Is Donald Trump Just a Phony?

Published: Tue, 04/11/17

Is Donald Trump Just a Phony? -  Richard C. Young
Robert W. Merry says Trump is beginning to look more like a phony after bombing Syria when there was clearly no imminent threat to U.S. interests. After Trump campaigned on a reduced role for American military power, it’s not hard to see his point. Merry concludes that...Read more here
Susan Rice in an MSNBC safe zone claims she “leaked nothing to nobody, and never have”. If that is the case then why the resistance to testify before Congress? Why was Rice, a White House official, using tools normally confined to intelligence analysts...Read more here
The West is making a mistake with its obsession with terror. A bigger threat is Dawa and the ideology behind it, warns Ayaan Hirsi Ali (I’ve written about Hirsi’s noble efforts before, such as here, and here), a research fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institution. Ms. Hirsi Ali implores the West to look at Islam with new eyes and view Islam “not just as a religion, but also as a political ideology,” and warns...Read more here
On Monday, investors valued Tesla higher than America’s most venerated car company, Ford, for the first time ever. Driving Tesla’s market capitalization higher were expectations for the company’s automotive unit, but in the background, CEO Elon Musk is creating a bright future for survivalists and independence seekers alike....Read more here
A Russian news agency is reporting that Kazan, Russia’s second Yasen class sub, was launched on April 3. Unlike the previous Yasen class submarine named Severodvisk, this new nuclear powered multi-purpose attack submarine bears a new classification, Yasen-M. Russian shipbuilders and military officials were tight lipped about the new classification, only saying...Read more here
Pat Buchanan asks, what would America be fighting for in a new war in Syria? What is America’s interest in a Syrian civil war?...Read more here
As some Republicans promise to go back to the drawing board to draft a new replacement and repeal bill for ObamaCare and others threaten to let the Affordable Care Act crash and burn, there are some hard truths to keep in mind, suggests Michael D. Tanner, senior fellow at the Cato Institute...Read more here
One of the more important lessons I’ve learned about survival prep is that oftentimes the best teacher is failure. Surviving a bad experience has a way of focusing the mind....Read more here
Debbie and I are on the ground in Paris today and the clear front runner here is pro-Europe independent Emmanuel Macron. His victory is probably the best current bet for the French. Macron is currently tied with National Front leader Marine Le Pen in first round voting, but polls indicate he’ll win a second round....Read more here