Unmasking the Unmasker: Susan Rice and a History of Evasion and Deceit

Published: Tue, 04/04/17

In what has become a bombshell scoop, Eli Lake has reported on Bloomberg that it was former National Security Adviser Susan Rice who prompted the unmasking of Trump campaign and transition team members in reports on electronic eavesdropping of foreign nationals....Read more here
The petty political game being played over the confirmation of Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court must end. Gorsuch is, by any measure, the best possible nominee for the job, and Democrats awkward threats to filibuster such a sound candidate for the position only threaten their own reelection chances....Read more here
It would be easy to blame President Trump’s unpopularity among Democrats as the sole reason for Gorsuch’s contentious nomination process, but, as anyone paying even a modicum of attention knows, our political system has been headed this way for a long time. Here is a “primer” from our friend Bob Levy of the Cato Institute on the nuclear option and the unexpected gift that Harry Reid and fellow Democrats handed to the GOP....Read more here
One of the most visible differences so far between President Trump and his predecessor is that Donald Trump talks to a lot of people. He's constantly hosting business leaders in the White House, listening to their concerns and asking questions....Read more here
Can you make your heart 30 years younger? Dr. John Day explains how the Tsimane tribesmen, living in the Amazon rain forest have done just that. Day explains the research of Dr. Hillard Kaplan, whose team visited 85 Tsimane villages. The Tsimane don’t get heart disease according to Day. He writes...Read more here
In a fresh approach to education in the U.S., Sec. of Education Betsy DeVos’s focus is on students and what is best for them, rather than on parents being told from a federal level what is best for students. Mrs. DeVos wants parents to be involved in making decisions at the local level. In her first big policy speech since taking office, Betsy DeVos...Read more here.
Vinyl is Far from Dead - E.J. Smith                                    
If you’re a music lover like me and own some vinyl records then you know what I’m talking about when I say vinyl is a listening experience. Daniel Adrian Sanchez reports at Digital Music News that Warner Music Group has announced their first vinyl-only record label, named...Read more here
French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen has been in politics for a long time, but her tough stances on immigration and national independence garner her regular comparisons to political newcomer, President Donald Trump. In an accusation similar to one made by Trump that has caused great controversy, Le Pen is alleging the outgoing government of President Francois Hollande is wiretapping her campaign....Read more here
With the recent test of Russia’s “unstoppable” hypersonic missile, the Brahmos II (a.k.a. Zircon) it’s hard to ignore the recent advancements of hypersonic missiles around the world....Read more here
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