud, with warring interpretations covering every sentence, no matter how seemingly straightforward.

The solution here is that you have to become a mile-wide-inch-deep expert on pretty much everything to figure out how to make an array of judgment calls you didn’t know could exist. And you need to get up to speed on these important construction and engineering issues while you toss and turn from nightmares that your input will wind up contributing to one of these compilations.

Since Nothing Goes to Plan. Learn Which Battles to Pick.

As things come apart before your eyes, your instinct will be to blame your architect and/or general contractor. Marshal that instinct judiciously. Over the course of a large project, you will concede dozens of times, saving those parties thousands of dollars. If the relationship is solid, they will do the same, to your benefit. Keeping those relationships in balance, and learning where to dig in and where to make concessions is one of the hardest parts of the process.

Starting a small business is different from politics, but a central dilemma is similar: herding people with overlapping but conflicting incentives toward a goal you want them to pursue. For me it’s been a titanic struggle, but at least I haven’t had to listen to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton bicker about who’s more terrible.

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Assad, Backed by Russian Air Power, Poised to Attack Aleppo

russian_air_force_mil_mi-24p_dvurekov-4 Pat Buchanan explains the hard reality of the countdown in Syria:

The American people have no stomach for a new war in Syria.

Nor does it make sense to expand our enemies list in that bleeding and broken country — from ISIS and the al-Qaida-linked al-Nusra Front — to Syria’s armed forces, Russia, Iran and Hezbollah.

These last three have been battling to save Assad’s regime, because they see vital interests imperiled should it fall.

We have not plunged into Syria, because we have no vital interest at risk in Syria. We have lived with the Assads since Richard Nixon went to Damascus.

When Assad began losing the war, Putin stepped in to save his lone Arab ally, and swiftly reversed Assad’s fortunes.

Now, with 10,000 troops — Syrian, Iraqi Shiite militia, Hezbollah, Iranian Revolutionary Guard and Afghan mercenaries — poised to attack Aleppo, backed by Russian air power, Assad may be on the cusp of victory in the bloodiest and most decisive battle of the war.

Assad and his allies intend to end this war — by winning it.

As of today, there is no possibility that the rebels we back could defeat ISIS and the al-Nusra Front, let alone bring down Bashar Assad and run the Russians, Hezbollah, Iran and the Iraqi Shiite militias out of Syria.

Time to stop the killing, stop the carnage, stop the war and get the best terms for peace we can get.

Doctors Without Borders appeals for access to rebel-held parts of Aleppo

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