Trumpcare: Winning by Losing

Published: Tue, 03/28/17

“Democrats are smiling in D.C. that the Freedom Caucus, with the help of Club For Growth and Heritage, have saved Planned Parenthood & Ocare,” Tweeted President Trump. Pat Buchanan explains...Read more here
Dan Mitchell, a Cato Institute scholar and the publisher of International Liberty, created his First Theorem of Government in 2013. The theorem goes: “Above all else, the public sector is a racket for the enrichment of insider, cronies, bureaucrats and interest groups.” Well put and...Read more here
One reason for Donald Trump’s White House victory was voters’ deep distrust of the seriously flawed candidate who ran against him. Middle America was also drawn to Trump’s no-holds-barred attack on the Washington “establishment”— the elitist D.C. “cartel” (as Ted Cruz called it) that left much of the country feeling...Read more here
Chuck asked for his performance money up front so he wouldn’t get stiffed like so many others. He carried his own Gibson ES-335 on the road, and that was it! He would hire local bands along the way, which usually consisted of the cities’ high school music department recommendations.  I was one of those (drummers) in 1963 in Springfield, MA my senior year of high school....Read more here
There were 33 Republicans who wouldn’t move to vote for the bill. Of this group, only 13 were House Freedom Caucus members, not enough to sink the bill by themselves. In fact, a majority of 20 of the House nay-sayers were...Read more here
Naftali Bennett explains in The Wall Street Journal that Israel’s secret weapon to educational success is “a parallel education system that operates alongside the formal one. This is where our children learn to become entrepreneurs.” Here Bennet explains the three prongs of what he calls the “shadow education system.”...Read more here
Dan Mitchell, a scholar at the Cato Institute, explains why a flat tax system is so much better than punitive, progressive tax systems. There are many reasons, but some of the most appealing are...Read more here
Wonder why Americans are losing confidence in Congress? Well, yesterday’s hearing of Supreme Court nominee Judge Neal Gorsuch was a prime example...Read more here
Is a bipartisan compromise possible for remedying ObamaCare? From listening to the critics of Paul Ryan’s failure to bring forward a vote in the House, you’d think that this is a disaster for Mr. Ryan, the President, and Republicans. But wait, urges Francis Menton of the Manhattan Contrarian...Read more here