Is the World Prepared for a War with North Korea?

Published: Tue, 03/14/17

The United States and its allies in South Korea are participating in a gigantic version of its annual Foal Eagle/Key Resolve military exercises. The exercise includes SEAL Teams practicing decapitation raids, and B-1 and B-52 bombers. Pat Buchanan writes that the increased tensions, and especially the situation of a THAAD system so near China could cause a “Korean Missile Crisis.”...Read more here.
The year 2000 marked a grim milestone: ““The Great American Escalator, which had lifted successive generations of Americans to ever higher standards of living and levels of social well-being, broke down around then—and broke down very badly,” writes Nicholas Eberstadt, the political journalist....Read more here
Here’s a chilling example of why you need to be prepared to survive on your own, at least temporarily, if help can’t get to you. Ryan Knutson explains the largest ever cyber attack on the 911 emergency system. The attack paralyzed 911 call centers across the country, sowing chaos among operators....Read more here
There has likely been no person more focused on undoing the damage done by Obamacare than Cato Institute’s director of health policy studies, Michael Cannon. His research and efforts were instrumental in the numerous court challenges to Obamacare and he has provided America with an ongoing narrative of the bad policy making involved in the Obamacare roll out. Yesterday Cannon turned a bit of his fury on the GOP Obamacare “repeal and replacement” bill....Read more here
Republicans have had seven years to come up with an alternative to Obamacare, one of the worst pieces of legislation in history.  The GOP replacement plan has prompted Michael Tanner, senior fellow at the Cato Institute, to ask, “And this is what they have come up with? … Replacing Obamacare should have been a low bar.”...Read more here
Yesterday Harley-Davidson unveiled its new Street Rod with a High-Output Revolution X Engine. This is Harley’s answer to the call for an American-made urban bike that can handle itself in the concrete canyons of America’s cities. I love the look of the new Street Rod. Harley Davidson wrote in their press release on the bike...Read more here
You must be prepared to take care of yourself. Whether that means defending yourself from intruders in your home, surviving under difficult conditions, or saving enough to live comfortably in retirement; the responsibility to take care of you is yours alone....Read more here
Bell Helicopter, a Textron Inc. company, lifted the curtain on its vision for the future of rotorcraft at Heli-Expo 2017. Meet the FCX-001, a sleek silver bodied rotorcraft with futuristic morphing blades, an anti-torque system, artificial intelligence for the pilot, and a highly modular passenger cabin....Read more here.
America has unofficially been tasked with the defense of its allies for nearly seven decades. Despite blowing it big with the debacle that became of Vietnam, and barely making due in Korea, and more recently spending trillions in the Middle East with little to show for it, America has maintained its place as the world’s defender of freedom. All this appears to be changing with the election of Donald Trump....Read more here.