Is America Now in a Deadly Pre-Civil War Mode?

Published: Tue, 02/28/17

Pat Buchanan writes that the type of language being used by partisans like Sen. Elizabeth Warren to describe the acts of the Trump administration is “pre-civil war language.”...Read more here.
It seems like the F-35 has been under fire for being too expensive since it was in the planning stages. Recently President Trump specifically targeted the program for a cost reduction....Read more here.
If you want to help someone you care about get into the survival mindset, give them the gift of light: The Big Larry....Read more here
Since Donald Trump’s winning the 2016 presidential election, Washington elites' and the press corps' feud with President Trump has dominated the news. During a rally in mid February in Florida, President Trump told supporters, “They have their own agenda. And their agenda is not your agenda,” referring to the national press....Read more here
The U.S. Army is quickly expanding and accelerating the Manned-Unmanned Teaming operations, or MUM-T, which combines the strength of manned and unmanned platforms to increase situational awareness. The MUM-T enables beaming real-time drone video into the cockpits of the Apache Helicopter....Read more here
Ben Friedman, a research fellow in defense and homeland security studies at the Cato Institute, thinks the military can do without a major spending increase, and still manage to improve readiness. He writes that the military does in fact have readiness problems, but that they could be solved without increasing overall military spending....Read more here
Study after study shows that regulations harm American competitiveness and shrink the economy. President Trump has signed a new executive order requiring federal agencies to form task forces which will identify regulations to repeal....Read more here
Lot’s to think about in terms of why there has been such a huge decline in Nascar’s ratings as we enter Daytona 500 weekend....Read more here
On 21 February 21, former Stanford provost John Etchemendy delivered a speech to the university’s board of trustees on the growing “intellectual” intolerance from universities across this country....Read more here